Before I start, I don't hate any dungeon. This is just a preference thing.
9: Hyrule Castle - I liked the music but it was short and there wasn't really anything to do here. No heart Pieces?

8: Palace Of Twilight - Short and easy, but those Sol Masters always get me cursing because that will be the ONE time, without fail, that my clawshot goes derp. At least it had a couple pieces of heart.
7: Forest Temple - Bit basic and I didn't like searching for the monkeys all that much.
6: Temple of Time - It was a nice concept but the Dominion Rod was fairly useless. IMO the Mini boss could have been a better boss. My first 2 playthroughs I could NOT get that scale puzzle.
5: Lakebed Temple - I had fun here, I liked the Item, but I kept getting turned around. Still good.
4: Arbiter's Grounds - This would have placed higher but for the Poe hunting. I never was a fan of that. After that It was rather interesting.
3: Goron Mines - This is one of those rare fire dungeons I don't hate. The magnetism and the slight mechanical element really helped this dungeon along.
2: City in the Sky - Didn't feel like a traditional dungeon, I loved the Miniboss and Boss (even though you fight 2 of the Minibosses at once before the boss) as well as the item. It actually allowed me to get a piece of Heart I couldn't get in Lakebed. Plus it was in the Sky, and that helped it along in my SF eyes (SF meaning Science Fiction).
1: Snowpeak Ruins - I hated the Miniboss and the boss was
meh at best. It was all atmosphere. And a couple of fun puzzles. Except for that one that's on the 2nd floor of the first room to get a piece of heart. Ball and Chain was an unusual item, though. Top spot somehow!