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Dumb comments you often see or hear


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
There are a lot of dumb people in the world and a lot of dumb things leave their mouths or they direct their fingers to type dumb things too. A lot of dumb stuff even comes from intelligent people either due to ignorance or for malicious purposes also.

With platforms like Tik Tok or Twitter it's easy to say a dumb thing and the word count is too low to refute the dumb things in an intelligent manner which means the person is never going to change their minds just by being told they are wrong.

Anyway I just want to make a thread for people to post about dumb comments they see or hear regularly.

The one that inspired this thread is actually:

'What is the point of trying to make vegan food that tastes like meat? Why would someone who doesn't want to eat meat enjoy that?'

Obviously a lot of people go veggie or vegan to try and minimise animal suffering. That doesn't mean they don't like the taste of meat. In fact a lot of them do like the flavour of meat but give it up anyway. Having veggie food that tastes like meat allows them to enjoy flavours they can't consume for ethical reasons. Most vegetarians actually don't hate the taste of meat.

Anyway post the dumb comments you have seen or heard regularly.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
one that I'm so tired of seeing is "am I the only one who..."

like I get it, the thing they're talking about is niche or an unpopular opinion or whatever and they want to see if anyone else shares the same thoughts, but that phrasing in particular just gets under my skin

also the recent "x lives in my head rent free", which was even said by sonic in the freaking sonic 2 movie
Jan 11, 2021
"Guess who ______?" "Is it you?" "Yeah, it's me."

Just say what you want to say, don't ask me to guess.
Might not fit with the rest of this thread but I agree a lot of phrases kind of propagate with people online and you see tons of people saying the exact same thing. But since this is a gamjng community, I'm gonna complain about something I see with comments on game related stuff...

People who act like they're some genius for playing through the game, and comment "did you know <this>?" when it's something anyone will know if they PLAYED THE DANG GAME. Example I'm gonna use is how on literally every fan remix of the Mantis Lord's boss theme from Hollow Knight, there is at least one gremlin who has to comment "did you know they're gorls???" Uh yes, everyone does, you ain't smart.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Something like "it's fiction so it doesn't matter."

9 times out of 10 it's just someone saying that to justify their creepy af interest/fixation.

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
people joining a discord server and immediately asking questions that are answered in a welcome or faq channel, or immediately spamming expecting a huge nonstop server and wondering why they're not getting instant gratification and attention


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Usually when an older guitar player when I'm showing them that they're wrong on some advice they gave that would lead beginners and intermediate players astray (who don't know any better, yet), they respond with, "You'll get it eventually."

It's such a patronizing comment, like, motherf*cker, I've been playing guitar for 23 goddamn years! Pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.

The latest one happened when some dude claimed that a capo was a way around learning your barre chords and different voicings of different chords, in other words, it helps you cheat, as if music was a competition or something.

I just said that the capo is a songwriting and transposition tool, nothing more or less, and he hits me with how to play a different voicing of a chord up the neck, which I already knew and he said the whole, "You'll get it eventually man."

I just linked him a video of the virtuoso flamenco guitarist, Paco de Lucia using a capo, and just left it at that. He hasn't responded to me since.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
"JuSt Do YoUr ReSeArCh!"

*They say as they're blissfully unaware that their "research" is equivalent to just Googling for links that support their preconceived notions, and not looking into actual research on the subject they're ignorant of and have the balls to speak on.*

Sure, do your research, but research actually involves hard work, analyzing data, and coming to conclusions that may show that your preconceived notion was wrong.

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