Favorite and Least Favorite Region in Skyward Sword?
What is your favorite and least favorite region/province in Skyward Sword. The choices are the Faron region, Eldin region, and the Lanayru region. Please don't pick Skyloft or if you do include a second place, because Skyloft will overshadow the others if it was included.
My favorite region in Skyward Sword is the Faron province, because the are had my two favorite dungeons, great music, fun areas to explore, and it was a ton of fun to explore when it twas flodded. My least favorite is the Lanayru province. Which was great, but just wasnt as fun as the others. My main problem was their was very little color and the music felt a little dull. Plus exploration felt a little to linear, because of the sinksand.
So post away!