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Easy Money, Easy Treasure!

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May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Since i think i need to help other players i thought of posting a thread about the location of certain treasures

For people who like Rupees, and pronto:

Simple really, collect treasures and sell them to Linebeck, or cut all the grass, destroy every rock, blow away all leaves and help other people by either giving them a ride or helping them by accomplishing their requests.

Places to try to look for rupees are Whittleton, Snowdrift Station, and other places with lots of grass or monsters.

For people who like to go treasure hunting:

Go to the following stations:

Snowdrift Station, Slippery Station, ends of the Earth Station, Lost at Sea Station and Disorientation Station. But YOU MUST go to Lost at Sea Station. why? it is a mini dungeon that never runs out of treasures, once you enter and beat it, you can re-enter it and get new treasures! This way you can get your treasures in no time! It's grand Prize is the Regal Ring so if you have a LOT of it, (you can get a lot if you play the station 9 times)you can sell some of those to Linebeck to get some 7500 rupees!

If your after treasures worth 50 rupees, then you might rather go to whittleton and blow all the leaves away, they usually have a treasure hidden in each set of leaves.

save at Least 2 Alchemy Stone and 2 Regal Rings in your collection, you'll need it later if you want to trade it for a golden train part

Join the Prize Postcards if you can, they usually have the prize you seek.

Well hope this helps, if there is a thread like this please delete this, thank you.


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
Hey I don't know if the same rules apply here but you need to wait if someone needs help. FYI when you go to Lost at Sea Sation, Go can get infinite Regal Rings but they're worth 2500 rupees instead of the 1500 in PH. But nice post.
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