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E3 2012

Hey guys! I know it's a bit early for this, but today I really got started thinking about E3 and what's to come. Even though most of us are still digesting Skyward Sword's rich content, I think that, being a new year, it's about time for some new predictions. During E3 2007, Nintendo show off the first real evidence of Skyward Sword, which was a picture of Link and Fi standing back to back. That was revealed the E3 after Twilight Princess, so I think it's safe to say that Nintendo might reveal something about a new game the E3 after Skyward Sword, even if it's just another picture. On top of that, Aonuma claimed that they would be throwing out Zelda games faster (3 years instead of 5... :D). So what you you guys think? How will Nintendo surprise us next? :suspicious:


Jun 22, 2011
United States
If I were Nintendo I'd announce that every Wii U comes with 10 free virtual console downloads, and that there will be a Legend of Zelda HD compilation as a launch title. Bam best seller!
Feb 5, 2011
Something Zelda related is a must, as most have had something Zelda related. The oracle games on virtual console is the one I actually want to hear the most. As for 3DS and Wii U... I'm expect a trailer for 3DS and maybe a poster for Wii U that depicts something story related like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword's posters did.


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
Honestly, I don't really think there will be anything Zelda related this year for Nintendo. That went over the top last year, so I'm not looking for anything Zelda this year, unless they use Zelda as a tech demo again for the WiiU.
Jan 2, 2012
A title name would be nice (not gonna happen, but it would be cool). Or atleast if they revealed the timeline position of Zelda wii u. And instead of just the tech demo, a little gameplay would be nice (again, highly improbable).

If the tech demo is any indication of what the wii u game will be, then I think for sure it would be a TP sequel.
Last edited:
Feb 5, 2011
A title name would be nice (not gonna happen, but it would be cool). Or atleast if they revealed the timeline position of Zelda wii u. And instead of just the tech demo, a little gameplay would be nice (again, highly improbable).

If the tech demo is any indication of what the wii u game will be, then I think for sure it would be a TP sequel.

They already said that it might not look like Twilight Princess, the demo choose that art style simply to show the most realistic looking Zelda game in HD.

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