Faron. I loved the forest area, and the addition of Lake Floria and the Sealed Grounds was cool, too. I liked the mysterious, Super Important Place vibe I got from the Sealed Temple/Sealed Grounds, and fighting the Imprisoned the first time or two was interesting. I loved all the different creatures from the birds to the Kikwis (!!!) to Faron the water dragon. It was all so pretty, too, and I loved the nature-feel it had. Lanayru second, because of the timeshift stones and the sand sea adventures (including the sandship), plus the fact it really wasn't straightforward--you had to use your head and think outside the box (like with the electric snail shells, as I call them). I didn't like the sinksand though. Eldin was just...I hate fire enemies, lava, and fire temples, and the mogmas were just annoying. The Eldin silent realm was kinda fun though, and that part of the Song of the Hero was exciting. The Fire Sanctuary was okay, though I hated having to protect Scrapper on the way.