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Drawing Competition Round 54- Results


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Hey guys, welcome back to the drawing competition. Sorry I'm a couple days late with this one, I totally forgot about it lol. But I'm hoping we can get a lot of people to join in and have fun this month! In that spirit, your theme is-

Your Favorite Thing(s)!

This month you'll be drawing whatever is nearest and dearest to your heart. Draw whatever you like most. You can do just one thing, or several things, or something simply relating to something you like. Whatever the case I await your entries.

Please DM any entries or questions to @Uwu_Oocoo2 or message Uwu_Oocoo2#3736 on Discord. Entries should be submitted by Thursday, September 21st, 11:59:59pm EST.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
There is one week left to submit your entries if you have not done so already! Please don't forget that if you need more time you may dm me and request an extension.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Well guys, entry time is up and it looks we already have the results! For a lack of other contestants the winner of the Drawing Competition Round 54 is...
@DawningWinds !!!


Geez, I can't even get you guys to draw your favorite stuff... thank you for your entry DawningWinds! Our next competition will be in November so be sure to look forward to it.

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