Here's a simple question, what is your earliest Zelda memory(memories)? Was your earliest memory of you reading a review of the particular game? Was your earliest memory of you play it at a friend's house or with your parents? My earliest Zelda memory started with the original Smash Bros for the N64. It was the first time I have ever saw the character Link. I was probably 4 or 5 years old at the time which is cool I guess. Around the same time, I went to my friend's house and he had OoT. The only thing I can remember is Link standing around Lake Hylia. My friend gave me his OoT game and I still have it to this day. His save file is still there too. Around the same time, my mom's friend would come over and she would play OoT and I would watch her play it. I remember her playing through the water temple. I also remember her beating the final boss and the credits which blew me away at the time. A little bit after that, she brought over Majora's Mask. I played it obviously but the only thing I can remember is watching my mom's friend fight the final boss. The final boss freaked me out. In first grade I got my hands in Wind Waker and... you get the idea. I have very fond memories of playing OoT, MM and WW and I wish I can relive those events again.