It's pretty tough. Bring 3 potions that fill up your whole life, and one fairy for insurance. There's a shot at getting a full health healing chuchu in a bottle, but you've got to gather it quick. And dont use your potion till youre down to one or two hearts. Make sure you have full items, and try and conserve your items and bombs until you need them. This part of the game is hard, but not impossible. Last time I played this I died on the last level

. I had 4 hearts and had used my one potion that I brought( because I'm stupid and I thought it'd be easy) in like level 35 or something. I was fighting the final darknut who had fully shattered armor. It looked like I was gonna win easily until I accidentally pulled the gamecube control socket out of the system :S. Then the darknut took 3 or 4 cheapshots and killed me. you don't know how pissed i was
PS use the ball and chain. It works really well against enemies and its really strong. I didn't figure that out till like the late level 30's and was mad because I used 2 of my potions
But dont bother going through it unless you need some Great Fairy's Tears, but you should've got some from Jovani when you get 20 poe souls.