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TPHD-Wii U Are the Zelda game remakes on Wii U worth getting?


Village Question-Asker
I'm just wondering if it would be a worth-while investment to buy Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD for the Wii U at this point in time.
I'm mostly hesitant because both I and what seems to be a lot of other people think they'll be ported to the Switch (or it's successor) soon.
Or hell, is it more worth it to get the original Gamecube releases?


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
if you already have a Wii U, then Windwaker HD is far and away the better (and cheaper) version. SD is still good, but unless you really want to use the Tingle Tuner I wouldn’t bother.

Twilight Princess HD is also the best version, but only by technicality. It will also run you a good $100. The GameCube version is generally considered the second best, but that costs even more at around $120. The Wii version is considered the weakest of the 3, but it’s also dirt cheap at only $15. Personally I think TP is easily the weakest of the classic styled Zeldas, so I wouldn’t bother with it unless you’re desperate for another Zelda, and even then the Wii version is probably good enough.


Village Question-Asker
if you already have a Wii U, then Windwaker HD is far and away the better (and cheaper) version. SD is still good, but unless you really want to use the Tingle Tuner I wouldn’t bother.

Twilight Princess HD is also the best version, but only by technicality. It will also run you a good $100. The GameCube version is generally considered the second best, but that costs even more at around $120. The Wii version is considered the weakest of the 3, but it’s also dirt cheap at only $15. Personally I think TP is easily the weakest of the classic styled Zeldas, so I wouldn’t bother with it unless you’re desperate for another Zelda, and even then the Wii version is probably good enough.
Informative. Good to know.

i vote for gamecube releases
Context would be pretty nice.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Wind Waker HD has more improvements over the Gamecube version compared to Twilight Princess HD. WW HD is probably the best remake Nintendo has ever made of a Zelda game in terms of improving upon the original. TP HD is an improvement over the original, but I would play the Gamecube version if it was cheaper.

As far as when they will be released again on another console, it's all speculation at this point. They are beloved games so we will see them again at some point, but the announcement could come in a few months or years from now.

In the US, WW came out in 2003, and TP came out in 2006. Both Wii U versions came out on the 10th anniversaries of the originals so 2013 and 2016 respectively. It's extremely noticeable at this point how many Wii U games were ported to Switch but not these two beloved games. My guess is that the earliest we could see them is around March 2025 as release titles for the next Nintendo console. I think this is possible as it seems unlikely that Nintendo has a brand new Zelda planned as an exclusive for the next console. TotK is still recent, and EoW still isn't out yet so I would be amazed if Nintendo has another new Zelda far along in development at this point.

Another possibility is that the next console will come with a launch of a Gamecube app for Nintendo Switch online. I think it's a near certainty that the HD versions on Wii U or the original versions won't be the only way to play WW and TP within the next two years, but knowing when or how is impossible.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
People have nostalgia blindness when in reality all these versions are the same. Whatever is most convenient for you is probably the best option. I do hope they come to the switch/switch 2 (assuming switch 2 is backwards compatible) because that would be the most convenient for me. I don’t even care if they just do GameCube on NSO and just emulate the games on there.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Some would argue the HD remakes are better as they made slight QoL adjustments and shortened a few quests that people complained about in the originals, but speaking as someone who never had a problem with the originals I don't think those changes were fully necessary.

Graphically, I think WW looks better and more charming than its HD remake and would much rather play that version as a result. TP doesn't have enough noticeable differences to matter, only the textures were improved. Between the originals, the Gamecube version is definitive as that's the "canon" version (the Wii version is mirrored) and also controls better overall. But it comes at a high price point which is an obstacle for many people.

I do think it likely that we'll see both games on the Switch's followup, but I also see a high likelihood of Gamecube games being available through the online system.

Overall, the games play nearly identically with the only real exception being TWW replacing an item with one that is now useless and both games including QoL upgrades. So go with whichever you feel like playing!

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
What do you like about the Gamecube versions?
specifically WWHD- I think the only significant addition to the game is the gyro controls, which are great, but don't compensate for the tingle item downgrade. Everything else is personal preference/sidegrade, they really increased the bloom a lot and smoothed out the models. It makes everything look a lot hotter, which is an aesthetic for sure, but it's just a stylistic thing

Daku Rinku

Dampe’s Acolyte
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Depends how eager you are to play them. There has been no announcement for WW or TP to be ported to Switch or Switch II. Those ports will likely be on Switch II to garner interest to buy it. So you may be having to decide on the Wiii U & GameCube vetsions or getting a whole new console to have them.

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