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Favorite Province in Skyward Sword

What is Your Favorite Province?

  • Faron Province

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eldin Province

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Layranu Province

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Apr 15, 2012
I like Faron. I'm more into trees and foliage than volcanos and deserts. Also the Kikwi's are cute.
Aug 7, 2011
Lanayru, I loved the sand sea idea and it was gorgeous (although so was the rest of the game :P)


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I enjoy the forest atmosphere and how you see the area change as different monsters come in, and it gets flooded and the kikwi come out of hiding and stuff. I think that my favorite area to look at and be in was flooded faron, even if the tadtones weren't my favorite thing. I think that there should have been a more water based area like that permanently, and that there should have been fishing though.
Apr 8, 2012
Eldin Province for me, because I liked the way how they build it with the high sprint things and that they set bokoblin on it, that you have to go with scrapper trough the whole area and the Eldin portion of the Song of the Hero was my favourite of the 3.
May 11, 2012
Colorado Springs
Favorite and Least Favorite Region in Skyward Sword?

What is your favorite and least favorite region/province in Skyward Sword. The choices are the Faron region, Eldin region, and the Lanayru region. Please don't pick Skyloft or if you do include a second place, because Skyloft will overshadow the others if it was included.
My favorite region in Skyward Sword is the Faron province, because the are had my two favorite dungeons, great music, fun areas to explore, and it was a ton of fun to explore when it twas flodded. My least favorite is the Lanayru province. Which was great, but just wasnt as fun as the others. My main problem was their was very little color and the music felt a little dull. Plus exploration felt a little to linear, because of the sinksand.
So post away!
May 3, 2012
Lanayru was my favorite and Eldin was my least favorite, though I still enjoyed it. I also loves the desert in OoT so it must be my preference. I liked in Lanayru how you had to really traverse the desert, they didn't make it easy.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Definitely Lanayru was my favorite. The sand sea specifically was by far my favorite non-dungeon portion of the game. Faron and Eldin were both fine but overshadowed by Lanayru for me. I think I'd give the edge to Faron over Eldin though so Eldin would be my least favorite (even though it had my favorite portion of the Song of the Hero quest).
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Jan 20, 2012
Faron was my favorite, because i enjoyed the battles at the sealed grounds, and also the water dragon's quests were always very fun. And i loved the music!
My least favorite was probably Eldin, because although it was enjoyable, i disliked the eldin silent realm the most, and it's two dungeons were only about middle in my favorites list. Also, i'm just not a huge fan of fire..

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