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Dumb comments you often see or hear

Apr 16, 2021
How do you feel about “Merry Christmas?”
That would depend on whether it's said before or after December 15th, but at least that expression is never used condescendingly or with this creepy falsetto concern that your acquaintance is expressing towards you with a bit too much passion.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
'Drive safe' makes my blood boil, like yeah actually I was planning to drive 80 in a school zone right before running 5 red lights, causing a 16 car pileup as I then akira slide into the side of an oil tanker filled with liquid nitrogen without my seatbelt on, but since you told me to 'drive safe' I'm gonna magically become Mr. Rogers behind the wheel and drive softly on clouds through a field of daisies on the way to my destination. The most pointless expression ever and when driving is your job you hear it 10x as much. Also when people say 'be safe' or 'stay safe' its equally as annoying, like mind your own business instead of trying to tell me how to live my life
...guess I'm unclean :whistle:


Parentheses guys: (._.') (o_o) (*U*) (^v^)
ZD Champion
Mar 13, 2024
Lon Lon Ranch
Me: *falls on my face*
Mom: Oh no! Did you fall?
Me: Noooo, I'm taking a nap!

Me: *Is tired in class*
Teacher: You should get more sleep.

Me: *Comes to school in uniform*
Teacher: That skirt is too short.
Me: It goes halfway down my shin.
Teacher: No it doesn't. I can see your legs. It's DiStRaCtInG!
Me: DISTRACTING TO WHOM? If someone is finding my ankles "distracting", that's a them problem!

Me: *Complaining about unbearable period cramps*
Rando guy: You're overreacting.
Me: Honey, no uterus, no opinion.

Me: *Draws a base for a person*
Random child: Are you drawing NUUDITYYY?
Me: *If looks could kill...*

Mom: *Cleaning something*
Me: Do you need help?
Mom: No.
Me: *Shrugs and goes back to my room.*


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
"I shouldn't have to ask...."

This is rather infuriating, and an unrealistic expectation that a lot of people have about relationships, because I only ever see it uttered by women my age or younger that have been in a relationship for maybe a year or two and are living together, and are expressing frustration that their significant other (typically a man in this instance) isn't doing what they want, and that they feel like they shouldn't have to ask for simple tasks to get done.

My response?

Real honest, respectful, kind, tough but fair women know what they want, and a good woman will know that their partner will do their damndest to pull the Moon out of the sky if she asked him to do it.

I’ve been arguing for a long time that my conspiracy theory is that women secretly run the world, because even the strongest, burliest, most alpha-bro-giga-chad man is caught off guard when his daughter wants him to play dress up with her. Or some dads are brought to pieces giving their daughter away on her wedding day.

When it comes to their wives, I, and a lot of men actually, will support our wife no matter what she chooses to do. We’ve been with her through thick and thin. Hey, the vows did say in sickness and in health, and for better or worse......

I mean, really, do you think Queen Isabella took Grenada from the Moors in 1481-1492 putting an end to the Reconquista, and giving rise to the first global superpower by telling Ferdinand II, her husband:


Sure love that we haven’t taken Grenada yet. You know what? It’s fine! I actually prefer it this way.....
--Queen Isabella I of Castile and Leon, c. 1482, translated from Spanish, probably.

Or do you think she told Ferdinand II:

Hey babe, could you siege Grenada for me? Let’s just say I’ll make it worth your while...... ;)

She didn’t play coy. And Ferdinand II did siege Grenada, and you know what? Not only did he siege Grenada, he won it back from the Moors and put an end to the Reconquista.

If you want to be treated like a queen, start acting like one. A queen is firm and direct and knows what she wants, and has no problem telling others what she wants.

In other words, be a Queen Isabella.

They also realize that while acts of service might be her love language and important to her, she also realizes that you communicate and show love differently than she does, and she realizes it’s just as valid as hers.

When you’re in a relationship, you become a team, and a team can only work if the teammates communicate with each other.

These type of women want a shortcut to the end stages of the game, where you have all the weapons, armor, best spells, and EXP without any of the work that went in to achieve it!!

Basically, sure, you can find good, honest men that are willing and able to anticipate things for you and do small acts of service for you...... But the rub is, that only happens after a long time and a lot of work of getting to know your partner’s wants, wishes, desires, likes, dislikes, preferences, and so on.

You can’t make a map without exploration, and you can’t make a lovemap if you don’t know who your partner is. It's that simple.

