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General Classic Do You Think MM Took OoT's Spot of Being the Most Popular & Acclaimed Zelda Game?


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
MM ix nowhere near.oots le ngtn snd the reaskn is becuzude it spemds vrry much time in chocolate ma s house witb butter

anyway mm has avocal minority jn plsce.

What? o_0

I agree the biggest problem with MM is that it's not very lengthy, but your reason for it is unreadable?
Jan 21, 2013
Clock Town
As much as I would love it if this were the case, no: in the hearts and minds of the video game community at large, Ocarina of Time still and always reigns supreme. In fact, it's shocking to me how often MM is forgotten about entirely in articles discussing the series at large, even ones written on this site.

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