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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Jun 17, 2020
I do the editing. I invite you to come up with a reason why Robbie Robertson would be anything but Town aligned.

I can't confirm that all my colleagues are Town, but it's very unlikely that many of them are not Town, if any. There are some I could see going down dark paths, but none of them have shown any unwillingness to create a great newspaper filled with useful information.

Whatever story makes it to the front page can potentially have details mod-confirmed to be true or false, which means even if someone is given incorrect results or lies to me about their results it still has value in determining the truth.

What its says about Robbie Robertson, is that you are pro spiderman, while JJJ hates spiderman.
About the front page, so your saying Zinger helps write it? Does he pick the story?
Jun 15, 2020

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KoD: Kingpin or Defender?
By Frederick Foswell

For the next major installment of our ongoing coverage of the wealthiest, most eligible bachelors currently residing in our beloved city, we turn the full force of our hard-hitting journalistic chops to one of the top players of the Big Apple's business district—King of Dominaria. According to our strict mod-confirmed fact-checking process, he is NOT Mr. James Wesley despite multiple investigations into his identity showing that he is. This man masquerading as high-powered attorney may or may not currently be the number #2 at local megacorporation Fisk Industries. He may even be Mr. Wilson Fisk himself, though that is purely speculation. We consulted a local fortune teller who has given us very reliable knowledge that he would remain "James Wesley" in the future, but it turns out, this was also FALSE. This wealthy go-getter is confirmed by our sources and our fact check process to be not Mafia aligned, and has not submitted a Faction kill this previous night. The fact that KoD isn't Mafia and hasn't submitted a Faction kill last night are the only two facts that came up as true in our fact-check review. Despite what sources say, his alignment does contain the letter "r". This makes it highly likely that his alignment is not either Town or Self like we initially assumed, but either Origin or Supervillain (or Superhero, if you want a laugh) or something else entirely. When asked in an exclusive interview about how he manages to be so successful, he told us quote, "Stop blocking the elevator", as well as, "Security will show you out of the building." Wow! What a scoop!

Following this interview, our totally legal use of the Patriot Act to collect all of Mr. Wesley's cell phone records allowed us to confirm that his secret is a simple one—don't make friends and nobody will ever betray you. It was determined that KoD has made contact with at least one player outside of the game thread, despite his records saying he had never contacted anyone outside the thread. I just call that a Friday night, but then again I'm not the one with alleged access to the Century Club, so what do I know?

KoD has been found by our investigative staff to not have a threshold value of 10 despite showing as 10 in our investigation, so if you really wanted to lynch him, who knows how hard it'll be? KoD humbly pretends to only possesses a single Corporate Share, but in reality, this information is also false.

My personal guess is that KoD has either has a fellow player playing Mr. James Wesley who can take the heat for him when investigated or that he's simply got an ability protects him by distorting attempts to investigate him. Regardless, all investigations into KoD must be called into question after what we've discovered.

As always, we at the Daily Bugle will continue to be ever-vigilant in our quest to bring the people of New York the latest in hard-hitting journalism. Whose privacy will we invade tomorrow? You'll have to buy the paper to find out!


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Letters to the Editor
By Joseph "Robbie" Robertson

Anonymous said:
be comforted
nothing has yet been lost
you wait with hope but hope is already here

Dear Anonymous,
This just looks like nonsense to me.

Anonymous said:
I choose to be an agent of chaos and share some information which may not be in my own best interest.

The Mafia is not united. I am currently Mafia-aligned but not connected to anyone else in the Mafia. Furthermore, my alignment includes a sub-clause which could potentially mean that I am not even on the same team as the rest of the Mafia. Thus I am hoping to change my alignment before the game is over. Fortunately, my role provides me with not one, but two methods of doing that. The first would see me become Self aligned, the other would see me become a Supervillain. I am only sharing this information because I am hoping to reach the first condition before I reach the second. I currently have no information about the Supervillain alignment other than the fact that it exists and the method whereby I could join it. Do with this information as you please.
Dear Anonymous,
Unless you have posting restrictions that prevent you from asking for help from us, please let us know if we can assist in getting you what you need to become self-aligned (hopefully as a survivor). I have edited your message slightly, if you wish to identify yourself to me in a future message, please include the correction I made to your message as proof of your identity.
I can edit or omit any part of your message as requested so please let me know if there’s anything you want help with that you don’t want broadcast publicly as well.

Anonymous said:
Hi friends <3!!!! It's me, SMS!!! :3 I decided each day I'll try making art to chronicle events that made up a day. As we all know, we saw Kingpin today, so I drew Kingpin!!! I haven't done lineart in a really long time. I might not always do lineart pieces, and who knows if the quality of these for each day will go up or down. Regardless, I'll try to do them for as long as I can!
Dear SMS,
Excellent fan art! We’re happy to have it featured in our newspaper.

Anonymous said:
Dear Daily Bugle,
Do you know the muffin man?
If not what about the slenderman?
He took my children Martha & Billy. Every day he forces them to play an otome. If you have seen them can you let me know by naming which otome he has forced upon them?
Dear Anonymous,
Sir or madam, this is a newspaper. If you or your children are in danger, please call the police.

Anonymous said:
Dear Editor,
It has come to my attention that Vroendal occasionally goes by the name Crime Master. Whether or not the source of this information can be trusted is something I haven't verified. Please bring this to the attention of the town for the sake of debate.
Dear Anonymous,
That’s an interesting rumor, we’ll do our best to look into it.


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Editor's Note
By Joseph "Robbie" Robertson
Dear Readers,

Last night I visited the New York Hall of Science in Queens to see their demonstration on radioactivity. I am by no means a man of science, but I am a man who can appreciate being taught a thing or two by people who are.

