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Hyrule Warriors Did the voice acting improve?


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
Voice acting was a divisive choice and direction for Breath of the Wild to take. For a series that has previously relied on text, suddenly having voiced lines for some of the most important characters was a series first.

Opinions about the voice work in Breath of the Wild were plentiful, some saying it was good, or great, while some people thinking it was downright bad.

Regardless of where you stand, do you think AoC has a better voice work than Breath of the Wild? Has the voice actors improved, or become more comfortable in their roles?

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
The voice acting... seems about the same to me. Most of it is iffy, with Zelda herself still being a huge sticking point for me. That being said, the lip syncing is the bigger issue for me. Like in Breath of the Wild, all of the lip syncing looks bad. It's like Nintendo wouldn't let them animate things for more than one language.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
It’s not bad, and I really like it in some places. The narration at the beginning of a mission is really cool, and helps to set the missions apart from the challenges. It could be implemented a bit better, and sometimes I notice when the dialogues a bit weird, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction.
Oct 8, 2020
The Lost Woods
Spritual Reincarnation
It's fine, with a couple of exceptions either way. I still really like Zelda's voice acting, but there are a couple that are really good; Revali, Khoga, Astor, and Sooga in particular. Rhoam's is still only okay, same with Daruk.

But clearly the best voice acting is Link's!


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
They finally dropped the hard G on Ganon so i'm happy in part, though the acting for zelda is still jank. I'd definately be in favour of hylian being the Voices instead of Human, if MH can do it why can't Ninty.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
The biggest issue for me is that you can barely hear it. For some reason the voices are at an abysmally low volume, so the music sorta overpowers it anyway


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
It's still as painfully mediocre as it was in BotW.

Urbosa is pretty solid, but most everyone else is bad to downright awful to listen to. Impa in particular grated on my nerves with the few times I bothered to listen to the English voices, and Kohga sounds like a cheesy Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Japanese voices are much better. Even if I don't speak the language, it seems to me that the emotions of each scene are better conveyed. They don't sound so stilted compared to the English ones, if that makes any sense.
Sep 5, 2020
I've already said this but Revali and Urbosa have the best English voices. Zelda's has grown on me, I like the accent, I just imagine it more high-pitched and emotional like her Japanese one. I think the voice acting for the Champions and King Rhoam has improved since BOTW, as the voice actors have learned more about the characters. The voices will never be as perfect as the ones in my head but they're passable.
The Japanese version isn't perfect though, I cannot STAND Yunobo's creepy, gurgly, baby voice in Japanese, his English one is far superior. Neither can I stand Hestu's; it's far cuter and funnier in English. But I do like the others. Like I said, it's more give-and-take of the best voices, plus a mixture of the ones I imagine in my head.

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