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Are 2D/Side Scrolling Games Worth Premium Pricing?

Jun 13, 2023
2D games are often way more polished and have tighter gameplay. It’s amazing to me that people think 3D is worth more. It’s usually worth less.

Maybe it’s more a conversation about how people want to pay more for better, realistic graphics. And because 3D gets super realistic graphics, it’s then considered “better” and is worth more money.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
2D platformers/side scrolling games are worth premium price for me because they're some of the games I have the most fun with and replay the most. Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, the Streets of Rage games, and the Super Mario Maker games are some of my all-time favorites.
May 4, 2014
2D games can be just as good or bad as 3D games. Platformers can still be every bit as good or bad as sprawling adventures. If it provides you with fun, satisfaction, and good memories then it is doing its intended job.

However, the rising prices aren't a product of superior and inferior genres, as they are of rising costs of lots of products.

I'm more likely to wait for a sale, or buy it used, then I am to immediately hand over $50-$70 on any game. (Also, bless layaway.)

Buuuut if they wanna make a game lower priced because it's 2D, an unpopular genre, an indie, or collection of oldies but goodies, that's good news for my gaming habits and my wallet. I'm not gonna complain.


Staff member
I don't see 2D games as being inherently of less value than 3D ones or believe that based on the lower number of dimensions that they should be cheaper.

At the end of the day a game is worth whatever people are willing to pay for it. If it is too expensive and the sales are poor then the publisher can lower the price or risk losing more sales to piracy or used copy sales. I'm sure games publishers (at least the bigger ones) have smart people doing the numbers of at what price point they are likely to bring in the most $$$
Jun 27, 2023
Side scrollers could be cheaper. The question is should they? From the guys trying to make a business out of it, why would they price it below 60?

BTW, my favorite side scrollers are the ones that have 3d sections. Like most Mario maker´s Wii U overworld map had 3d motion

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