Basically, they're trying to build a love map, and in so doing by trudging into unknown territory, due to a lack of communication, they don't know if they're sailing into stormy, uncalm seas, what shorelines are safe to dock at, and so forth.

One way to help him is to give him a compass, a heading, maybe prior maps to help aid in his expedition in building a love map. In this context, those are hints, reminders, communicating why something is important, things of that nature.

In other words, it's like you want to skip to the end of the game with all of the cool weapons, armor, skills, and EXP without any of the work that goes into earning those things. You want the perfect boyfriend, but aren't willing to communicate what it is that you need.

Another way of looking at this is consider the task of doing dishes. Now, does doing the dishes also mean cleaning the counters?

If so, you suck at communication, because there's going to be a sizeable number of people that take the phrase, "doing the dishes" quite literally. Doing the dishes is doing the dishes.

Now, in this scenario, you want both the counters cleaned and the dishes cleaned, and suppose they took you literally and only cleaned the dishes. You're now mad that the task isn't done, and they're confused as to why you're mad, because they did the thing as you communicated it.

That isn't their fault. It's yours for failing to communicate what that task means for you, and what criteria that you would consider them done.

In other words, if the task was to draw a cat, are you mad that they didn't draw a cat, or are you mad because they didn't draw the cat you had in mind? If you meant a housecat and I drew a tiger, would you be angry? Both are cats by definition.

Now, in building a love map, you and your partner will reach a point where you both learn about each other and can begin to anticipate the other's needs/wants/desires, but that won't happen if you don't give them a clue. Eventually it will get to the point where you don't have to ask, they just know, but expecting that at this point in your relationship is unrealistic.

Another way of offloading the mental load, as it were, is to simply delegate tasks in a way that they're responsible for everything. Make it a meeting of knights of the round table (I'm being serious here) with mead, wine, beer, or drink of choice, and when an agreement or accord is made, take a drink together. For example, if after this meeting, they're to do the laundry, let them handle doing the laundry. It's now no longer your responsibility to worry about the laundry getting done.

So yes, you do have to advocate for yourself if you want that perfect relationship. Trust and communication are the foundations of a healthy relationship, so sorry if that means you let them know why something is important to you. Nobody ever was, is, or will be a mind reader. Mind reading is impossible.

Want to be treated like a queen?

Then act more like Queen Isabella and start directly communicating what it is you need. Plain and simple.

Note: This is coming from a heterosexual point of view, as that's what I am, but this applies to other romantic relationships too. Don't be coy. You're a unique person with a unique perspective. You absolutely have to communicate how you want your partner to treat you. Give them a clue so that the love map they build you is more accurate.

But what do I know, I've only been in the same relationship for close to 14 years....
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Daku Rinku

Each Day is a Victory
Jun 1, 2023
This is rather infuriating, and an unrealistic expectation that a lot of people have about relationships, because I only ever see it uttered by women my age or younger that have been in a relationship for maybe a year or two and are living together, and are expressing frustration that their significant other (typically a man in this instance) isn't doing what they want, and that they feel like they shouldn't have to ask for simple tasks to get done.

My response?

Real honest, respectful, kind, tough but fair women know what they want, and a good woman will know that their partner will do their damndest to pull the Moon out of the sky if she asked him to do it.

I’ve been arguing for a long time that my conspiracy theory is that women secretly run the world, because even the strongest, burliest, most alpha-bro-giga-chad man is caught off guard when his daughter wants him to play dress up with her. Or some dads are brought to pieces giving their daughter away on her wedding day.

When it comes to their wives, I, and a lot of men actually, will support our wife no matter what she chooses to do. We’ve been with her through thick and thin. Hey, the vows did say in sickness and in health, and for better or worse......

I mean, really, do you think Queen Isabella took Grenada from the Moors in 1481-1492 putting an end to the Reconquista, and giving rise to the first global superpower by telling Ferdinand II, her husband:


--Queen Isabella I of Castile and Leon, c. 1482, translated from Spanish, probably.

Or do you think she told Ferdinand II:

She didn’t play coy. And Ferdinand II did siege Grenada, and you know what? Not only did he siege Grenada, he won it back from the Moors and put an end to the Reconquista.

If you want to be treated like a queen, start acting like one. A queen is firm and direct and knows what she wants, and has no problem telling others what she wants.

In other words, be a Queen Isabella.

