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Coffee Or Tea?

Oct 26, 2013
House in space
Coffee Or Tea?
Do you prefer to have coffee or tea as a drink? I personally like tea, because I think it tastes more natural and I like to avoid things that I would come to rely on, like coffee in the morning. What do you think.

(sorry I haven't been on much for the last couple days, crazy moving stuff)


Jan 26, 2013
Coffee has made all my siblings that drink it short... My height is the only thing that I have that makes me better than them, thus I only drink tea, and that only on occasion...

I much prefer Hot Cocoa over either of those if I have the choice.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Coffee :3

I used to like tea. My parents are addicted to that. They need it every day. I used to have it during breakfast every day 2 Summer Vacations ago when I was too lazy to make something. Once in a while during other times. But something happened, and I stopped drinking tea. I drink coffee instead now. Not too often, and I haven't been drinking coffee for a long time. But I don't think it would change.
Jun 22, 2013
Given the choice? Neither. But I have neither tasted all the varieties of either beverage.

Hot chocolate is my preferred hot drink.


Jul 1, 2012
Neither; I dislike both and all hot related drinks except from Starbucks hot chocolate because I'm a hipster.

I've just never been fond of hot drinks to be honest. I do get the attraction of them as I can see why they might be beneficial in the winter and whatnot. However, I prefer soup in that situation as I hate the taste of both coffee and tea. Tea is rather bland and coffee is too bitter. Just not for me I guess.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
Coffee. ^.^
I'm generally not a huge fan of tea, but it depends. I'm always up for a good ol' glass of refreshing iced tea. ;)
Jan 1, 2014
Alberta, Canada
I love coffee! I find few things more relaxing than a cup of coffee while reading a good book. Hold the sugar, thanks.

I've been trying to drink tea more often though, because I find that it's easier on the digestion. I can't bring myself to like green tea no matter what kind I try, but white tea is nice.


Finding Love by the Moon
May 28, 2012
Macy, Indiana
I love tea! I have literally been drinking tea since I was in diapers. I actually got loose leaf tea for Christmas and am getting more for my birthday.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
From the choices, I would have to go with tea.

Coffee has made all my siblings that drink it short... My height is the only thing that I have that makes me better than them, thus I only drink tea, and that only on occasion...

That was the first reason why I don't drink coffee. I don't want anything to prohibit my growth in height (as most of you guys know). That said, I did try a sip of coffee back when I was 10 just to give a try. Ugh, that taste was terrible and since then, I have never tried coffee ever again. In fact because of my dislike for coffee, I have never tried Starbucks in my entire life, let alone step inside one. :sweat: :mellow: Tea on the other hand, is like magnificent! I love tea! I can't even begin how much I adore the flavor! XD Alhough personally I love Hot Chocolate the most! ^^
Aug 10, 2013
City of Angels
I prefer coffee over tea. I don't mind drinking tea, but I love the taste of freshly brewed coffee, and will choose it over tea any way. IF I drink tea I prefer it iced, and heavily sugared. I don't like tea when it's unsweetened; however, I greatly enjoy coffee without sugar.


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
Coffee. :nod: With a ton of sugar. But it's not like I'm addicted or anything. I'd take chocolate milk or bubble tea over it any day. Sometimes I just really need caffeine, and coffee would be the first thing I think of. I'm just a cold beverage person in general.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
From the choices, I would have to go with tea.

That was the first reason why I don't drink coffee. I don't want anything to prohibit my growth in height (as most of you guys know). That said, I did try a sip of coffee back when I was 10 just to give a try. Ugh, that taste was terrible and since then, I have never tried coffee ever again. In fact because of my dislike for coffee, I have never tried Starbucks in my entire life, let alone step inside one. :sweat: :mellow: Tea on the other hand, is like magnificent! I love tea! I can't even begin how much I adore the flavor! XD Alhough personally I love Hot Chocolate the most! ^^

Is the "Coffee makes you short" myth really still around?

But anyway, I like both somewhat equally, it really depends on what I feel like drinking at that moment.

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