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Developers That Should Work on Nintendo's Franchises


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Taken from GAF! So Game Informer recently published an article about developers they'd love to see take the reigns for some of Nintendo's franchises, the ones we love the most! And Wii Music too. You can read it here, there's a few more than what I put here and they explain why they chose each one, it's a good read, but basically the juicy ones:

  • Firaxis [XCOM: Enemy Unknown] on Pikmin
  • WayForward [Ducktales: Remastered] on Metroid (sidescroller)
  • From Software [Dark Souls] on The Legend of Zelda
  • Ubisoft Montpellier [Rayman Origins] on Super Mario Bros.
  • Konami [Metal Gear/Castlevania] on 3D Metroid
  • Criterion [Burnout] on F-Zero
So that's that.

Now, do you agree with Gameinformer's choices? Are they onto something or are they just dead-wrong? And also, if you could pick a developer to work on a franchise for Nintendo who would it be and why? Now it's important to note, so read this bit, that no one's saying Nintendo can't do their own franchises justice, just incase anyone jumps to that conclusion. This is just for funsies!

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'd like to see Platinum Games work on Star Fox. One of their key developers has expressed interest in doing so recently, and some of the over-the-top ideas found in games like Bayonetta or The Wonderful 101 could help the stagnant Star Fox franchise. It's sad because Star Fox 64 was hailed as one of the better games of its its time, yet the series has failecto progress since.

Regarding, the creators of Rayman Origins working on Mario, I'd like to see Nintendo have another go at the traditional side scroller before outsourcing it. Even though the New Super Mario Bros. games were hardly innovate, Super Mario 3D World has proven that Nintendo still has a knack for standard platforming. I want to see the team behind the Galaxy games, 3D Land, and 3D World tackle the next 2D Mario.

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
First of all I kinda think the list is irrelevant. Nintendo's games are legendary because Nintendo made them legendary, not because they're just cool concepts that other teams can do better. Aside from F-Zero and possibly Metroid (because I think it's being made), those are franchises that Nintendo is proactively crafting fantastic installments in. They should have picked more obscure ones because I don't want them handing those particular franchises out... (Funny, I say this the same day Hyrule Warriors is announced...)

But if the list is just for fun, I'll participate. My choice is a popular one, and I'm not really being creative, but it's Kamiya and Platinum with Star Fox. The guy clearly has a passion for the franchise and he builds these epic action set-pieces that I think would lend themselves well to an on-rails aerial shooter.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
The problem is that most third party developers have already jumped shipped and abandoned the Wii U. They "should" doesn't mean they will. Less developers means less third party games. Less third party games means less people buy the system. Less people buy the system means developers won't want to develop games for the system. It goes in a cycle.

... it's just a fun little thread. No one's saying developers should or will do it, just devs you think would fit and go well with certain franchises. It's not meant to be at all serious or realistic...
Last edited:


Feb 25, 2010
I wouldn't mind seeing Talesworld, the developers behind Mount and Blade take a swing at Zelda. It'd make for a better combat system, especially on horseback.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
It's dead
Hell no
**** no
It's dead

Maybe for spin offs, but not the real thing.


Bring that beat back
Dec 23, 2013
Bozeman, MT
  • I would love to scrape together the old Factor 5 team (of Rogue Squadron fame) and give them a shot at Star Fox.
  • Give Ubisoft Montpellier (Rayman Legends) a crack at New Super Mario Brothers (your list and mine had the same great thought!)
  • Bioware can have Metroid
  • Team Ico should give me Zelda
  • Platinum Games would kill a Sin and Punishment sequel
  • Earthbound goes to Double Fine


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
MonolithSoft (Xenoblade Chronicles) and X/Seed (The Last Story) to develop for the Legend of Zelda series. :yes:


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I want Konami working on a new 3rd-person Metroid. I love their work on 3rd person gaming, and I feel they'd be great for the job.

I want Square Enix on a new Pokemon RPG or Earthbound sequel. They can do good work with RPGs, maybe the shift to these classic franchises will reawaken their lost glory.

I checked and Monolithsoft is owned almost entirely by Nintendo, so they're basically first-party already.

I want Ubisoft Montreal on a new Zelda game. I'm interested in how their work on AC and Watchdogs would intersect with the adventure, fantasy, and swordplay of Zelda. Maybe it would be more mature, but it would certainly be interesting to see.

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