Well simply going from the definition of noob:
A noob or n00b is someone that lacks intelligence or common sense, most people think that noob is a word used only in the online gaming world, but in reality it is becoming an ever popular word with teenage society.
a noob could be simply a level 100 running round shouting ''WTF DO I GO!?'' or someone calling someone else a noob and then getting hit with a brick, anyone can call anyone a noob, but normally they are noobs themselves
someone who is new to a game, or website, online game, or something.
A "noob" is a person who is new or inexperienced in a subject, usually an online game. Noobs are usually annoying and excessively stupid. Do not confuse noobs with newbs, who are inexperienced players that tend to be more mature and strive to become better.
Then I would say no because he sure as hell doesn't seem inexperienced. But as with Chise (and maybe others, but that's the only I cared to look at), I feel it's more of a bonus for completing the game. Kind of a prize for beating the game.