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Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend

I have a question for all you lovely people viewing this thread. What should my next Avatar/Signature/Profile "theme" be? I currently have Algebra as my theme, I have had a Rain theme, a "Nightmare" theme, and a "Stone Tablet" theme... what's next?

I was thinking of doing something related to roses... because my GF and I love roses, I even draw them for her... :love: <3

So... yeah... if you have any ideas as to what my theme should be, please reply to this Post.


Sure why not make a bed full of roses.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Gibberish theme.
Define a Gibberish Theme... XD
Sure why not make a bed full of roses.
I just thought that'd be a little... I don't know... girly? I don't know.. I'm thinking about it...
ZH, you should make an icy themed one. That would look cool.
That would be cool, have, like, icicles hanginf from the bottom of it... XD
You should make some dude on a sammich.
Oh yeah, totally. :rolleyes:


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Do a sprite for her, add it standing next to yours, and then put a rosy background behind them.
What, me and my girlfriend? Lol I actually like that one...


Unless someone has any better ideas, I'm going with Thareous's idea...


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Okay, the following ist shows what idea I like, 1 being the best, 7 being least...
  1. Thareous's Idea -- Sprite of me & my GF with roses behind us
  2. Keyari's idea -- Forest
  3. Reaca's idea -- Ice
  4. A_LINK_IN_TIME's idea -- Bed of roses
  5. Josie's idea -- French Toast
  6. Big Octo's first idea -- Gibberish
  7. Big Octo's second idea -- Guy on a sammich

So... yeah...

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