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Are you guys getting Pokken Tournament?


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
With release coming in just a week, I am very curious who is going to be getting Pokken.

Based on reviewers impressions of this game, Pokken is going to be a magnificent fighting game with a ton of depth. So I think I may get it at launch. I also have some friends irl that are getting Pokken too, so playing online with them will be fun.
Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
I'm really unsure about it, doesn't seem to be enough information on it yet considering how close it is to launch. Tekken is imo the best fighting game series of all time, even if it's half as good as Tekken it would be the best pokemon game.

Just read this article but I'd be willing to bet my left nut that it's not more complicated than Tekken is, almost no fighting game is even close. http://www.destructoid.com/pokken-t...than-tekken-might-be-deeper-348255.phtml#post


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I love me some Tekken, so combine its gameplay with one of my favorite franchises how can I resist this game?
I know there's some wacky fighting games out there but I bet none of them have a fighting chandelier. I hope Vanillite will be included with the DLC, then I can have my dream match: Ice cream vs chandelier.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I'm really unsure about it, doesn't seem to be enough information on it yet considering how close it is to launch. Tekken is imo the best fighting game series of all time, even if it's half as good as Tekken it would be the best pokemon game.

Just read this article but I'd be willing to bet my left nut that it's not more complicated than Tekken is, almost no fighting game is even close. http://www.destructoid.com/pokken-t...than-tekken-might-be-deeper-348255.phtml#post
Complication and depth are two different things. For example, most fighting have difficult inputs that require quick reflexes. However, Pokken's inputs are not difficult at all. They are very easy, and straightforward to learn. Even combos are not technically intensive. Instead, combos are based on precise timing. They aren't difficult inputs in the This is a huge difference considering that the focus on Pokken is not technical skill. It is of good timing, spacing, strategy, and reading. This isn't a casual game by any means, and I think it will stand equal with other fighting games such as Street Fighter 5.

I think it is in strategy itself that is going to give this game so much depth. Each player in a match not only has one objective anymore. That is the basic concept of winning in fighting games. The perspective stays the same with most fighting games. However, in Pokken, the objective is to get the upper hand. There are the two styles of play that each player needs to fight over to match their personal play style and character. This is very interesting. You have characters like Mewtwo, who can dominate within the field phase. Yet you have Machamp, who is an absolute beast in the dual phase. However, each matchup has its own meta within these 2 phases. There are 2 distinct characters represented within each fighter. So all together, that creates 2 different match ups within a match. What also helps is that each character plays so radically different from the other, that this again creates so much more depth to each match. For example, in the matchup of Gardevoir and Machamp. Gardevoir can completely wall Machamp in projectiles in the field phase, however, Machamp can rush Gardevoir with ease in the Dual Phase. So each character is trying to get their own way, which leads to interesting new strategies and exciting matches. This doesn't even consider the strategies with the synergy gauge, support Pokemon, and buffs and debuffs that Fighters can give each other through their move set.

I suggest you watch this video for an example. Like the guy or not, Shofu is currently one of the best western Pokken players right now. That much is said.
Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
It seems interesting.... looks like Smash+Street Fighter+ a small amount of Tekken. The huge arena though is quite different since you can cover space in different directions quite freely. I don't think I'd like it but it sounds like it would be okay if you like that kind of thing. Maybe if I had friends into it I'd start to like it.

But yeah I still don't think it will be all that complicated.... as complicated as SF5? Yeah probably, SF5 is pretty simple as far as fighting games go.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
My impressions of the game and tournament/gameplay footage I've seen suggest that the game lacks any depth seen in Bandai Namco fighting games like Tekken or Soul Calibur. To me, it's closer to Pokemon Stadium than it is to Tekken, which isn't a bad thing if they only said so. So far, they've tried to advertise this as Tekken with Pokemon, even smashing the two names together to form "Pokken." Although I enjoyed the Pokemon Stadium games, this isn't one that I have much interest in.

However, I've heard that the game is surprisingly deep with it's fighting mechanics, so what I'm going to do is wait. I'll wait to see if my suspicions about the game and its place among fighting games is true, and if so, I'll stay away. But if I'm wrong, and the game brings a unique take on fighting games, then maybe I'll pick it up, and use Goro; I mean, Machamp.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'm definitely picking up Pokken Tournament this weekend!

Alternating between the field and dual phases seems like a good way for the game to differentiate itself in the crowded fighting game field. Perhaps I have not been keeping up with the news, but I didn't know of this feature until the reviews started to come in. I like that there is a balance between fighting on the ground and in the air as well as alternating between normal attacks, throws, and counters.

The general consensus that the single-player takes 10-15 hours to complete is also reassuring. I can definitely see it getting tedious with the small roster of playable characters, but even the most monotonous Pokemon spin-offs (glares at Pokemon Battle Revolution) haven't been too bad. When Street Fighter, the king of traditional fighters, decides to cut its single-player at launch, I'm glad the rest of the industry is not following suit quite yet.

Here's hoping to the start of another fighting mainstay in Nintendo's repertoire.
Jun 14, 2011
I've already received my copy of the game and I've started playing the hell out of it. I have played Tekken before and I would of thought the gameplay in Pokken Tournament would have some similar feel. Turns out it's alot different than I initially thought. There is alot of basics to take in when fighting, however the fighting itself is so fast-paced that you tend to forget about a couple of things.

It's definitely a fun game and some moments are very satisfying, but it's not an easy game to simply pick up and fight blindly, you'll need to do some training and learn some of the basics before you decide to fight head-on.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Those in Europe who are on the fence, you guys can download a free Pokken Demo!
@Deus I know you were very conflicted on this game personally. So you can give it a try here.
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