It takes awhile for my favorite, the Goron Mines, to pick itself up, but once it does then the enjoyment soars from there. The puzzles in this dungeon are pretty standard, but I love the tempo and atmosphere through which it moves. The music permeates it with a dramatic tension, and that makes me presume it as the darkest dungeon out of all the Fire Temples. I still remember the loud clacks of the Iron Boots against the magnetic wall/ceiling when staying up late to play through it. All of this was just satisfactory to me.
But the latterly half, right after the Armored Goron battle, is the best part. You probably know why, so yes it has to do with getting the Hero's Bow. I loved that open area where Bulbin archers are perched on that walkway, trying to bring you down from above. They were fun targets to practice sniping; same with the ones in the area just before the Boss Room. Taking them out and then shooting the rope to bring the drawbridge down unleashes one of the greatest elements of the Goron Mines—that small pack of Bulbins that storm after you all at once.
Not only this, but unlike many fans I actually enjoyed the moments of battling Fyrus. It was something I found intensely fun near the beginning of the game and still anticipate when I start TP up.