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Does Power Corrupt?

Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023

I was pondering in the words, “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” (Lord Acton). Is that true however? Is it the power that corrupts or is it a corrupt heart wielding power? Take for instance Ganondorf, he has the Triforce of Power which comes from the Goddess Din. Din is seen in The Oracle Games and The Minish Cap to be good, not a destructive destroyer god.

I am inclined to take the view it is not The Triforce of Power that corrupts but if the heart of the one who wields it is already corrupt as in the case of Ganondorf, he already has a lust and covetness or power, while Link I believe would not.

On the other hand is the Fire of Din, the Triforce of Power corrupting without being connected to Wisdom and Courage? Does she need her sisters to temper her power?

Essentially the views are thus, power itself is corruptive, or its who wields the power is already corrupt.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Ganon was corrupted by Power or was he already corrupt? What of Demise? And other Zelda villains like Zant who lusted for power?
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Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
In The Adventure of Link, Link used the Triforce to awaken Zelda and I didn't think we have a reason to think he was corrupted by it. We also read in its manual that the king of Hyrule had long used the Triforce to keep the peace and again, I don't think we have a reason to believe it corrupted him.

Prince Sidon

Twilight General
ZD Champion
Apr 5, 2024
The Twilight Realm
In The Adventure of Link, Link used the Triforce to awaken Zelda and I didn't think we have a reason to think he was corrupted by it. We also read in its manual that the king of Hyrule had long used the Triforce to keep the peace and again, I don't think we have a reason to believe it corrupted him.

Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
In The Adventure of Link, Link used the Triforce to awaken Zelda and I didn't think we have a reason to think he was corrupted by it. We also read in its manual that the king of Hyrule had long used the Triforce to keep the peace and again, I don't think we have a reason to believe it corrupted him.
That is my thinking as well. Din who passed her power in the Triforce of Power is good. I think its the heart of the individual, “out of the heart is what makes you unclean,” or “The heart is wicked above all else.” This of course is in the case of wicked hearts, because The Pure in heart like Link do good, same with Zelda.

Does OoT mention if Ganondorf took the Triforce of Power? That if was bot gifted to the Gerudo King, but taken?

Daku Rinku

ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Are you implying that the king referred to in the manual of the adventure of Link is the same king of Hyrule who commissioned the Shadow Temple? You're going to need to cite your source on this one.
From my perspective most Zelda games are self contained unless they have sequels like Majora’s Mask and Tears of the Kingdom. So I tend to loosely connect things and not assume it the exact same character or that anything in previous games applies unless it is clear they are tying it into the next game. There are homages, and easter eggs, but in terms of main story I need a clear point of reference to prove its connected.

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
From my perspective most Zelda games are self contained unless they have sequels like Majora’s Mask and Tears of the Kingdom. So I tend to loosely connect things and not assume it the exact same character or that anything in previous games applies unless it is clear they are tying it into the next game. There are homages, and easter eggs, but in terms of main story I need a clear point of reference to prove its connected.
I heartily agree with this assessment but there's also a metacanon for Zelda fans whereby Nintendo has acknowledged, through licensing, its consent to the connections made in books like Hyrule historia. I have to assume Prince Sidon Is insinuating that the king of Hyrule who wielded the Triforce regularly is responsible for the Shadow Temple. Either way, I suppose the intent is for the one who uses the complete Triforce to have available to them courage, wisdom, and power.

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