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Best Ice/Snow Dungeon?

Favorite Ice/Snow Dungeon?

  • Ice Palace (ALTTP)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ice Cavern (OOT)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snowhead Temple (MM)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Temple of Droplets (MC)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snowpeak Ruins (TP)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Temple of Ice (PH)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snow Temple (ST)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 22, 2011
United States
What ice-themed dungeon do you think is best or your favorite. I think the Christmas season is a good time to play through some ice or snow dungeons in the Legend of Zelda series, and there are a lot of choices- most of which at least have an ice block puzzle or two in them.

My favorite ice themed dungeon is the Snowpeak Ruins of Twilight Princess. I like its atmosphere, the puzzles it contains, and just the fact that it's a house and not a temple or something like that.

Note: I hope I didn't forget any, so don't let that hold you back if I did.
Jul 6, 2011
A place
I'd have to go with Snowhead from Majora's Mask. It has all that you could expect from an ice dungeon. The puzzles all match the theme perfectly.
Dec 4, 2011
Ice Palace (ALTTP) get's my vote.
Ice Cavern (OOT) is too short to count.
Snowhead Temple (MM), I didn't care for this one.
Temple of Droplets (MC), it's okay I guess, but not good enough.
Snowpeak Ruins (TP), now this one is kind of interesting, but also kind of boring.
Temple of Ice (PH), never got that far.
Snow Temple (ST), never played this game.
Dec 23, 2011
Snowpeak Ruins. Loved the concept of turning a home into a dungeon, and the boss was probably the funnest in the game for me too.
Feb 23, 2011
  • Ice Palace A Link to the Past - This dungeon was - how should I say - really difficult. Lucky for me, my older brother was there to help.
  • Ice Cavern Ocarina of Time - It was not designed well, in my opinion; not to mention it was incredibly short. *sighs* If only it was a bit longer.
  • Snowhead Temple Majora's Mask - Ugh... I love MM, but I absolutely hated this dungeon. This is due largely to the fact that it was too long. It was also a tad too confusing for my taste.
  • Temple of Droplets Minish Cap - I have yet to play MC, but from what I've seen this dungeon seems quite interesting. Definitely a potential favorite.
  • Snowpeak Ruins Twilight Princess - This ice dungeon is definitely among my favorites. I felt it was a nice departure from the tedium of the dungeons that proceeded it, particularly enemy-wise. (Chilfos!) The unconventional approach Nintendo took with this dungeon was very interesting to say the least.
  • Temple of Ice Phantom Hourglass - I have neither played PH nor have I seen or read enough content about this game - let alone this particular temple.
  • Snow Temple Spirit Tracks - It looks pretty interesting according to Zelda Wiki. However, I have yet to play ST; no judgment shall be made.

Well, to be honest, neither of the locales listed above earns the rank of my favorite ice dungeon; for that position goes to The Temple of Ice of Four Swords Adventure, of which I am surprised was not listed on your poll. There's just something about this dungeon that won me over. The reasons why might have to do with the fact that it was quite reminiscent of the Ice Palace of ALttP - my first Zelda. There are other reasons that I'd much rather not share (lol)... (it reminds me of Christmas time when I bought FSA; nostalgia wins yet again :P)
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Jun 22, 2011
United States
Well, to be honest, neither of the locales listed above earns the rank of my favorite ice dungeon; for that position goes to The Temple of Ice of Four Swords Adventure, of which I am surprised was not listed on your poll. There's just something about this dungeon that won me over. The reasons why might have to do with the fact that it was quite reminiscent of the Ice Palace of ALttP - my first Zelda. There are other reasons that I'd much rather not share (lol)... (it reminds me of Christmas time when I bought FSA; nostalgia wins yet again :P)

Sorry I knew I had to have missed some. I haven't played OOS, FS, or FSA. I'll try to figure out if I can add it to the poll.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
My favorite would have to be Ice Cavern, the feeling I get whenever I play through it either in OoT or Master Quest literally chills me. It's amazing.

The best imo would have to be Snowhead followed closely by Snowpeak. Snowhead was the best Nintendo ever came with an ice themed dungeon, and as you said MW7, Snowpeak was a mansion rather than an actual dungeon!


The Hylian Zombie
Dec 19, 2011
Definitely the Snowpeak Ruins from Twilight Princess. I'm a total sucker for dungeons that stray from the normal temple design, so I *loved* this dungeon a lot.


The game is on!
I'll vote for the Snow Temple from Spirit Tracks, or as I'd call it, the Blizzard Temple (as I live in Europe). That dungeon is not only my favourite snow/ice dungeon ever, it's my favourite dungeon of all in Spirit Track. I loved the boomerang puzzled with ice, flames and the bells. That dungeon really was extraordinarily well designed.
Dec 21, 2011
All around
Definitely Ice Palace from ALttP closely followed by the Snowhead Temple. As for the Snowpeak Ruins, I didn't much care for any of the dungeons in TP, but Lakebed Temple was the best. Anyway, Fire Rod FTW

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