Finding Love by the Moon
Seeing as the dungeons in Skyward Sword certainly had a lot more puzzles than I expected, the question is, were they easier or harder than the other dungeons in previous Zelda games?
Take Skyview Temple for example, being the first dungeon in the game, it was challenging in some places. The monsters that were in the dungeon certainly turned out to be a pain in the butt for the first time playing the game (or for Hero Mode). However, Ghirahim as the boss for the first time battle turned out to make the dungeon seem a lot easier than it was in the mini-boss battle.
For the comparison though, it wasn't nearly as easy as the Forest Temple in Twilight Princess. The mini-boss battle was super easy seeing as all you basically had to do was roll into the totum pole the baboon was on and then whip his butt with your sword. And the boss battle with Twilit Parasite Diabada was easy seeing as you just used the bug bombs to hit Diabada and wipe out its eye tounge with your sword.
Toward the end of Skyward Sword, Sky Keep certainly was challenging with bringing back the old foes and dungeon settings. To top it off, the room puzzle was kind of challeging if you already have trouble reading a map. However, it was easy seeing as it was a basic rerun of the dungeons that you had already conquered.
In comparison, Sky Keep certainly was easier than Ganon's Castle in both the Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. In the Ocarina of Time the rooms of the previous dungeons, they seemed a little harder than the dungeon the room was based off of itself (especially the Shadow Temple room in my opinion). In Wind Waker, going through what basically was mmini-dungeon reruns and then reliving the boss battle, was kind of hard in my opinion, especially if you barely made it through the battle in the first place.
So, to conclude this post, I found the dungeons an equal balance of both being easy and hard. What do you think?
Take Skyview Temple for example, being the first dungeon in the game, it was challenging in some places. The monsters that were in the dungeon certainly turned out to be a pain in the butt for the first time playing the game (or for Hero Mode). However, Ghirahim as the boss for the first time battle turned out to make the dungeon seem a lot easier than it was in the mini-boss battle.
For the comparison though, it wasn't nearly as easy as the Forest Temple in Twilight Princess. The mini-boss battle was super easy seeing as all you basically had to do was roll into the totum pole the baboon was on and then whip his butt with your sword. And the boss battle with Twilit Parasite Diabada was easy seeing as you just used the bug bombs to hit Diabada and wipe out its eye tounge with your sword.
Toward the end of Skyward Sword, Sky Keep certainly was challenging with bringing back the old foes and dungeon settings. To top it off, the room puzzle was kind of challeging if you already have trouble reading a map. However, it was easy seeing as it was a basic rerun of the dungeons that you had already conquered.
In comparison, Sky Keep certainly was easier than Ganon's Castle in both the Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. In the Ocarina of Time the rooms of the previous dungeons, they seemed a little harder than the dungeon the room was based off of itself (especially the Shadow Temple room in my opinion). In Wind Waker, going through what basically was mmini-dungeon reruns and then reliving the boss battle, was kind of hard in my opinion, especially if you barely made it through the battle in the first place.
So, to conclude this post, I found the dungeons an equal balance of both being easy and hard. What do you think?