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Majora's Mask Don Gero

Jul 2, 2011
In MM, is Don Gero the name of the frog that is the mask or is it the Goron who gives the mask to you after you give him a Rock Sirloin? I think it's the Goron since the frog who talks to you when you get warped out after beating Goht says it looks like you've lost weight.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I always thought that Don Gero was an actual frog and that the mask just made the frogs believe you were that frog, but you make a good point. It could very well be the name of the goron. I'll have to recheck to see if I missed any clues that would explain this.


Link's Hawk/Celtic Form
Jul 4, 2011
nobody knows
well yeah i thought don gero was some real frog and then he died and his spirit was transformed into a mask and that goron just took the mask but who knows?


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Very interesting, I thought something different too. I thought that Don Gero is the title given to whoever possesses Don Gero's Mask, and that person then conducts the frog choir. So the Goron was Don Gero when he had the mask, and Link became the new Don Gero once the Goron gave him the mask.

But this motivated me to do a little research, and when you get the mask the description reads, "You got Don Gero's Mask. It looks just like Don Gero, conductor of the frog choir!" This doesn't really prove anything 100%, but I'd say this piece of evidence strongly implies that the real Don Gero is a frog and the goron just had a mask that looks like him. Maybe Don Gero the frog is just famous in Termina and the goron is just a fan of his so he wears a mask of his likeness (like how the guard in OOT wanted a Keaton Mask because it was popular in Hyrule). That or what biggreenhawk said about his spirit transforming into a mask when he died.

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