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General Art Donut Princess: A Song of Icing Sugar

Donut Princess: A song of Icing Sugar
By Spirit of Rutela

Everything had happened far too quickly for Sugar Sprinkle, the Donut Princess of the Sprinkle Kingdom, to take in. The Frosting Giants from the Glazed Isles across the Syrup Sea had attacked and frozen the doors to the castle shut with their sweet and sugary, yet icy breath.

Handfuls of guards had poured into the throne room and had immediately begun hammering at the castle doors in a desperate attempt to open them before the Frosting Giant’s breath sealed them indefinitely. The guards had been too late to stop the doors from being sealed shut but still they tried with all of their strength to reopen them.

Sugar had known that the guards’ struggles were in Vain and instead had run to the highest tower of the castle to survey the land surrounding the castle. The Frosting Giants had had no desire to fight the forces of the castle; instead they had desired something more than the sweet blood of the guards of the kingdom… They had desired treasure.

The Frosting Giants had been well organised in their attack; the forces of the kingdom had been sealed within the castle’s walls and now the Frosting Giants were gathering in the near distance around the Donut Princess’s Donut Hole. The Donut Hole was a well of sorts of unknown depth; it is rumoured that those who built it centuries ago reached the centre of the earth and were too tired to climb back out, The Donut Hole itself, over the following centuries, had become a source of the Sprinkle Kingdom’s wealth and had been filled with countless donuts which the kingdom had used as currency to keep their stature over the neighbouring kingdoms of the land.

But now that currency was being threatened, in unison the Frosting Giants had begun to blow into the well with their sweet and icy breaths, and by some fluke of physics or unknown magic, had managed to force the donuts from within the well into the air within a twirling vortex. Sugar had watched from the tower with an increasing number of guards at her back as the vortex emptied the well and disappeared into the night sky with the Sprinkle Kingdom’s wealth. Within mere moments of the Frosting Giants’ attack, the Sprinkle Kingdom had been rendered powerless and worthless… Gripping tight to the edge of the stone wall as she watched the Frosting Giants disappear into the distance, Sugar Sprinkle; Donut Princess of the Sprinkle Kingdom vowed to reclaim her Kingdom’s lost wealth.

Morning had come and the golden light of the dawn had melted the sweet ice from the entrances and exits of the castle. Upon the opening of the doors the guards had ran to the Donut Hole to inspect it for any donuts which may have been left as a small mercy by the Frosting Giants but no such mercy was to be had. Queen Sprinkle had spent the remainder of the night following the Frosting Giants’ attack in a fuming rage and by morning had tired herself out. Returning from her chambers, Sugar kissed her mother on her forehead, just under her crown, and bade her a soft farewell. Sugar’s resolve had not wavered since the Frosting Giant’s attack on the kingdom; in fact, Sugar had spent what was left of the night gathering weapons and selecting armour to aid and protect her in her approaching quest to reclaim her kingdom’s wealth.

Sugar was not a naïve princess, she knew that word of her kingdom’s stolen wealth would soon reach the ears of neighbouring kingdoms. Two things were certain to happen if the neighbouring kingdoms found out too soon of the Sprinkle Kingdom’s new found poverty; one would be an attack from the closest kingdoms in an attempt to usurp Queen Sprinkle’s rule, and the second would be for the kingdoms of the land to send out their best riders in search of the Sprinkle Kingdom’s stolen wealth. In fact, Sugar expected to have rivals in her search already, the Frosting Giants had been anything but discreet in their attack and thievery.

“Where will you go, my princess?” asked a guard as Sugar neared the castle’s unfrozen doors.

“I will travel to the Crumble Kingdom in the Stale Lands. The Frosting Giants left and headed in that direction, perhaps Queen Crumble can tell me of their location or at least their last known whereabouts.” replied Sugar in a sure tone.

“My Princess, are you sure it is wise to alert the Crumble kingdom to our predicament?”

“The Crumble kingdom fell during the war for the Golden Strand, they are as powerless as us, and perhaps more so, they would not risk a battle against us for our kingdom.”

With a quivering smile the guard bowed to his princess and let her exit the castle.

With her hand on the hilt of her sword, Sugar looked up to the rising sun in the azure sky. She knew that the journey to the Crumble kingdom would be a dangerous one, the Stale Lands were home to the dregs of the Crumble Kingdom’s fallen society; desperate men and wild women haunted the cracked and dry expanse of the land but even the thought of this was not enough to deter her, her resolve was strong, she would find her answers via the Crumble Kingdom and then her perilous journey would truly begin.

With a deep breath, Sugar Sprinkle; Donut Princess of the Sprinkle Kingdom took her first step on her journey towards retrieving her kingdom’s stolen wealth from the Frosting Giants.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I absolutely loved reading this. I think the Donut princess is becoming my new favourite fictional character. :D

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
This was absolutely beautiful. I never knew what could come of something random I blurted out in the Chatbox.

I stand very impressed, Spirit.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Is the Donut Princess Wolfy's wife? :right:

I thoroughly enjoyed the read, Spirit. Too many males protagonists permeating modern media, this was a nice change in pace. I'm not sure if utilizing words like "vain" and "azure" was a specific reference to users here but your command of diction is very powerful. The only error I noted was a very minor one where you should have used a comma to end the quote preceding the speaker rather than a period.
Thanks, when i heard it mentioned i couldnt resist so i did this quite quick. I'm glad you like it, i enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun. =]

Is the Donut Princess Wolfy's wife? :right:

I thoroughly enjoyed the read, Spirit. Too many males protagonists permeating modern media, this was a nice change in pace. I'm not sure if utilizing words like "vain" and "azure" was a specific reference to users here but your command of diction is very powerful. The only error I noted was a very minor one where you should have used a comma to end the quote preceding the speaker rather than a period.

Thanks hun, this didnt take me long to do and i hate proof-reading my own stuff (becuase i hate it) so didnt realise i'd capped Vain and Azure, dirty SB habit i've picked up there. :P
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