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TPHD-Wii U Did they change the cat with the fish at ordon village?

May 11, 2011
I just re-beat Twilight Princess HD on the Wii U. Early on in the game, you have to catch 2 fish from ordon village to make the cat go back home. However, on this playthrough, it worked with only catching one fish, not two. Was this changed on the HD version from the original?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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I think you only need one fish in the wii and gc versions. I'm not entirely sure though, it's always taken me a couple tries to actually catch one. I haven't heard anything about it :suspicious:

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I think you only need one fish in the wii and gc versions. I'm not entirely sure though, it's always taken me a couple tries to actually catch one. I haven't heard anything about it :suspicious:
In the GameCube version it took me 2 tries in all my playthroughs. I could never figure out if it was meant to take two, or if it depended on where you were standing when you catch the fish (there was a point where I thought maybe it'd only take one try if you stand in the correct spot, for some reason).

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