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Favorite Fire Temple?

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone
Fire Temple in Ocarina of Time. My first and my personal favorite. The music first caught my attention (the original, with the Islamic chanting). The theme music was very captivating, and it made me want to delve deeper into the temple. The layout was pretty unique as well. Many floors and alternating levels. Also, the minibosses were something that I've never seen before. Like tiny fire dancers - pretty damn unique. I loved it.
Dec 18, 2010
Idaho, USA
The Fire Temple of Ocarina of Time, with the Earth Temple of Skyward Sword in second place.

I could go into one of my huge tyrades about why the adult dungeons in Ocarina of Time are absolutely freakin' wonderful, fantastic, and jaw-droppingly brilliant and amazing so good, but really, I love the Fire Temple for similiar reasons why I love the Forest Temple, Water Temple, Spirit Temple and Shadow Temple.

And the Earth Temple is really a great dungeon. It's unique, but what really sells me on the Earth Temple is the music. Some of the best music in Skyward Sword.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
You should make this a poll, many of the fire dungeons are escaping my mind right now. I'd have to say the fire temple in Skyward Sword. I loved the atmosphere and the puzzles, plus the boss fight with Ghirahim was great too


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Well going through the 3d games there's Dodongo's Cavern, the Fire Temple, Dragon Roost Cavern, Goron Mines, the Earth Temple, and the Fire Sanctuary. Dodongo's Cavern is too easy to really be much fun. The Fire Temple isn't bad at all but it's definitely my least favorite adult link dungeon in OOT. I didn't like how it's relatively more linear than at least the Forest and Water Temples, having to fight the same miniboss twice was boring, and the dungeon item was pretty useless outside the dungeon which always bothered me because the hammer is so commonly used in A Link to the Past. Dragon Roost Cavern is a dungeon that I don't have anything negative to say about. I liked how it felt natural within its environment (with the outside parts of the dungeon reminding you where you are), and for a first dungeon it wasn't easy.

Goron Mines is a dungeon that often is praised based on my experience, but it was one of the least interesting and exciting dungeons of Twilight Princess for me. Having you use the iron boots as magnets was cool but became tedious for me really fast due to the slow movement. Like in other Twilight Princess dungeons the miniboss of the Goron Mines outshined the main boss which was one of the most forgettable ever for me. Also the idea of splitting up the boss key is genius, but effectively was wasted on a super linear dungeon design. There's no point to splitting the key up if you're just going to pick them up on the lone path through the dungeon.

The two fire dungeons of Skyward Sword were my two least favorite of the game. The Earth Temple was super short and rolling a ball isn't as much fun as it looks which is a shame since that's how half your time in the dungeon is spent. The Indiana Jones moment was really appreciated by me though. The Fire Sanctuary is better than the Earth Temple IMO but not by that much. There are just not a lot of interesting puzzles or enemies. It's just a lot of rooms and that's about all.

So in summary it's pretty obvious that I generally don't like fire dungeons. I don't dislike the theme at all; it's just a coincidence that almost every fire dungeon disappoints me. The only two ones that stick out as positives are the Fire Temple and Dragon Roost Cavern. I'd give the edge to the Dragon Roost Cavern because I don't have anything negative to say about it and it is a pretty well-designed dungeon.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Fire Temple of OoTMQ; it's easily the hardest of any existing Fire Temple.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Although my favorite dungeon in franchise history-the Forest Temple from Ocarina of Time-is not fire themed, the element comprises my overall favorite group of dungeons in the series. I have an especially hard time choosing the victor between Ocarina of Time's Fire Temple, The Wind Waker's Dragon Roost Cavern, and Twilight Princess's Goron Mines.

Ocarina of Time's Fire Temple had a very distinct feel to it almost as though it were a sacrificial shrine of sorts. Seeing Darunia reappear at the start filled my heart with joy and then fear as he went to battle Volvagia. Rescuing Gorons throughout was also a very intriguing twist. The bomb puzzles were well thought out and the Flare Dancer as well as Volvagia made for frantic and rather difficult respective mini-boss and boss battle.

The interesting thing about Dragon Roost Cavern from The Wind Waker was that it constantly alternated from underground corridors and lava pits to the outdoors of a volcano. Gohma was actually a harder boss for once with a the grappling hook well incorporated into the battle and the foe's traditional setting greatly altered.

Despite the strengths of the aforementioned two dungeons, the Goron Mines snag the cake for me. Not only did the area manifest how technologically advanced the Goron race had grown in the interval between Majora's Mask ad Twilight Princess but the laws of physics were at work like never before with the Iron Boots coming into play. Dangoro was a solid mini-boss and the reward for conquering him wass none other than the renowned franchise staple-the bow and arrow. This item made short work of Fyrus who lived up to his potential, being the first boss shown at the game's unveiling at E3 2004. The Goron Mines may very well have been my favorite dungeon in Twilight Princess as well.

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