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Link's Awakening Switch Did you Enjoy the remake?


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
So the remakes been out for a month now and one question occurs to me, did you as the player enjoy the remake? Did it meet expectations did it disapoint you?

I felt like it was pretty close to the DX and original versions, i definately enjoyed the music more this time round though, the graphics which made everyone seem like plasticine figures was a bit wierd to get used to but it now feels "right" for the game.

I wasn't honestly expecting much as given it's remake i'd assume they'd have done what they did in OOT and MM touch up the graphics and toss in fishing, thankfully LA came with Fishing as part of it and the fact it's all one island instead of seperate screens helps to smooth it out graphics wise.

Chamber stones were a bit of a disapointment, just because theres not enough rooms to collect and the ones you do get don't seem all that hot, maybe Rupees+ is the best one out of the 14.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I think it’s easily the definitive way to play LA. Everything has been upgraded, and the only real disappointment was the dungeon maker. For once Grezzo actually did a good job with their remake. LA used to be a Zelda game that I thought was alright but nothing special, around my 10th favorite, but now it’s easily my favorite 2D Zelda, and Definitely in my top 5 Zeldas period.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I think it’s easily the definitive way to play LA. Everything has been upgraded, and the only real disappointment was the dungeon maker. For once Grezzo actually did a good job with their remake. LA used to be a Zelda game that I thought was alright but nothing special, around my 10th favorite, but now it’s easily my favorite 2D Zelda, and Definitely in my top 5 Zeldas period.

Part of me kept thinking grezzo would screw it up like they did with MM, remove some functionality and kill the atmosphere, but LA didn't lose either, i was really nervous about it because it was Grezzo but it turned out really well, i'll agree it's in the top 10, now if only we could get a Oracles Remake

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I think it's decent, but I don't consider it a replacemeny for the Original or DX version to be honest. Those still have their place for speedrunning. They will also be the only versions where the Boomerang is as OP as it should be, I'm a little sad they nerfed it in the remake. I thought it was great that the Boomerang - an item that usually is overlooked - was the best item in this game.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I think it's decent, but I don't consider it a replacemeny for the Original or DX version to be honest. Those still have their place for speedrunning. They will also be the only versions where the Boomerang is as OP as it should be, I'm a little sad they nerfed it in the remake. I thought it was great that the Boomerang - an item that usually is overlooked - was the best item in this game.

Boomerang is still the best in the game, it stuns and kills enemies in 2 shots and is great for the final few dungeons which is where you generally get it, the boomerang replaces the bow quite neatly bar for the few times bow is mandatory, i'm glad it can't one shot Dethl anymore seemed a bit BS that a chunk of hewn wood could one shot a creature that's invaded a godlike beings dreams y'know

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Boomerang is still the best in the game, it stuns and kills enemies in 2 shots and is great for the final few dungeons which is where you generally get it, the boomerang replaces the bow quite neatly bar for the few times bow is mandatory, i'm glad it can't one shot Dethl anymore seemed a bit BS that a chunk of hewn wood could one shot a creature that's invaded a godlike beings dreams y'know
The one shot kill on Dethl was why I liked the Boomerang before. This is a dream Link is in and I felt it was almost poetic that the one item that was worthless in other games could KO the final boss in 1 shot.
LA is in my top 5 Zelda games so I of course enjoyed the hell out of the remake.

I liked that there were no more tile shifts during overworld exploration and wouldn't mind seeing every 2D Zelda remade to get rid of that feature.

I liked most of the remade music and the graphics looked amazing, the texture work was I credible and overall I really enjoyed and still do love the game.

However, I still think the art style robs the game of a soul and replaces the depth it once had as a concept with something that's rather face value and shallow.

I so didn't like Dampe's dungeon builder at all, it was such a snore-fest and it would really suck getting stone tablet rewards for it from chests and mini games when I wasn't interested at all in using them.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
The remake was great! Played through it twice.

As @Spirit said, I agree that the game feels kinda different and more shallow due to the artstyle clashing a bit with the original's more bleak tone. It feels more like a 'cute version' than a true-to-vibe remake.

I admit that Dungeon Maker kinda grew on me after a while. The first half of the challenges was SO boring but some of the final ones was a true joy to piece together. Such a bummer that you have to play through them in order to proceed though.

My favorite thing though?
Anime outro

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
It was an enjoyable experience. Link's character model is still really bland, but other than that I thought the diorama style graphics and character designs fit the game really well. I also enjoyed most of the music remixes, though I have to give special credit to the updated Face Shrine music.

Dampe's Chamber Dungeon feature is... predictably lackluster. It was fun at first but with a relatively low selection of rooms to choose from and rather annoying music for the actual dungeon runs, it ends up just being a rather bland addition to the game that doesn't really add much. I would have preferred to have something more akin to Super Mario Maker, in which we could actually design our own rooms.

Overall, I liked the remake, and I'll probably play it from now on as the definitive version of the game.
May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
I did enjoy it, but having let it simmer for a few months, it didn't capture the same magic for me as the original and DX versions had. You might chalk this up to a number of reasons as I feel like there were more than a few things that could have been done better, and there will always be that nostalgia factor that comes with games we play as kids and grow up with. But I will just say that the DX version is still what I would consider the definitive version, or at least the one I would rather play if I had to choose.
Oct 14, 2013
I did enjoy the remake for what it was worth. Sure Grezzo did a really bad job on it. Graphically the Switch port is the best but functionally, the GBC port is the best. Even the GB original plays better than the Grezzo mistake.

The best part of the remake in my opinion was the Dungeon Maker. Playing the dungeons was fun and the boomerrang did cheese most of the challenges. Actually creating a dungeon to fit the scenario win condition took a while and to me that was really fun. If Nintendo fleshed that out to a full game I'd totally buy it.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I did enjoy the remake for what it was worth. Sure Grezzo did a really bad job on it. Graphically the Switch port is the best but functionally, the GBC port is the best. Even the GB original plays better than the Grezzo mistake.

The best part of the remake in my opinion was the Dungeon Maker. Playing the dungeons was fun and the boomerrang did cheese most of the challenges. Actually creating a dungeon to fit the scenario win condition took a while and to me that was really fun. If Nintendo fleshed that out to a full game I'd totally buy it.

I loved the dungeon maker and the fact you can get more tiles as the game progress' is always a good bonus ^^ i wish nintendo would flesh it out more ^^ i'd buy it for sure


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I did enjoy the remake for what it was worth. Sure Grezzo did a really bad job on it. Graphically the Switch port is the best but functionally, the GBC port is the best. Even the GB original plays better than the Grezzo mistake.

The best part of the remake in my opinion was the Dungeon Maker. Playing the dungeons was fun and the boomerrang did cheese most of the challenges. Actually creating a dungeon to fit the scenario win condition took a while and to me that was really fun. If Nintendo fleshed that out to a full game I'd totally buy it.

Can you give a specific example of the functionality of the GBC game being better? I don’t doubt your opinion I’m just genuinely curious.
Oct 14, 2013
Can you give a specific example of the functionality of the GBC game being better? I don’t doubt your opinion I’m just genuinely curious.
Small flaws;
-no d-pad support
-snap animations
-frame rate issues
-underwhelming Dampe content
I did a 3 heart hero mode run and found it difficult to avoid hearts pieces that are forced upon you. So easy enough to avoid the hearts dropped by bosses but you have a bunch of hearts forced, like the one at the Seashell Mansion and Dampe's Shack.

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