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Favorite Board Game


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
I'm not sure how popular board games have been the past 15 years or so, but when I was a kid they were very popular. Granted, this was back before/after the NES launch when not many households had one, so console gaming wasn't as big as it is today. I'm curious as to what your favorite board game(s) is/are? This of course can include games that are classified as board games even though they technically aren't played on a "board" (Hungry Hungry Hippos, Connect Four, etc)

Mine was Clue. Mouse Trap was a fun one too.

What about yours?
Mar 17, 2010
New York
My husband and I still play Monopoly every few months. We've played a few other games with friends, like Apples to Apples. That one is a lot of fun, especially if everyone has been indulging in certain drinks ;). We also have a Truth or Dare Jenga that we've only played once, and chess and checkers now and again. We still like the board games, but we really have to be in the mood for them. Usually it's all video games.


*Insert title here*
Feb 9, 2011
Midwestern US
I've always liked Sorry. Very simple yet fun. It was probably my most played board game growing up, followed by Candyland. Those two games I would always try to get people to play with me. I also kind of liked Mouse Trap, but only because I liked setting off the trap. That thing was so amusing to watch.

For games that didn't use traditional boards, there's Battleship and Mancala. I very rarely had anyone to play Battleship with, though, so I usually played it on the computer. Mancala, on the other, was the most popular board game at my elementary school. Whenever the weather was bad outside and recess was indoors, kids would always rush to get one of the three Mancala sets in the classroom. It was very competitive and fun; I still enjoy the game now.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I wonder, do games like Uno and Connect Four count? I mean, there technically isn't a board there. I prefer these two because Uno is pretty much a part of my history. I've played Uno, Solo, Uno Attack, Duo, Uno Blitso, etc. Connect Four I just dominate at. I used to have a hand held Connect Four where it would always either be a tie or the computer would win. Once I got a bit older, I used those practice skills to doinate the competition with actual people.
I actually really like Parcheesi. I have no clue why, but I like it. It's one of those games you could easily play by yourself if you wanted to, because the die is kind of having you play blindly until it is rolled. Sometimes, I would be all the colors and just see which would get all the pieces finished first. I personally always was cheering for the red, but that's because it's my favorite color. :P

I don't own the actual game, but I have a very similar version of it called Trouble, which is pretty much the same thing, but the board is set up slightly different. So, yeah... the old computer in my bedroom also had it installed as a playable game, but it always froze, so I usually didn't play it.
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
I'm a stickler for quiz based games... I spend a lot of time watching general knowledge quiz shows on TV and I attend a local pub quiz every Thursday and sometimes on a Tuesday. So, of course, I tend to favour quiz based board games, like Trivial Pursuit. However, they do tend to get old quickly when you start to learn all the answers. But learning things is what I enjoy most about them. ;)


The Geekette
Nov 25, 2007
I play board games fairly often, they're a fun little way to pass the time. Chess is one of my favorites, even though it can take longer than other games to be as strategic as possible with your moves. It definitely is a game that makes you think, and it is just oh so rewarding when you conquer your opponent and pillage their village. ;) I like playing Trivial Pursuit, even though we sort of changed the rules a bit so the game goes by more quickly since neither of us are that great at the purple or orange questions, we'll go with the green cards (science & nature). Scrabble, Monopoly, and Bananagrams (if you'll count that) are also games I like to play.

I want to buy Khet and play it sometime. It looks awesome.. a game of chess and lasers, how isn't that a complete and utter win?


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Chess, Chinese Checkers, Scrabble are the only board games that make me want to play more.

Monopoly, maybe, because money is involved, and I do love handling the money, oh the sweet sweet money. Scrabble, yeah you makes words you thought you never could, Chess, yeah my explanation is the same as Claires, and Chinese checkers, yeah I love them basically because it's easy.

Caleb, Of Asui

My family's big into Monopoly. We play it whenever we go to Utah to visit our grandparents and cousins, but the way we play it is hugely different from what most people do. Not that we change the rules in any way, other than perhaps putting money in the middle for free parking (but everyone does that - the rules suggest it as a modification). We just trade a lot with properties and that kind of thing. It gets kind of crazy, but I'm notorious for never accepting trades.

I think we also play Apples to Apples some times, and that can get quite interesting and hilarious, but it's not as big a family tradition.

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