They also realize that while acts of service might be her love language and important to her, she also realizes that you communicate and show love differently than she does, and she realizes it’s just as valid as hers.

When you’re in a relationship, you become a team, and a team can only work if the teammates communicate with each other.

These type of women want a shortcut to the end stages of the game, where you have all the weapons, armor, best spells, and EXP without any of the work that went in to achieve it!!

Basically, sure, you can find good, honest men that are willing and able to anticipate things for you and do small acts of service for you...... But the rub is, that only happens after a long time and a lot of work of getting to know your partner’s wants, wishes, desires, likes, dislikes, preferences, and so on.

You can’t make a map without exploration, and you can’t make a lovemap if you don’t know who your partner is. It's that simple.

Basically, they're trying to build a love map, and in so doing by trudging into unknown territory, due to a lack of communication, they don't know if they're sailing into stormy, uncalm seas, what shorelines are safe to dock at, and so forth.

One way to help him is to give him a compass, a heading, maybe prior maps to help aid in his expedition in building a love map. In this context, those are hints, reminders, communicating why something is important, things of that nature.

In other words, it's like you want to skip to the end of the game with all of the cool weapons, armor, skills, and EXP without any of the work that goes into earning those things. You want the perfect boyfriend, but aren't willing to communicate what it is that you need.

Another way of looking at this is consider the task of doing dishes. Now, does doing the dishes also mean cleaning the counters?

If so, you suck at communication, because there's going to be a sizeable number of people that take the phrase, "doing the dishes" quite literally. Doing the dishes is doing the dishes.

Now, in this scenario, you want both the counters cleaned and the dishes cleaned, and suppose they took you literally and only cleaned the dishes. You're now mad that the task isn't done, and they're confused as to why you're mad, because they did the thing as you communicated it.

That isn't their fault. It's yours for failing to communicate what that task means for you, and what criteria that you would consider them done.

In other words, if the task was to draw a cat, are you mad that they didn't draw a cat, or are you mad because they didn't draw the cat you had in mind? If you meant a housecat and I drew a tiger, would you be angry? Both are cats by definition.

Now, in building a love map, you and your partner will reach a point where you both learn about each other and can begin to anticipate the other's needs/wants/desires, but that won't happen if you don't give them a clue. Eventually it will get to the point where you don't have to ask, they just know, but expecting that at this point in your relationship is unrealistic.

Another way of offloading the mental load, as it were, is to simply delegate tasks in a way that they're responsible for everything. Make it a meeting of knights of the round table (I'm being serious here) with mead, wine, beer, or drink of choice, and when an agreement or accord is made, take a drink together. For example, if after this meeting, they're to do the laundry, let them handle doing the laundry. It's now no longer your responsibility to worry about the laundry getting done.

So yes, you do have to advocate for yourself if you want that perfect relationship. Trust and communication are the foundations of a healthy relationship, so sorry if that means you let them know why something is important to you. Nobody ever was, is, or will be a mind reader. Mind reading is impossible.

Want to be treated like a queen?

Then act more like Queen Isabella and start directly communicating what it is you need. Plain and simple.

Note: This is coming from a heterosexual point of view, as that's what I am, but this applies to other romantic relationships too. Don't be coy. You're a unique person with a unique perspective. You absolutely have to communicate how you want your partner to treat you. Give them a clue so that the love map they build you is more accurate.

But what do I know, I've only been in the same relationship for close to 14 years....
I always found the idea of "change a man" strange, you fell in love with who they are were, and then you wanna change that and big surprise, the next thing is if they do change to what is desired, "You are not the man I married." WTF?! Its a darned if you do, darned if you don't scenario. The only solution is to find someone who is not like that, who has realistic expectations of a mate, rather than drinking the narcissistic koolaid of pseudo-fairytales where the man is basically a simp doing whatever their whim is. Relationships are two sided, you have to vocalize your wants, wishes, and needs; I hate when people expect you to read their minds and preform.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I always found the idea of "change a man" strange, you fell in love with who they are were, and then you wanna change that and big surprise, the next thing is if they do change to what is desired, "You are not the man I married." WTF?! Its a darned if you do, darned if you don't scenario. The only solution is to find someone who is not like that, who has realistic expectations of a mate, rather than drinking the narcissistic koolaid of pseudo-fairytales where the man is basically a simp doing whatever their whim is. Relationships are two sided, you have to vocalize your wants, wishes, and needs; I hate when people expect you to read their minds and preform.
It's very simple.

