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Spoiler Favorite Part of the "Hero's Song" Quest!


Defender of Peace
Oct 2, 2011
What your favorite part on the quest to finish the Hero's Song?

-Water Dragon

-Thunder Dragon

-Fire Dragon

Personally I like the Fire Dragon part the most. Especially if you complete Water and Thunder Dragon's first. Why? Mainly because at that point, if you did it in the order I listed, and get the Hylian Shield, you Have EVERYTHING in the game, and everything powered all the way up and ready to take on anything, knowing without a doubt that no one can touch you now. Then, seemingly out of no where, your blown away and lose everything you've worked so hard to get. Your left no choice to depend on not the stuff you've gotten on your adventure, but how much you've naturally grown in power, speed, courage, and wisdom. It makes you not so reliable on your weapons anymore, but in your natural ability too! Its an amazing test to see how far you've truly grown on your adventure, and I LOVE it :)


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I'd have to agree with you. I didn't like the Water Dragon's quest very much, and the Thunder Dragon felt like just more of the same (by that point in the game I wasn't excited by TimeShift Stones anymore). The Fire Dragon quest was really cool though IMO. I like how it forced you to use the slingshot again because that item would normally have been completely forgotten by this point in any other game, and the best part is that it wasn't super long. Once you get the sword back you already start to feel like nothing can stop you again even though you still have to get some items.


Defender of Peace
Oct 2, 2011
Surprisingly I didn't like the Fire Dragon quest all too much. It was a great idea in theory but I thought it wasn't executed too well. If it was more of a WW forsaken fortress kind of idea, where there's only one place you have to get to but multiple ways to do so, I may have enjoyed it a little more. The linearity of the game didn't bother me at all except in this instance where it almost felt as if the enemies had purposefully laid out a route for you to beat them.
Well, Yeah. That Linearity thing was in the WW forsaken fortress too. The Moblins have a pattern they take all the time when you have to sneak pass them. Having Linearity for stuff like sneaking has been in videogames for, like, ever. The reason is because it doesnt really work any other way. I can think of only one instance where a game tried to do it differently, and it was REALLY stupid.
Nov 28, 2011
My favorite part was when it all came together and find out Nintendo actually made an origin story for the original Main Theme. For all the great gameplay, this Zelda will be my favorite because of the storytelling.


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I really liked the Fire Dragon portion of the Song of the Hero quest. It was a cool idea and executed nicely, plus it was reminiscent of WW's Forsaken Fortress. Stealth segments are always enjoyable for me.

The Thunder Dragon portion was okay. I liked the idea of following the mine cart with the Timeshift Stone, even though it felt a little sloppy at points.

I didn't like the Water Dragon portion at all. For one, it was frustrating to collect the Tadtones mainly because of the swimming controls, but spinning made it more bearable. Also, I found this part felt like a chore, sort of like collecting Tears of Light in TP.

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