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Favorite Way to Beat Dark Link


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
It is not unfair to use the megaton hammer. You got the weapon so why not using it? The first time I defeated him I used the master sword. The next times I tried different things. He wasn't cooperative when I used Din's fire so I finished him off with the master sword and the last time I used the hammer.
May 25, 2010
Zora's Domain
I dont know why, but for some reason in my OoT for Gamecube (not master quest) he simply cant be defeated with the megaton hammer!:( Even if i hit him DIRECTLY! I couldnt defeat him with any sword, so i just bought a bunch of green potions and used Dins Fire repeatedly, then used the green potions to replenish my magic. lolz


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Don't Z-target him! If you Z-target him he will avoid almost all attacks you do. The easiest way to defeat him with the megaton hammer is to wait till he is close (tricky I know) z-target him to get closer and then undo z-targetting and hit him with the hammer. Once he is hit he will turn up either behind you or inf ront of you so you only have to hit him with the hammer a few times till he is gone.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
Lol, it was so fun when I first DEFEATED him. All those other times I couldn't beat him no matter what I did. But then one time, I used the Megaton Hammer and hit him every time. Maybe he was going easy on me for dying so many times :P


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
Ugh I absolutely suck at fighting him. The very first time I played, I kept Z-targeting him which of course is a total failure. Then I ended up wasting all my magic by using Din's Fire. I never tried with the Megaton Hammer though, I'll have to next time. :devil:


Leave the chocolate here
Jan 25, 2010
The Mansion!
It took me so long to kill him.... i used the Master sword and Din's fire, i didn't know that its possible to use the Megaton Hammer but i got to say that no matter what's the weapon im using, i suck in beating this guy, its so hard to me that i even stop playing for a while.


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
Din's Fire all the way! It's quick and effective! Or until I run out of magic anyway. Then I just hit him with whatever I have. I never use my sword 'cause that just bothers me. This was always one of my least favourite mini-boss battles, so I just want to get out of it ASAP.


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
I like to hit him once with the magaton hammer and then start hacking away with my sword, I think after you damage him that first time it is possible to hit him with your sword. If you don't z-target, anyway either that way or dins fire. As long as you don't use the magaton the whole battle.

It's possible to get there as a kid if you know how, check it up on youtube. I plan on getting there soon and beating him in a new way. You have to use the boomerang which stuns and then slash him. or dins fire i guess. but ya


and there are some other videos too, look them up if you want. Dark Link is awesome.


Horizon Walker
Aug 3, 2009
The way I usualy fight him, and the way I remember fighting him my first time, is a mix of hitting him with the megaton hammer and using din's fire, generally favoring the use of the hammer so as to save magic. If I feel like a challenge then I try and fight him with either the master sword or, for an even greater challenge, the broken giant's knife.

I think I remember trying to use the fairy bow once, however I don't recall it being very effective. Though I may try that next time just to try something different...

And if that doesn't work I'll probably just use the master sword. :D
Feb 22, 2010
I use the Biggoron Sword!! That thing can beast!! Just keep stabbing him and he dies. I never used the hammer next time i play OoT ill use that next time and see how it goes. :)


I usually use the Biggorons sword, and before i knew there was such a thing, the master sword and din's fire.


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
On my first playthrough I used the Master Sword (didn't have the Biggoron's Sword yet back then) and failed horribly (losing ~10 hearts). Since then I usually finish him off with the BGS. I tried using the Hammer once but somehow it doesn't work too well for me, even worse than with the MS. Din's Fire usually uses up too much magic to beat him completely and I never buy any potions so I have to do the rest with a sword.
The funniest fight against him was recently on my 3 heart run. Since he has the same HP as you (seems to be an AoL reference :)) and the BGS does 2 damage points, he went down after exactly 2 hits, and the "epic fight" lasted no longer than 5 seconds :D

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