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Favourite Villains in media(Top 20)


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Post your top twenty villains from all forms of media, games, tv, films etc..

1)Ganondorf(Zelda franchise including HW)
2)Darth Sidious(Star Wars franchise)
3)The Joker(The Dark Knight)
4)Bane(The Dark Knight Rises)
5)The Prophet of Regret(Halo Wars)
6)Voldemort(Harry Potter Franchise)
7)Sauron(Lord of the Rings franchise)
8)Albert Wesker(Resident Evil franchise)
9)The Didact(Halo 4)
10)Walter White(Breaking Bad)
12)Handsome Jack(Borderlands 2)
14)Davros(Doctor Who)
15)Scaramanga(The man with the golden gun)
16)Zant(Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors)
17)Sephiroth(Final Fantasy advent children)
18)Saruman(Lord of the Rings franchise)
19)Dr Eggman(Sonic Franchise)
20)Tingle(Wind Waker)
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Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
1. Volga (HW)
2. Witch-King of Angmar (LoTR)
3. Palpatine/Sidious (SW)
4. Sauron (LOTR)
5. Joker (Dark Knight)
6. Azazel (Supernatural)
7. Lucifer (Supernatural)
8. Zant (TP/HW)
9. Ganondorf (Zelda series / HW)
10. Xenomorph (Alien, if you can call him a Villain :P )
11. Saruman (LoTR)
12. Voldemort (HP)
13. The Master (Dr Who)
14. The Darkness (Supernatural)
15. Henry Parish (Sleepy Hollow)
16. Bowser (Mario series)
17. Vaati (TMC/FS)
18. Bellatrix Lestrange (HP)
19. Lamia (Stardust)
20. Abbadon (Supernatural)
Feb 7, 2014
More like round up all your favorite villains and only pick 20.

Anyway, here are mine in no particular order

Cyrus (Pokemon)
Dennis (SpongeBob)
Tobe (Pucca)
Archie/Maxie (Pokemon)
Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
Dr. Channard (Hellraiser)
Colress (Pokemon)
Czar Baldy Bald (Bobobo)
Devin Weston (Grand Theft Auto)
Giovanni (Pokemon)
Dr. Robotnik/Eggman (Sonic)
The Red Guy/The Devil (Cow and Chicken)
Mason Verger (Hannibal)
Harry and Marv (Home Alone)
Stansfield (The Professional)
Mojo Jojo (PPG)
Zant (Zelda)
Cyrus the Virus (Con Air)
Berkley Beetle (Thumbelina)
Jorgen Von Strangle (FOP)
Jan 10, 2016
1 Zaheer (Legend of Korra)
2 Amon ( (Legend of Korra)
3 Azula (Avatar the last Air Bender)
4 Kuvira (Legend of Korra)
5 Ghirahim
6 Skullkid
7 Ganondorf
8 Volga
9 Annie (Attack on Titan)
10 Father (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)
11 Wrath (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)
12 Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
13 Loki (Avengers)
14 Joker (Dark Knight)
15 Virgil (Devil May Cry series)
16 Diedara (Naruto)
17 Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
18 Zigbar (Kingdom Hearts)
19 Albus (Castlevania order of Ecclesia)
20. N (Pokemon Black)


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
I'm not gonna talk about 20, but I will talk about a few who I feel are important or not as appreciated as much as others.

Light Yagami from Death Note...yeah, he was the bad guy in the same vein as Walter White was the bad guy in Breaking Bad. They made the wrong choices for what could be considered the right reasons.

Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street series, who said bad guys couldn't be entertaining as hell and eventually bring a struggling company to the point where they could make what is considered one of the greatest trilogies in cinematic history?

Darth Vader from Star Wars, who is probably one of the most influential bad guys in cinematic history.

Norman Bates from Psycho, the precursor to slasher/horror/modern-thriller villains.

