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A Link Between Worlds Anyone else Think This Game is a Bit Too Easy?

Jul 7, 2013
I know there is a hero mode but it feels like I've only been playing a few hours and have already smashed through 4 dungeons.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
trust me niqqa things are definitely easy to breeze through in the game, however, you should try out the Three Heart, no Shield, no Upgrades, Rental Only, No Recovery Hearts Low Save Game. it is so much fun and (artifically?) makes things harder [qimme dat]. also the sidequest content gets a bit rough.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
All I have left to do is find two final Heart Pieces and then go do the end-game. I've been playing for roughly 10-12 hours, can't be certain.

That leads me to think that, yes, the game is too easy. However, I'm aware of something I felt during Skyward Sword as well, which is that perhaps it's only easy since I know what to expect from Zelda, more or less. It's like how I'm only good at Call of Duty: Ghosts because I've played the games for six years. Except I've been playing Zelda for almost twenty.

There are a lot of things in the series that you come to recognise right away once you've beat about four or five of the games and they make much of the process fairly straightforward. Some of the puzzles in the dungeons have given me pause, I'm glad to say, but since they're so short this will only ever really happen once, if at all. Combat has given me the most trouble because I am reckless and just like to get stuck in, but it's the same as A Link to the Past's combat, a system I know intimately, so it's not slowing me down. I've not died once in the whole game, although there have been some close calls.

All things considered, I think I would say that game is easy, but I would hesitate to say too easy. It provides a nice level of challenge that won't get in the way of progress but which still leaves you feeling like you've done something. Many fights are satisfying to come out alive of, there are enough puzzles which make you think, and the collectibles are well hidden without being cryptic. It's a nice balance for a hand-held game and I think it works. So, easy - yes; too easy - not so much.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
No easier than the classic masterpiece this game is following up on. Honestly, the only reason I think anyone thinks the more recent entries have been "too easy" is because they don't take how inexperienced they were when they played the older entries (usually as kids, no less) and how experienced they are now (often as adults) into account. Hell, I've frequently seen people talk about how much more difficult Ocarina of Time was than recent entries, when that's... just not... true. If anything, OoT is one of the easier games in the franchise -- certainly not TOO easy, but in no way hard.

And, really, aside from Zelda II, Zelda's never been that difficult. I think the GameCube games were certainly way too simplistic in their design, but other than them, Zelda's kept a pretty consistent level of challenge since and including A Link to the Past. A Link Between Worlds also has 4x normal damage in its Hero Mode, which will no doubt make a minimalist run in it a nightmare. It was already pretty difficult doing so in Skyward Sword's Hero Mode. I can only imagine it will be doubly so for ALBW.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Not really...a little easy compared to Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass, maybe, but as a Zelda title overall? Nah.
Last edited:
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
I thought that the difficulty was up there with A Link to the Past itself. It started out easy, but as you went through dungeons in Lorule, the enemies got stronger and the puzzles actually stumped me for a while. The only extra easy things I found in ALBW were the dungeon bosses. Only the dungeon bosses, though, because I actually had trouble with the final boss.


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
I'll admit the game seemed easy at first, but once I reached Lorule the difficulty went up. I will say that I was hoping for something a little more challenging, but I still love the game, and it doesn't make it any less entertaining in my opinion. The dungeon bosses are definitely too weak, though. I think their design is fine, but they die too quickly. Other than that, I really don't have anything big to complain about.
Jun 14, 2011
I have to say I do think A Link Between Worlds was lacking in difficulty a bit. I'll admit there were some areas where I got stumped, but overall I found the boss fights, Puzzles and Dungeons pretty straight forward. I wouldn't say it's was easy because I'm experienced at playing Zelda, I find it's more because the above were pretty obvious.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I too blazed through a lot of the dungeons but thats because i couldnt put my game down...
The dungeons IMO are designed in a great way that make them actually challenging and puzzling but not too much.
And i do believe the bosses (minus the very last boss) are very easy.

However, the general combat to me seems a little tougher. I have a harder time hitting enemies that have weapons than i did in ALttP. Idk maybe its just me
Jul 18, 2012
This game took me about 4 hours longer than A Link to the Past to beat.

I wouldn't judge the difficulty of a Zelda game by completion time, though.

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