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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Dec 13, 2019
@ Storm:

You don't get to talk about Kangaroo Court. You heard about it. I lived it.

It wasn't fun.

@ Rubik:

You're a funny cube, you know that? No, it doesn't make up for any past trauma caused by you lot.

@ Vro:

All things being equal, given size of game, inactives and lurkers are a dime a dozen. I will note that if the whole school being in session affects some people posting, then that should be taken into account. Otherwise, any name on the list is just as good as the next if they haven't posted as of yet.

Or we can hold a kangaroo court session because let's be honest that's exactly what mafia is.


@ Neon:

Sooooo, you're being yourself. Cool. Glad that got cleared up.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I realize I have like 40 more posts than anyone else and 120 total but my record for a game D1 was literally 1000 and that was in 48 hours so you should all be happy.

My girlfriend once posted like 200 times in 1 hour lol


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I mean it's day 1
im usually the one everyone gets rid of first thing. in a " now that Storm's gone we can actually play" kind of way
and if I go to Jail i know im not getting out


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I realize I have like 40 more posts than anyone else and 120 total but my record for a game D1 was literally 1000 and that was in 48 hours so you should all be happy.

My girlfriend once posted like 200 times in 1 hour lol
Jun 3, 2023
As far as I am aware, the only players yet to directly post in this thread are neosilk, who has been MIA since before the game start, Hello World in the Unknown Player Pool, and Mint Elv, who has remained in exile since game start. Every other player has posted in the thread, though some contributions have had more impact than others (Darkstar and Doc in particular haven't interacted with the thread as much).

What is a "kangaroo court"?


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
As far as I am aware, the only players yet to directly post in this thread are neosilk, who has been MIA since before the game start, and Mint Elv, who has remained in exile since game start. Every other player has posted in the thread, though some contributions have had more impact than others (Darkstar and Doc in particular haven't interacted with the thread as much).

What is a "kangaroo court"?
a trial where everyone thinks your guilty. you get no defense, and no matter what you say, you hang
Dec 13, 2019
Well that just goes to show how memorable people are in a game this size when they don't make a splash.

Jun 15, 2020
for those of you not on discord, day ends in a little over 24 hours, so now is the time to vote. We need to hit 11 votes on someone in order to get an arrest, and i think arresting is definitely better than not arresting..

For those of you not on Discord, you really should be. The game requires participation in the Discord server and the Game Thread. At the very least you should turn on notifications for the #mod-announcements channel in the server, lest you miss something critical that might be communicated there.

Some of you don't like Discord. I get that. But this game is too massive for me to properly run it without leaning on the Discord server. If you're not checking the Discord server, you will be disadvantaged in what is already a hard game.

It wasn't fun.
You take that back. :mad:

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