The Joker from any fricking Batman media you can find. A great hero is defined by a great villain.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
I'm going to preface each one by saying what it game from and then a spoiler. Because sometimes the identity of who the big bad is, is a spoiler in itself. Don't open any if you don't want it ruined.

  1. heath_ledger_joker.jpg

    Joker - A cold and calculating psychopath who just wants to watch the world burn. He constantly lies and relies on Xanatos gambits. His plans are engineered to work out in his favor no matter what people do or how they react to them. And even his final plan with Dent still works out in his favor because it gets Batman discredited in the eyes of the people.
  2. 11355756_438596209656321_1097297372_n.jpg

    Corypheus - An ancient magister responsible for unleashing the Darkspawn upon Thedas while trying to claim the Golden City for his god, Dumat. Feeling betrayed by Dumat, he returns with aspirations of godhood for himself, content to leave the world in utter ruins to achieve his goal.
  3. kai_leng_p_5042.png

    Kai Leng - The deadliest operative of Cerberus, a human supremacist organization that Commander Shepard was forced to temporarily align with in Mass Effect 2, he is a highly xenophobic and ruthless killer. he delights in taunting his victims, trying to throw them off balance. He constantly gets in the way of Shepard's mission to find a way to stop the Reapers.
  4. mHzCSXY.png

    Father - The man with all the answers you've been looking for since emerging from Vault 111, also is responsible for mass murder of countless people across the Commonweath. For various reasons, whatever needs to be done, eliminating potential threats, gathering resources. He comes off as very charming and moving, all while trying to convince you that all the killing he's responsible for is in humanity's only hope for survival.
  5. enhanced-18657-1405388116-3.jpg

    T-Rex - Inadvertently released by a botched theft of dinosaur embryos, the T-Rex is iconic for ushering in the era of CGI films, while also signalling the decline of animitronics (which was used for most of the T-Rex close-ups). While commonplace now, at the time, such a believable dinosaur predator was unheard of and it shocked and terrified theater audiences who have never seen anything like it before.
  6. 17h5pruwd8qjajpg.jpg

    Darth Vader - the tragic fallen hero of the franchise. Many were utterly terrified of him. Believed to be the chosen one destined to destroy the Sith, Anakin Skywalker instead succumbed to the dark side and betrayed everything he stood for in a desperate bid to save the life of his wife, who he inadvertently ended up killing anyway when he believed she had betrayed him. He went on to mercilessly slaughter nearly the entire Jedi order, including younglings, and brought a tyrannical empire to power.
  7. latest

    Anubis - the most ruthless antagonist in the entire Stargate franchise, Anubis is a half-ascended Goa-uld that possesses knowledge from the long-lost Ancients which he uses to try to bring the Milky Way under his total control by any means necessary, even including wiping out all life in it to start it over under his direction.
  8. tumblr_nz7k0jPx6F1r5hm0s_r1_og_1280.jpg

    Kilgrave - A sociopath who has no concept of empathy whatsover. Kilgrave has the ability to control minds by issuing verbal commands combined with a special pheromone. He uses his powers to satisfy his every whim, and brutalizes people along the way. He causally orders people to their death or uses his power to have his way with women. Though he sometimes has trouble when he uses hyperbole that his victims have no choice but to take literally, one such case he laments over is once telling a man to go screw himself.
  9. 5449799177_ca0cbc8c76_z.jpg

    Dark Willow - Distraught by a very personal death, Willow succumbs to the allure of the darkest of magic in a desperate bid for vengeance and ends up trying to destroy the world to end her own sorrow.
  10. tumblr_mk306rnYOv1qlcjquo1_500.jpg

    Gul Dukat - Star Trek is overflowing with simple, one-dimensional villains. Gul Dukat is a rare exception. He's an incredibly complex character who is not a simple bad guy. He believes he was helping most of the time. He didn't degenerate into purely evil acts until his daughter was murdered right in front of him, propelling him into a complete mental breakdown from which he never recovered.
  11. latest

