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Expectations on bosses

Jan 10, 2022
What do you all want the bosses to be like in BotW2?

For me, bosses in the first game were a bit of a mixed bag…not even going into the mini bosses around the overworld - though to be honest I feel like some had potential to be pretty good, could have just used far more variety.

The theming is one thing, with all of them having been Ganon. Even if they’d just named them something else would have at least made them feel more different from each other. Both the Zora and Rito ones were too easy for me, at least the other two were a bit more involved, and I’d never learned to parry Guardian beams so the penultimate one was a bit of a challenge for me. The very last one was kinda meh, more of a set piece or a victory lap than an actual fight which I guess is ok, but they make it out to be some epic moment with high stakes but it’s near impossible to lose so far as I could tell.

I get that it can be kind of hard to balance, now that dungeon items aren’t really a thing. For me, I like that approach, though the execution of the idea still hasn’t been all that great; the idea of renting items in ALBW was never an issue for me because I outright bought them all, and in BotW most of the puzzles are so simplistic because they don’t account for any items, and I feel this also effects how the bosses are designed to pretty much be vulnerable most of the time. I’d much rather they make full use of items that can be found throughout the game, maybe even make multiple different ways to defeat a boss(and with their own drawbacks - think some bosses going into rage mode from Super Metroid). Just firing endless arrows until said boss dies is kind of boring.

I really enjoyed almost all the bosses in SS. Some were a little more boring than others, but many had very particular gimmicks or ways to take them down. Unfortunately with the way BotW works, involved sword fights and directional attacks are not as much of a possibility, but I think it would go a long way to having different types of weapons be better or worse for different encounters. Perhaps that would be more viable if overall they lasted longer so you wouldn’t be stuck with nothing. But also what’s important is environmental design and interactivity as well, like the mini boss on the Sandship having to be pushed back rather than simply whittling away at his health, or having to get on to of the Imprisoned. Stuff like that was really neat.

MM is another I felt where the fights were really good, and it also ties into having different ways to approach bosses. Perhaps with the runes being expanded upon, we can have that combined with more unique level design to have more creative ways to take on different bosses. Doesn’t have to be just using weapons.

In any case I’m just hoping we get better and more varied stuff than what was in the first one.

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Botw combat wasn't balanced at all, made all of the fights pretty boring when it boiled down to headshots or sneak strikes
I assume this won't be fixed so bosses will need to be incredibly small and fast or incredibly well defended with ways to just nullify arrows
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Some of th enemies we saw in the trailer looked extremely promising. Specifically the green stone thingy and the wall thingy (look, we don't have names yet, that's the best description I can think of). I don't know if those are basic enemies or bosses, but they look extremely impressive and cool, with some clear ways to attack them which wasn't really something the blights had. This is the sort of things I want to see in enemy types and bosses, things that are unique and not just spam-attack-and-dont-die. I would also love to see some boss fights with personality. Fighting Master Kohga was an absolute treat, so to have another funny or interesting boss battle would be nice.
Mar 23, 2013
What I don't want is a return to pre-Breath of the Wild bosses.

I feel like my biggest issue with bosses in pre-BotW 3D Zelda games is that the bosses just don't feel good for me to fight. They present each encounter like it's going to be a battle, but then it's solved by using a specific item in a specific way three times so you can stun the boss and hit it with your sword. That isn't a fight.

I like bosses as they're handled in Breath of the Wild. The designs are pretty same-y, but the mechanics themselves are fun. They offer proper fights. No dungeon items or stunning three times so you can hit them with your sword. You're both trying to kill each other and it comes down to who kills who first.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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What I don't want is a return to pre-Breath of the Wild bosses.

I feel like my biggest issue with bosses in pre-BotW 3D Zelda games is that the bosses just don't feel good for me to fight. They present each encounter like it's going to be a battle, but then it's solved by using a specific item in a specific way three times so you can stun the boss and hit it with your sword. That isn't a fight.

I like bosses as they're handled in Breath of the Wild. The designs are pretty same-y, but the mechanics themselves are fun. They offer proper fights. No dungeon items or stunning three times so you can hit them with your sword. You're both trying to kill each other and it comes down to who kills who first.
My answer is somewhere in the middle of this. I'd like a return to more traditional bosses, but I'd like them to be more aggressive, and the item to be more of an optional shortcut and less of a key to bearing them.
Mar 23, 2013
My answer is somewhere in the middle of this. I'd like a return to more traditional bosses, but I'd like them to be more aggressive, and the item to be more of an optional shortcut and less of a key to bearing them.
I'm still hesitant for any solution that makes the token dungeon item key to an easy or easier victory against the boss. If the dungeon boss is weak to the item you collect in the same dungeon in which you fight it, then you've just renamed the problem. There would be no reason not to use the dungeon item against the monster.

I personally just point to Dark Souls bosses as my ideal structure. Obviously, Zelda bosses don't need to operate on the same difficulty level, but they should still be a fight that tests your skills rather than your ability to use specific item the game gave you specifically for that fight.
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Princess Niki

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Aug 27, 2011
I want Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword looking bosses but make them more challenging. Have some be pure fights like the blights and puzzles you have to figure out like in older games.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I would like a greater variety of bosses. The dungeon bosses should be themed like the dungeons and unique not just Ganon variants.

