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C H 8 O S E I A H T

Nothing's happening so have some quick vibe reads. Obviously none of these are super strong yet but it's something.

Town Raven. Feels kinda overly paranoid re: handling of the buck but it feels like it comes from a genuine place, especially accounting for the fact that last time he got modkilled for claiming buck so it makes sense town Raven would want to prevent this.

Scum Ex. Kinda felt like he was trying to shut down the first bit of remotely serious discussion to come up by handwaving it with "roles don't matter, its chaos". I do agree it's too early to be actually (kind of) claiming but I don't feel like that's what Raven was doing.

Town Neon, idk what I'm doing reading her but I feel like this opening feels more similar to how she's been in her town games than her scum games from what I have seen.

Nobody else has done enough that I feel like trying to read them yet.
Vote: ExLight

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020

Big brain. But actually I like that. Light town on Dawning


Staff member
ZD Champion
Scum Ex. Kinda felt like he was trying to shut down the first bit of remotely serious discussion to come up by handwaving it with "roles don't matter, its chaos". I do agree it's too early to be actually (kind of) claiming but I don't feel like that's what Raven was doing.
You're voting me because you agree with me?
What do you feel like he was doing then? lol


Yeah baby, I am the lizard king!
Apr 19, 2022
Scum Ex. Kinda felt like he was trying to shut down the first bit of remotely serious discussion to come up by handwaving it with "roles don't matter, its chaos". I do agree it's too early to be actually (kind of) claiming but I don't feel like that's what Raven was doing.
Mixed feelings on that. I rose an eyebrow at first when it happened but didn't pursue it any further. Tbf, while I did not claim/hint, you could certainly consider it as encouraging others to claim, if not role fishing, so the point felt kinda reasonable to me.
Jun 15, 2020
On the subject of claims (and whether or not we should be making any at this juncture), I'm going to put my stamp on that topic. In the interest of fairness to those of us with lives outside of this forum, I personally would like to call for anyone who has an instantaneous resolving ability that requires a timely response on behalf of the target/recipient to at least partially claim such.

I'm not asking you to claim your ability, but merely that you have such an ability, and how much time it gives the person to resolve. For example, you might say "yeah, I have an ability that, if used, requires the recipient to respond within 8 hours or something vaguely bad happens"

This would let everyone know that they should make an effort to check the game once every 8 hours, as opposed to the default and flawed assumption of "Oh, if I have 72 hours till deadline, as long as I post the mandatory minimum of 3 times before then I am good, and don't need to push myself to be more active than that."

I think it is very important that we at least give ourselves a fair chance to react to hot-potato-like mechanics. The mod is obviously content to let us die without sufficient notice, but we don't have to abide by that if everyone cooperates to tell each other what the real expectation of activity is this game.
Mixed feelings on that. I rose an eyebrow at first when it happened but didn't pursue it any further. Tbf, while I did not claim/hint, you could certainly consider it as encouraging others to claim, if not role fishing, so the point felt kinda reasonable to me.
Hm... I can kinda see how someone can draw that conclusion, yeah. I still really don't get the impression that that was what you were doing, but. It sort of makes sense.
Jun 15, 2020
do you still have your no-lie policy in mafia games zinger?
I do, typically, in almost every game I play, yes—though it is worth mentioning that, per the terms of it, I am required to activate my No Lie Policy in the very first post I make in the game thread, or not use it at all. I can not start a game without it and activate it midway through the game after I've changed my mind on how things have gone.

You'll note, this game had no such post from me saying "I am enacting my traditional NLP."

I have elected not to enact my NLP this game on account of the fact that it feels like it is not in the spirit of "Chaos" that our host is going for, and much as I grate against the chaotic grain, I still respect the host. That said, you can probably trust that I won't lie anyway (since I have a strong aversion to lying), I just am not going to provide you with reliable proof that I am not lying this time around.

Feel free to interpret that how you will.

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