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Best Area in Zelda?


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Where to start? I have always been enamored by the more mysterious regions on the fringes of civilization. Places seeped in atmosphere and secret history.

OoT's Sacred Grove is one such place. Largely because it resembles a lawn (specifically that of the Forest Temple) with a Hedge Maze and even a front gate.
It's a place that seems like it was once lived in... a home. It possesses a very personal feeling.

The Desert Region of OoT. Gerudo Fortress/Valley, Haunted Wasteland and Desert Colossus. It is a frontier region beyond Hyrule only inhabited by the exiled Gerudo. Like the deserts of Africa, it is as though it holds hidden wonders beneath its endless sands.

Termina's Clock Town. No where else in any Zelda game is there so much detail and variety and so much action taking place. Clock Town felt like a city with its hustle and bustle, constant noise, nooks and crannies, and general presence of its inhabitants.

Twilight Princess' Sacred Grove. If any one area is a link to Hyrule's past, here it is, the bridge back to the Hero of Time and Hyrule's most epic legend. Here lies the remains of Hyrule Castle Town and the home of the Royal Family and the legendary Temple of Time, a place we once knew personally. Now in ruins but still seeped in legend. The surrounding forest is silent and melancholy. Serene. Tranquil. As if the place itself is held in quiet contemplation of its own past. It is interesting to note that TP's Link cannot even begin to comprehend the significance of the place.

OoT's Kakariko Graveyard. No matter the time of day it is dark and silent. I love entering the village at a certain time, just before dusk. As the red sun is setting it looms low, just above the hills beyond the fans of the windmill, blazing a brilliant orange. It is an amazing sight to behold.

Zora's Domain of Twilight Princess. The detail given to the Zoras in Twilight Princess is beyond any other Zelda game before it. The place is bright, cheery, tranquil and alive. Gleaming and sparkling in the sunlight as Zoras slip gracefully through the water. Swimming with the fishies has never been so much fun!

Snowpeak. Another of Hyrule's frontier regions. Interesting to note that someone once settled the place, but it doesn't seem to hold any significance to the people of Hyrule anymore. The place is dark, quiet, melancholy and mysterious. Besides, who doesn't love a nice, quiet snowfall?

Zora's Fountain of OoT. From up there I feel like I'm on top of the world with all of Hyrule laid out before me. The place is very idyllic, nestled in the Death Mountain highlands like it is, surrounded by groves of trees and a solitary mountain pass. I have often gazed up at that passage between the hills and wondered what lands lay beyond (Snowpeak?)
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Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
Well, I don’t know about the “best” but I’ll tell you my favorite. This might seem silly, but my favorite area in the Zelda franchise has to be Hena’s Fishing Hole. It’s so peaceful and just a lovely place. I have logged many hours in that fishing pond and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. That’s one thing I missed in Skyward Sword. Y no fishies :kawaii:
Jan 18, 2012
In terms of gameplay, I'd have to say I love the Clock Town simply because it spawned so much adventure. I think the reason I loved Majora's Mask so much was simply that I felt it had so much more to it than just the adventure and story. All the side quests usually had a certain time period to complete them and they all varied in some way. The reason Clock Town gets my vote is that most of these quests always started, took place in, or ended in Clock Town. It just felt like such a big enjoyable area that always had something for me to do.

I'd like to second this, with the addition of Zora's Domain from Ocarina of Time. I felt both places were just so peaceful, they captured a serenity that no other place within the Zelda gamesphere has managed to capture thus far. From the music to the very architecture of their locations, tit's amazing <3

If we're talking beautiful environments and serenity then I would have to add a third to this opinon.
Oct 26, 2012
All time faves are: Death Mountain Crater (because I associate it with the Bolero of Fire, which is easily my favorite playable song) and other Goron areas--really anywhere that plays that cooky Goron music. :D And Eldin Province when they steal all your stuff.

By Games:
A Link to the Past: Underworld Theme
OoT: Death Mountain Crater; Goron Villiage; Kakariko Villiage
MM: Romani Ranch; West Clock Town
TP: Castle Town
PH: Temple of the Ocean King; Goron Villiage; Anouki Villiage
ST: Goron Villiage; Trading Post; Beedle's Shop
SS: The Lumpy Pumpkin; Skyloft at night; Lanayru Province (most notably where the dragon resides); Eldin Province (when the Boboklins steal all your stuff); Silent Realms :D
Nov 4, 2012
As a starting area, Skyloft was a great hub that had plenty of sidequests and things to do. Other than that, I liked the Zora's domain in TP (I spent way too much time there) because the serene environment was really nice, and Lon Lon Ranch from Ocarina.

New Link

Link's Reincarnation
Aug 12, 2011
Forest Haven
Has to be Dragon Roost Island, Forest Haven, Windfall Island, and the Ocean! I love the graphics and area of WW


May 10, 2012
Kakariko Village OoT
Animal Village LA
Zora's Domain OoT
Papuchia Village ST
Clock Town MM
Skyloft (my personal favorite) SS


Jun 22, 2011
United States
My favorites would include the Lost Woods/Skull Woods of A Link to the Past, Clock Town of Majora's Mask, Windfall Island of Wind Waker, and the Sand Sea of Skyward Sword. The Lost Woods in A Link to the Past were such a cool atmosphere for the Master Sword, and the return trip to Skull Woods was even more impressive. I really loved how the dungeon blends into the environment, and it was a shock to me because of all the other Zelda games I played before I played ALTTP. I can't believe no other Zelda game has done something like this (as far as I know/remember). Clock Town and Windfall Island are pretty similar, but both are awesome. They both are home to some amazing sidequests, but I have a slight preference for Clock Town. Finally the Sand Sea of Skyward Sword really impressed me. It was home to one of my all time favorite dungeons, but it also contained one of my all time favorite pre-dungeon quests ever as well. Some of the pre-dungeon quests of Twilight Princess made me wish for the style of A Link to the Past in which there were very few and brief pre-dungeon quests. However, the Sand Sea made me glad I wasn't just going from dungeon to dungeon. The pirate fortress was especially clever, and it was a terrific lead-in for the Sand Ship.

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