I also think there should be more specific methods to killing bosses rather than being able to cheap kill them by stunning them then using a super sword to finish them off immediately. Specific runes should be required to defeat certain foes.
Apr 22, 2020
I like bosses as they're handled in Breath of the Wild. The designs are pretty same-y, but the mechanics themselves are fun. They offer proper fights. No dungeon items or stunning three times so you can hit them with your sword. You're both trying to kill each other and it comes down to who kills who first.

So you basically want the Zelda dev team to completely get rid of their unique (dungeon) boss formular only to make the same boss concept like every other video game lol. You know, aside from Talus and Molduga, BotW bosses are utter crap. You have lots of games making these kind of boss battles much more interesting.

There is a reason why the majority were not satisfied with the BotW bosses since they were boring af. Seriously, how it is even remotely fun to headshot and beat the boss with your weapon like every other enemy? Where is the fun? Almost 99% of games have this design decision of boss battles and it's mostly just tiring at this point; Zelda and Metroid games being a huge exception. At least Soulsborne bosses are extremely difficult, so you automatically need to find a very good pattern to deal with each individual boss. But there was no such thing of BotW. Not at all.

I see absolutely NO ISSUE in using the specific item, usually required to progress quite far in a dungeon, to beat a certain boss. There were some bad bosses in the Zelda series but battles like Twinrova, Volvagia, Stallord, Koloktos, etc were pretty fun because of the creative use of item. I don't grasp why people really need to make a regression instead of a progression. You think using one specific dungeon item for a boss is bad? Okay, then make it so you can use several effective items and weapons - with the main dungeon item being the best in-game choice - required to beat the boss in more creative ways. That's how A Link to the Past usually did it great with the boss battles.

I would like a greater variety of bosses. The dungeon bosses should be themed like the dungeons and unique not just Ganon variants.

Definitely; and make their battles not into pure hack&slay as if they are regular enemies. The use of items was always a good start to make boss battles more creative in previous Zelda games.
Jan 10, 2022
The use of the same item you find in their specific dungeon tend to make figuring out the bosses way too easy, not to mention too rigid and really not dynamic at all. As soon as you know that ghoma doesn’t like slingshots, the fight is basically over before it starts.
Apr 22, 2020
The use of the same item you find in their specific dungeon tend to make figuring out the bosses way too easy, not to mention too rigid and really not dynamic at all. As soon as you know that ghoma doesn’t like slingshots, the fight is basically over before it starts.

Well, that's an issue of the difficulty, isn't it? I mean, giving the bosses more HP, making them deal more damage and giving them more unpredictable moves is a good start. And as I said, games like A Link to the Past actually allowed the player to use several items against a single boss - they were also far more difficult than the 3D bosses since they dealt lots of damage as well as having more unpredictable moves.

Either way, everything is better than the huge regression which BotW demonstrated. I'd rather have hundreds of Gohma fights instead of two blight ganon fights; two since the boss(es) itself wasn't bad and would be a great alternative compared to Phantom Ganon. Thus, the blights shared the same issue like the Divine Beasts, repetitive and plain at the end.
Mar 23, 2013
So you basically want the Zelda dev team to completely get rid of their unique (dungeon) boss formular only to make the same boss concept like every other video game lol. You know, aside from Talus and Molduga, BotW bosses are utter crap. You have lots of games making these kind of boss battles much more interesting.

There is a reason why the majority were not satisfied with the BotW bosses since they were boring af. Seriously, how it is even remotely fun to headshot and beat the boss with your weapon like every other enemy? Where is the fun? Almost 99% of games have this design decision of boss battles and it's mostly just tiring at this point; Zelda and Metroid games being a huge exception. At least Soulsborne bosses are extremely difficult, so you automatically need to find a very good pattern to deal with each individual boss. But there was no such thing of BotW. Not at all.

I see absolutely NO ISSUE in using the specific item, usually required to progress quite far in a dungeon, to beat a certain boss. There were some bad bosses in the Zelda series but battles like Twinrova, Volvagia, Stallord, Koloktos, etc were pretty fun because of the creative use of item. I don't grasp why people really need to make a regression instead of a progression. You think using one specific dungeon item for a boss is bad? Okay, then make it so you can use several effective items and weapons - with the main dungeon item being the best in-game choice - required to beat the boss in more creative ways. That's how A Link to the Past usually did it great with the boss battles.

Definitely; and make their battles not into pure hack&slay as if they are regular enemies. The use of items was always a good start to make boss battles more creative in previous Zelda games.

I do want Zelda to drop the current formula it uses for bosses, yes. I just don't find any engagement in a boss I stun three times with the dungeon item and then smack with my sword a couple times. Making the dungeon item you just found the key to beating every boss removes any thought that might go into fighting that boss.

Did you find a hookshot? You're going to grapple the boss and stab them with your sword.

Did you find a bow? You're going to shoot the boss's big obvious weakpoint and then stab it with your sword.

I'm of the Dark Souls mind. Bosses should be big (or small) tough enemies that you fight until they go down. Dungeon items should be viable means of hurting the boss, but so should your sword (or the dungeon item you found two dungeons ago). Additionally, bosses should pose some sort of a challenge. Zelda games (especially newer 3D Zelda games) suffer from an infestation of doormat bosses whose only purpose is to teach you how to use the dungeon item while providing minimal threat.

No, I didn't think the Ganon Blights were very interesting visually, but I found them much more interesting mechanically than almost anything else in the series, since they were straight up slugfests with no pesky dungeon items or smacking them three times with your sword.
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