I already have a 3DS. My mother bought it for me a few days after its release in America, back when it was still $250. Actually, I believe we split the cost, but I'm not too sure. My two main cash flows come from holidays and my report card rewards. I get a good amount of money for my birthday, Christmas, and sometimes Easter, but a lot of my money comes from my report card. For every A I get, my mom gives me an amount matching the grade I'm currently in. I have eight subjects, and I am in the eighth grade, so if I got all A's on my report card this semester, I'd get $64, or eight dollars for each A. I do not have any sort of job or chores to make money, though I have been running the idea of getting a job through my head. We recently filled out fake applications in my Reading class. My teacher told me specifically (in front of the whole class I might add) that she would actually hire me. That's encouraging, I guess, though in this economy I don't know if I have much of a chance.
Really, it would depend on how much the WiiU costs. If it starts out at about $400, I wouldn't be able to afford it. I don't plan on getting one right away, either. I'm not going through what I did with the 3DS again. I'd wait for it to go down to $250-$300 before considering getting one. Of course, that will be in a few years, so I might have enough funds saved up to get one. I might even have a job by then. If it were to be released at $400 dollars
right now, I wouldn't. I have other priorities to take care of at the moment.