The person you're married to is the same person you dated. If they liked video games before, they're gonna like video games after marriage. If they liked sports before, they're gonna like sports after marriage.

That's why we have dating, to determine if the person actually is compatible with you, with how you communicate, your wants, needs, desires. Problem is, too many people have this fairy tale view of relationships that if they person isn't perfect for them, they get frustrated.

And the annoying thing is, many of these people actually would be good for them, they just want to skip to the end of the game rather than start a new journey with a person. So unless they're perfect out of the gate, they dump them complaining that these people are "mid," or "not high value."

If you can't give the person the decency of a clean slate, it's perfectly okay to work on yourself, maybe go to therapy, work out, or what not until you feel you're ready.

Basically, I'm saying to have realistic expectations and to communicate clearly what it is you need your partner to do, and maybe suggest different ways of approaching such issues.

If your partner is neurodivergent, then you have no choice in the matter, that's what has to happen, otherwise, get used to disappointment. Expecting a person to pick up on your subtle social hints when they have a disability that makes reading social cues difficult (autism) is just unrealistic, and getting mad at them for something out of their control is unfair to them.

But I digress.

Point is, communication is the number one thing in a relationship. Trust is the mortar or glue that holds it all together.

If you don't trust your partner on small things like chore delegation, you won't trust them with bigger things. If you can't communicate on small things like chore delegation, you won't be able to communicate with them on bigger things that matter.

Everyone expects things to magically change, and I'm apparently the only one saying we have to be realistic and stop expecting magic or miracles to happen in a relationship.

Daku Rinku

Each Day is a Victory
Jun 1, 2023
It's very simple.

The person you're married to is the same person you dated. If they liked video games before, they're gonna like video games after marriage. If they liked sports before, they're gonna like sports after marriage.

That's why we have dating, to determine if the person actually is compatible with you, with how you communicate, your wants, needs, desires. Problem is, too many people have this fairy tale view of relationships that if they person isn't perfect for them, they get frustrated.

And the annoying thing is, many of these people actually would be good for them, they just want to skip to the end of the game rather than start a new journey with a person. So unless they're perfect out of the gate, they dump them complaining that these people are "mid," or "not high value."

If you can't give the person the decency of a clean slate, it's perfectly okay to work on yourself, maybe go to therapy, work out, or what not until you feel you're ready.

Basically, I'm saying to have realistic expectations and to communicate clearly what it is you need your partner to do, and maybe suggest different ways of approaching such issues.

If your partner is neurodivergent, then you have no choice in the matter, that's what has to happen, otherwise, get used to disappointment. Expecting a person to pick up on your subtle social hints when they have a disability that makes reading social cues difficult (autism) is just unrealistic, and getting mad at them for something out of their control is unfair to them.

But I digress.

Point is, communication is the number one thing in a relationship. Trust is the mortar or glue that holds it all together.

If you don't trust your partner on small things like chore delegation, you won't trust them with bigger things. If you can't communicate on small things like chore delegation, you won't be able to communicate with them on bigger things that matter.

Everyone expects things to magically change, and I'm apparently the only one saying we have to be realistic and stop expecting magic or miracles to happen in a relationship.
Honestly the expectations of the ladies fair has resigned me to give up on dating and find some “small measure of happiness” alone. I just cannot be what they want; which turns out they just want me to in wings of court, to flirt with and jest with, and then they head back to their knight.

I am with Link now, be content to be alone.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Honestly the expectations of the ladies faire has resigned me tp five up on dating and find some “small measure of happiness” alone. I just cannot be what they want; which turns out they just want me to in wings of court, to flirt with and jest with, and then they head back to their knight.

I am with Link now, be content to be alone.
You can't let the loud fringe out shout and drown out the silent majority.

Louder doesn't mean more right, it just means you're loud and obnoxious.

Most women are fair and decent, as most people are fair and decent, and I have said that you can't be honest without saying some things that people don't wanna hear. The truth sucks sometimes but that doesn't mean you don't tell the truth.

In this sense, there is no such thing as intimacy without vulnerability, and for most people, opening up is hard.

Basically, be yourself. There are people out there that will appreciate you for who you are.

Daku Rinku

Each Day is a Victory
Jun 1, 2023
You can't let the loud fringe out shout and drown out the silent majority.