    Scar - The younger brother of Mufassa, Scar believed he should have been king and hatches an elaborate plan to get rid of Mufassa. When pressed by Mufassa to explain his actions, he merely says a very chilling "Long live the king."
  12. 330px-Sovereign.jpg

    Sovereign - A sentient starship left behind by the Reapers in the Milky Way to watch the development of civilization, and to act as their vanguard once civilization is back at its apex so that they can wipe out all spacefaring civilization. Sovereign had been orchestrating a plot for decades, perhaps even centuries, to bring his fellow Reapers back from dark space after their usual method of doing so fails to work.
  13. 01.jpg

    Merideth Johnson - An incompetent corporate executive, Merideth's bumbling attempts to cut costs end up compromising a production factory and ruining the launch of DigiCom's key product of the time. To cover up her failures, she gets plastic surgery to make herself resemble the deceased daughter of the company's owner to manipulate him into promoting her to president of the advanced products division and then sets up the man who was expected to get the position, Tom Sanders, for sexual harassment (when in it was in fact her who harassed him), and framed him for her incompetent bad decisions that ruined the production factory.
  14. tom-hiddleston-loki.jpg

    Loki - The most complicated villian in Marvel's current cinematic universe. He's not purely purely evil ,but by no means is good either. He is driven by complex motivations that clearly he doesn't even understand himself. Ranging from wanting to be king, proving his worth to his father, and avenging the fate of his mother.
  15. Lordvoldemort.jpg

    Voldemort - A dark wizard so widely feared that people were terrified of simply speaking his name. He had ambitious followers who helped him in a plot of world conquest, but his primary goal was to avoid the inevitability of his death.
  16. latest

    Gollum - Formerly a hobbit called Sméagol, corrupted by years of isolation while possessing the One Ring, he developed a split personality. One good, one bad. Samwise Gamgee called the good personality Slinker and the bad personality Stinker. Throughout Frodo's adventure, Slinker fought with Stinker. But as the quest approached its end, Stinker started manipulating Slinker into betraying Frodo and Sam and eventually took total control over Sméagol's body and despirately tried to stop Frodo from destroying the One Ring, and inadvertently helped make sure it was.
  17. bellatrix-lestrange-1.jpg

    Bellatrix Lestrange - Voldemort's most loyal follower, and completely insane. Strongly implied to have romantic feelings for Voldemort though it's never directly addressed. She and a small handful of others are trusted above all other death eaters because when Voldemort was seemingly killed, she stayed loyal and was sent to Azkaban while most the Death Eaters tried to cut deals with the Ministry in exchange for leniency and were let go.
  18. loghain_is_sinister_by_rinkara.png

    Loghain Mac Tir - A celebrated war hero of Fereldan. He betrays the his king and leaves him for dead then declares himself regent out of a deluded sense of paranoia and sets out to destroy they very group that Fereldan needs most to stop the Darkspawn horde that is currently invading.
  19. F%C3%BCrst_Harkon.jpg

    Harkon - One of the very first vampires ever created in Tamriel. For thousands of years it has been his greatest ambition to end what he calls the Tyranny of the Sun. It is a plan to permanently block out the sun so that vampires could have free reign.
  20. 1447743391-517042344.jpg

    Martians - Ridiculously campy and over the top, the absurd alien invaders from Mars set out on a campaign to wipe out the Earth's population and destroy its key landmarks and in some cases to kill people with landmarks.
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Passive aggressive custom rank B)
Dec 3, 2014
Dancin'-a-go-go, baby
Not really in any particular order!

1) Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)
2) Joker (Batman)
3) Hannibal Lector (The Silence of the Lambs)
4) Darth Vadar (Star Wars)
5) Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
6) Michael Myers (Halloween)
7) Mystique (X-Men)
8) O-ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
9) Bill "The Butcher" Cutting (Gangs of New York)
10) Andrew Ryan (Bioshock)
11) Bowser (Super Mario)
12) Steel Serpent (Daredevil)
13) Terminator (The Terminator)
14) Magneto (X-Men)
15) Scar (The Lion King)
16) GLaDOS (Portal)
17) General Zod (Superman)
18) T-1000 (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)
19) The White Witch (Chronicles of Narnia)
20) Norman Bates (Psycho)
ugh i dont even know if this is an accurate order who cares

1. Bowser (Super Mario)
2. Mad King Gangrel (Fire Emblem Awakening)
3. Jackal (Blood of Eden)
4. Kaiser Sein (Lord of Magna)
5. Hades (Kid Icarus Uprising)
6. Ghazan (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
7. Demon Lord Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
8. Kalutika Maybus (Rebirth)
9. Fire Lord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
10. Loki Laufeyson (The Avengers)
11. Xibalba (The Book of Life)
12. Lysandre (Pokémon XY)
13. Xeno (Stella Glow)
14. Sarren (Blood of Eden)
15. Victor von Doom (The Fantastic Four)
16. Volga (Hyrule Warriors)
17. Mandrake (Epic)
18. Spat (Hamtaro)
19. Vladd Masters (Danny Phantom)
20. Loki (The Darkest Age)


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
My list doesn't go in any particular order either, mathematically it's a nightmare to even attempt such.
I'm also only going to write up about 5, as it's difficult to determine out of all the villains I've witnessed who would go on a list like this, so I'll probably post multiple times in this thread.

1.The Joker From the Batman franchise (Comic books)

I'll admit I've never read the Batman comic books, although I would like to get into them. If anyone has suggestions where to start I would love to hear them.
I've heard about all the atrocities the Joker has committed in these books, from crippling a hero forever to warping peoples minds into insanity. The most terrifying aspects of the Joker is that he does it all for giggles, there's never much motivation. He's one sadistic bastard to say the least.

2. Doctor Eggman/Robotnik From Sonic The hedgehog (Video games)

This one is more or less on the list for nostalgic purposes, furthermore because he's the first video game boss villain I've encountered. Oh and retro Robotnik sports a nifty design.
Eggman isn't really that unique of a villain. The majority of Eggman's traits fit your average Saturday morning cartoon villain, but he could still be pretty funny at times when throwing a tantrum.

3. Glados from Portal

Glados is both terrifyingly sadistic and hilarious. Trapped like a rat in a maze which Glados has full control over. She's a machine but acts like a total sarcastic two faced *****, it's brilliant!

4. Xenomorph and an intense claustrophobic environment (Alien, mostly the first film)

I think the Xenomorph has to have the most chilling and perverse design out of any other villain on this list. The Xenomorph was at its most threatening state in the first film due to the claustrophobic environments such as ventilation shafts, dark narrow hallways, and small rooms. It's ability to blend into this environment is frightening, like the scene where it's dangling from the chains in the first film.

5. The Master from Doctor Who

I've yet to see much of the Master in Old Who. This write up is more or less the Master in his John Simmons depiction. It was only 2-3 episodes but this rendition of that Master felt like the Doctor's exact moral opposite. Stealing the Doctor's Tardis so he could go back in time to rule and kill present day humans with their descendants in the far future has to be the most sadistic use of time travel I've seen.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
1. Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)
2. Hans Grober (Die Hard)
3. Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter)
4. Voldemort (Harry Potter)
5. Chlorr of the Mask (The Old Kingdom series)
6. Darth Vader (Star Wars(
7. The Master (Doctor Who)
8. Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean)
9. Marcel (The Originals)
10. Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold (Once Upon A Time)
11. Raoul Silva (Skyfall)
12. Goblin King (Labyrinth)
13. Ganondorf (Zelda)
14. Bowser (Mario)
15. Dracula (all the movies)
16. Silas (The Vampire Diaries)
17. Davros (Doctor Who)
18. The Joker (Batman)
19. Sauron (Lord of the Rings)
20. Evil Witch/Regina (Once Upon A Time)

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