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C H 8 O S E I A H T

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Is so rainbow-y. Omg.

Hey Cinnaminish if I am nice to you all game again am I gonna get killed by bees and also you flip evil?

You may get killed by bees again, but I won't flip evil. Though I doubt Candyman is gonna be in the game again so likely no bees. Unless bee movie is in the game in which case, probably bees.

Man all y'all kids I ain't got this kinda budget to buy you toys. Holy guacamole the sit and spin is like 50$ at target lol

Lmao. I think they were cheaper when I was a kid. Because my family was poor, but man I loved sitting in the kitchen spinning on that thing.

Thanks! My picture is the band Paramore from some promo shoot for their fifth album, After Laughter, released back in 2017. I just got to see them the other day, and it was great! My third time seeing them and easily the best show they've put on.

Sure! I can consider it!


I have considered it and unfortunately I will have to decline as I am currently playing in another mafia game alongside this one. :( sorry

The ****, how did I never know your pic is Paramore?

Min is full of beans

I mean bees

Both true.

No, Duck, Duck, Gray Duck. Duck, Duck, Goose isn't a real game.

Do you have a reason for these or did you just pick some names?


Vote: DW

None of that duck, duck, gray duck nonsense allowed here.

Sorry for last game Caps. Hope we can be friends this game. Unless you're scum, in which case bee cult me? Lmao.
Jun 15, 2020
I have considered it and unfortunately I will have to decline as I am currently playing in another mafia game alongside this one. :( sorry
I currently don't plan for my Spider-Man Mafia Prequel to start until after this one finishes, if that makes a difference.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Whoa, I never meant to brag!!!!!!
But I got him where I want him now!!!!!!
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag!!!!!!

To steal it all away from you now!!!!!!!!
May 30, 2023
Oh, I see you ready, set, go
with unqualified pride,
orders of your unqualified pride explode
Watch us double up on those
who try to intimidate unaware eyes
Fabrications of a buster living within a lie
-Not Paramore, but a paramore
Sep 6, 2017
Do you have a reason for these or did you just pick some names?
Take a guess.

I did give a reason for Raven.

I see no problem with either of these things
Bees are evil. They killed us last time, remember?

You may get killed by bees again, but I won't flip evil. Though I doubt Candyman is gonna be in the game again so likely no bees. Unless bee movie is in the game in which case, probably bees.
This is minish softing Honey Queen from Super Mario Galaxy. Bees. not to be trusted.

The ****, how did I never know your pic is Paramore?
I mean it's kind of cut off.

I see this attempt to pander...clearly evil intent :watchingu:

Both true.
Okay hold up. Did you get that reference? If so that changes things. Answer very carefully.

Sorry for last game Caps. Hope we can be friends this game. Unless you're scum, in which case bee cult me? Lmao.
Wait, refresh me. Was Bee Cult scum? Or an offshoot of scum? It was, right? because I think I remember you (or maybe it was Fext) saying that you had been trying to kill me numerous times but you couldn't.

Maybe there isn't a hostile 3P then. Idk.

I currently don't plan for my Spider-Man Mafia Prequel to start until after this one finishes, if that makes a difference.
Mayhaps. :)

Also, I love Paramore's music, though I don't know their appearance well enough to recognize them in a photo. ^_^
Hmmmmmm... This one's a bit more difficult to discern. Pandering, like Min, or simply telling the truth??

Whoa, I never meant to brag!!!!!!
But I got him where I want him now!!!!!!
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag!!!!!!

To steal it all away from you now!!!!!!!!
Lock town never rescind. Never lynch.

Oh, I see you ready, set, go
with unqualified pride,
orders of your unqualified pride explode
Watch us double up on those
who try to intimidate unaware eyes
Fabrications of a buster living within a lie
-Not Paramore, but a paramore
Points for originality for sure. I reaffirm that you are not scum.
Sep 6, 2017
In case you missed it, that's Raven/Minish/Rag as scum with Hippo potential hostile 3P. Lock em in we got em boiiiiiiis
Jun 15, 2020
Hmmmmmm... This one's a bit more difficult to discern. Pandering, like Min, or simply telling the truth??

I first discovered them off the Twilight movie soundtrack... :shrug: That's, unfortunately, too embarrassing a detail to make up for it to be pandering. Sparkly vampires notwithstanding, I still really like Decode.

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