Louder doesn't mean more right, it just means you're loud and obnoxious.

Most women are fair and decent, as most people are fair and decent, and I have said that you can't be honest without saying some things that people don't wanna hear. The truth sucks sometimes but that doesn't mean you don't tell the truth.

In this sense, there is no such thing as intimacy without vulnerability, and for most people, opening up is hard.

Basically, be yourself. There are people out there that will appreciate you for who you are.
Everytime I am my full and unfiltered self I get steamrolled, verbally abused, or abandoned. I am content to just become a quiet Warrior Monk fighting Bokoblins.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Everytime I am my full and unfiltered self I get steamrolled, verbally abused, or abandoned. I am content to just become a quiet Warrior Monk fighting Bokoblins.
But masking like that is exhausting both mentally and physically.

First step of honesty is being honest with yourself. To be honest is to speak the truth, and the truth is what the facts are, which means grounding yourself in reality.

In this case, you're feeding the DMN (Default Mode Network), and for more of that, I did just write a blog on this thing called "Don't Feed the Demon."

You ought to read it, as these self-deprecating views you have about yourself aren't real as the DMN is just as involved in your imagination as the Task Positive Network (TPN).

In the ADHD mind, the DMN becomes a Demon in a literal sense, because the ADHD mind craves stimulation as contentment is too boring, and in a weird, messed up way, torturing yourself with that kind of negative self-talk brings stimulation to your mind.

So the cure is, don't feed the DMN.

Daku Rinku

Each Day is a Victory
Jun 1, 2023
But masking like that is exhausting both mentally and physically.

First step of honesty is being honest with yourself. To be honest is to speak the truth, and the truth is what the facts are, which means grounding yourself in reality.

In this case, you're feeding the DMN (Default Mode Network), and for more of that, I did just write a blog on this thing called "Don't Feed the Demon."

You ought to read it, as these self-deprecating views you have about yourself aren't real as the DMN is just as involved in your imagination as the Task Positive Network (TPN).

In the ADHD mind, the DMN becomes a Demon in a literal sense, because the ADHD mind craves stimulation as contentment is too boring, and in a weird, messed up way, torturing yourself with that kind of negative self-talk brings stimulation to your mind.

So the cure is, don't feed the DMN.
Well I am of the age and the way I have been treated predominately by the ladies in waiting has been the same.. “good guys finish last,” is a saying cuz its true. And now I have no desire to finish in this regard.

I agree masking is bad, but this is more of me just succumbing to the fact that women do not want Omegas or Betas, they want Alphas. They weep and clap for The Phantom of the Opera, Link, and etc; but marry Ganons, and 401K Princes.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Well I am of the age and the way I have been treated predominately by the ladies in waiting has been the same.. “good guys finish last,” is a saying cuz its true. And now I have no desire to finish in this regard.

I agree masking is bad, but this is more of me just succumbing to the fact that women do not want Omegas or Betas, they want Alphas. They weep and clap for The Phantom of the Opera, Link, and etc; but marry Ganons, and 401K Princes.
Okay, let's just stop right there.

Alpha, omegas, beta talk is 100% pure nonsense. It isn't real.

Second of all, the women that buy into that nonsense are absolutely not good women, and the type of men dating women who buy into that nonsense aren't good men, as their views of what's considered masculine is limited and superficial, leading to these women to be treated horribly by them.

Why would you want to subscribe to a belief that's limited and superficial that throws out nuance, and most of all, isn't even true to begin with? Why would want to associate with women who espouse this limited view of masculinity, this horrible view of men?

Resigning yourself to this because of a false belief is exactly what my original post, and my subsequent replies are getting at.

To be honest is to speak the truth, and the truth is what the facts are.

The reason I'm reiterating this, is because these are lies fed to you from the Default Mode Network (DMN), which in ADHD and neurodivergent people, because in a weird, messed up way, your brain craves stimulation, and one way it stimulates itself is by torturing and flogging yourself in this matter.

So when you start feeling this way, redirect yourself to a different task to shut the DMN up. The task you decide to do has to be more stimulating than the DMN.

You might want to read my blog post on "Don't Feed the Demon." It talks about precisely this.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
why do yall keep derailing threads so much lately *sobs*
can we take that to more appropriate places like private convos or life advice or a mature discussion thread

like, folks, it's ok to make a remark or a comment on someone else's post
but please don't start a whole side conversation out of it??

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