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Majora's Mask Favorite Character from MM

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
My favorite character from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is definitely the Skull Kid. Few personas throughout the franchise were as revolutionary as the child perverted by Majora's Mask. It's sad really because in Ocarina of Time the Skull Kid was an easy-go-lucky fellow and the power of the demon contained within this ancient artifact clouded all that was good in him and created an entity hell bent on destroying the world of Termina. In many ways the Skull Kid is the character I and many other youth of the modern world are able to connect with best due to societal pressures often influencing our minds and sometimes for the worse. It was the Skull Kid that led the rampage of NPCs which contributed to Majora's Mask having the deepest, darkest, and most developed story in franchise history.

Roy said:



May 14, 2012
Chicago Illinois
My favorite character from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is definitely the Skull Kid. Few personas throughout the franchise were as revolutionary as the child perverted by Majora's Mask. It's sad really because in Ocarina of Time the Skull Kid was an easy-go-lucky fellow and the power of the demon contained within this ancient artifact clouded all that was good in him and created an entity hell bent on destroying the world of Termina. In many ways the Skull Kid is the character I and many other youth of the modern world are able to connect with best due to societal pressures often influencing our minds and sometimes for the worse. It was the Skull Kid that led the rampage of NPCs which contributed to Majora's Mask having the deepest, darkest, and most developed story in franchise history.


Thanks :)
May 10, 2012
TINGLEEEEE, also i agree with A_LINK Skull kid was a really cool, developed character.
Jan 1, 2012
I kind of liked Sakon the thief. Watching that bomb bag explode and take him with it... I think that's the only time Link has committed murder in the series. (against another non-boss human anyway)
Apr 11, 2012
IDK why.... but my fav character was the Deku Princess. I thought she was just so adorable~! <3 And I loved watching her jump up and down on her father. :D


May 10, 2012
Keaton! The quizzes were fun. I also agree with Link in Time- Skull kid is a great character as well.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Since Link is out of the question, I would have to go with Skull Kid. I know the pain that he feels and I know how it feels like, meaning I can relate to him and more. I can personally say that the Skull Kid is one of the most important characters in my life, since I know what it is like to feel abandoned.

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