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Do You Get Sick Of Music You Like?

Azure Sage

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Inspired by a shoutbox conversation from the other day. Are you the type who can listen to the same song on repeat for hours and months and still like it the same amount, or do you have to take care to not listen too much lest you get sick of hearing it?

I can and have been listening to the same music extensively. I love listening to those 30 minute extended video game music tracks on youtube while I do things (even while I'm writing this post). My playlists in itunes have barely been updated in years, only gradually getting more added to them. I just don't get sick of anything. I even use some of my favorite songs as my alarms for waking up in the morning and I never get tired of hearing them.

How about you guys? Can you listen to the same stuff all the time, or do you need to mix it up?
I can't say I ever get sick of music I like, per se, but I will need to cycle through certain sets of songs every once in a while to keep things fresh. You can only listen to the same song over and over before it loses a bit of its charm, after all. Inevitably though, I'll swing back to songs I've given a break and they'll be as new-feeling as they were when I first listened to them.

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I get irritated when my youtube mix plays two tracks of a similar genre or the same artist twice in a row (like two Pentakill songs, or two fitz and the tantrum songs, or two league of legends tracks...)
listening to the same SONG more than once in a row is ridiculous


Staff member
Sometimes I hear a new song and really love it so much that I know I'm going to listen to it so many times until I hate it. Ok, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration, but there are certainly times when I listen to the same song too many times in a short period of time and then need a break from it for a while. I suppose in a sense that can mean for the time being I am "sick of it", but usually I can come back to it eventually and still like it. It's good to keep a mix of different songs going to avoid something from becoming too repetitive.
Because I have such cheap headphones, sometimes listening to songs a lot has me discover new things in the songs over time, depending on what my headphones are doing to be stupid on a particular day. Was that little synth backtrack in this song always here? I never noticed it before but now it's all I hear. Neat. But at the same time, I find that sometimes with repetition, I may pay less attention to a song? Like sometimes I listen to music and focus entirely on the music, but other times, I focus on other things and have the music accompany those things. The more I know a song, the less distracting it is, so my brain's not trying to figure it out, so it's easier to like... read and write while listening to music if my brain has already grown accustomed to all of its little musical secrets. I usually have playlists to "break in" new music before I put them with the old stuff for casual listening because of this.

What usually happens for me is usually like, getting tired of a specific music order in a playlist. I have a couple of concept playlists and/or mixes that I think out a really concise song order for like a certain progression of either storytelling for the concept, or a dynamic of the song intensity or mood, and for those playlists I won't typically shuffle them, because the song order is part of the experience. But like, if i listen to those playlists too much, then when I'm just listening to a song in that playlist by itself or in an actual shuffled playlist, then my brain is already anticipating the next song, and I annoy myself with that sometimes. I bring it upon myself, most definitely, but I don't think I tire of individual songs really.

My taste in music changes though, and I mean stuff I listened the heck out of a few years ago doesn't necessarily get as much of my attention now, but I occasionally find myself in the mood for it still. It's not really that I've gotten tired of it, just like... I find new music that has more of my attention now. A song I chose to spontaneously listen to yesterday was Viva la Vida. Listened to it a couple of times, focusing on different parts of it each time... (love chimes, love chimes). But like, that's a song I was absolutely obsessed with in middle school, but I don't listen to it as much now.. but I still consider it one of my favorite songs of all time despite this. I'm definitely not tired of it.
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Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
yeah I'm unfortunately the type that can tire out a song if I listen to it extensively, maybe not sick of it per say, but once I run its course, I forget about it completely until way later

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't listen to music a ton, but I find comfort in listening to the same songs over and over just like I find comfort in watching the same series/movie for the thousandth time. It's familiar so I can just relax to it. I listen to music so little that when a new song/album from a band I like comes out I'll listen to it on repeat for a good while.
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The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
One time, I spent weeks listening to the same song on repeat so I could arrange it in Mario Paint Composer back in the day. Back then, I had virtually no ability to just hear music and know what the notes were in my head so this was the guess-and-check method where I would pause on every single note and go back and forth til I had em right. By the end of this process, I had taken my number 1 favorite song at the time, and nearly turned it into my number 1 least favorite song since I was so sick of it. Came around again and I like listening to it now but it took probably around 5 to 6 years for me to be able to just listen and enjoy it without thinking of that one time it was the only thing I listened to for a month, and in a chopped up format too.

In general tho, if I find a song I really like, I'll still listen to it on repeat for a week before going back to my usual playlists.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Nope, I can listen to a song over and over without getting tired of it. After a while it gets less because of other songs entering my life but I still listen to the same songs I so love even years later

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Not really. I would say I've had a fairly similar taste in music for over a decade now with only adding certain songs every so often. The one exception to skipping songs I like is if they're too long. Sometimes I'll skip the likes of Where the Streets Have No Name or Thriller because I don't have the time to listen to something so long.

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