Zinger began by welcoming us to speak freely. Lain hoped to sample some radioactive food but was left hungry and unirradiated. Lain, also known as Professor Mendel Stromm, gave explicit permission to be identified by the paper. I speculated the silent Tevish, who was there but completely quiet, might be Peter Parker (who is that?) since he had gotten pulled aside by Hello World (who I speculate to be Stan Lee). Zinger made some comments about how Tevish could be a fly on the wall or Dracula which lead me to speculate that he might be a radioactive spider.

A college professor whose player name I will not identify without permission joined us and said, “this is the future” or something like that. They can be identified later by staff if requested.

Zinger responded to the fact that while none of us there were Mafia or part of the Century Club, there are 9 factions in this game so we’re not necessarily all Town.

Another late arrival joined us, who I will not out in any capacity unless they request it in case they want to remain anonymous.

Lain told us that jail has bars and you can’t talk while in there. Little did Lain know that they had been bailed out far too fast for our reporter to interview them (they wasted their whole day trying to interview an empty cell, but that’s the harsh reality of journalism and half of why I keep a bottle of whiskey in my filing cabinet).

On player suggestion, Zinger created a Discord channel called “Jail” that you can’t type in to throw jailed players into.

A player gave us information about the existence of the “superhero-aligned” alignment. We also have awareness of a “supervillain-aligned” alignment, but no knowledge of what either win condition entails.

Please consider this as proof of my identity as Robbie Robertson in lieu of wiring you money. Feel free to send me the information you mentioned through a letter to the editor and specify if you want it kept from print and whether or not you want me to share it with my coworkers.

Speculation was made about some Mafia being a threat to the town and others being able to win with town and there being multiple separate groups of mafia.

Venom was brought up as a possible “main threat”, but it was mentioned that Venom was added to the comics later. The “Green Goblin” being the biggest threat (whoever it might end up being) was also proposed.

Various NPCs and/or PCs without access to the chat entered the event (we don’t know who they are) and we were given a posting restriction to not post elsewhere during the demonstration.

At this point, the event started and NPC Doctor Eric Schwinner from General Techtronics Laboratories East began to speak. He gave his thanks to the New York Hall of Science for hosting the show as well as Midtown High School for putting up flyers around their campus (young people are the future, after all). He asked if anyone had any questions and I asked if he had anything he’d like to say to the people at home.

A player going by the alias “John Smith” mentioned that he associated radiation with bombs and asked how safe the demonstration was and if this demonstration was medical, military, or something else.

The answer to both questions was the same: that people fear radioactivity but that it’s safe with many modern applications. He believes radioactivity is the way of the future in terms of energy and someday everything will be powered by radioactivity from cars to dishwashers to spaceships.

He also mentioned the military is also looking into uses for radioactivity and that the Federal Center for Atomic Research in New Jersey was more concerned with the military applications. He says their facilities are superior and that the real news in the world of radioactivity is there through the research of one Doctor Otto Octavius, whose works are unbelievable but could not elaborate in detail due to an NDA.

Then the demonstration began. A scientist turned on a machine with the power to generate a radioactive rays in a focused beam and control it precisely. No shielding was necessary for protection due to how focused the beam was. Similar to an X-Ray machine in some regards, the radioactive ray is concentrated to within half a meter and from a distance of 2 meters away you absorb basically zero extra radiation. He compared the level of control of the ray to that of a gun rather than a bomb.

A spider known as Tevish ended up in the path of the ray, turning into some sort of carrier of radiation. It bit the closest living thing, but who that could be is anyone’s guess! Many possibilities were shown of individuals who could be bit by the spider in various timelines.

Regardless of who got bitten, a student named Peter Parker stepped outside with a headache because the exhibit unnerved him, a canon event regardless of who got bitten.

The college professor from earlier asked how radioactivity might be applicable to biochemistry and Doctor Schwinner responded that it could be linked to memory-cell regrowth, to restore lost memories.

We milled around for a bit at the event and then all went home.

Not every event is going to be a big scoop, but I’m glad I got to witness a little bit of history and the final moments of one of the finest spiders I’ve ever met.

Keep up the good work everyone,

Robbie Robertson
Contact Us


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Daily Bugle Office Hit by Terrorist Attack: Mafia-Linked Electrician Company Demands $42,069 Ransom Amid Power Outage Chaos

By Ned Leeds

Chaos erupted at the iconic Daily Bugle office today as a massive power outage plunged the bustling newsroom into darkness. Authorities have confirmed that the incident was the result of a terrorist attack on the building's electrical infrastructure, believed to be orchestrated by a mafia-linked electrician company.

The Daily Bugle, renowned for its fearless journalism and future iconic coverage of Spider-Man's escapades, was forced to halt operations as the building's power grid was maliciously compromised. The motive behind the attack was soon unveiled when the company responsible for the building's electrical maintenance, hereafter nick named as ElectricaMob, demanded a staggering ransom of $42,069 to restore power and prevent further disruptions.

ElectricaMob's questionable ties to organized crime have long raised eyebrows within the city, with rumors of their involvement in extortion and racketeering circulating for years. The sudden demand for an oddly specific amount has only intensified suspicions of their illicit activities. Authorities are currently working tirelessly to trace the origins of the attack and bring those responsible to justice.

J. Jonah Jameson, the fervent editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, expressed his outrage at the situation. "This is an attack not just on the Daily Bugle but on the freedom of the press itself!" he bellowed, his signature cigar clenched between his teeth. "We won't be silenced by these thugs, and we'll continue to report the truth no matter what obstacles they throw our way."

City officials are coordinating their efforts to ensure the safe resolution of the crisis. Specialized cybercrime units are collaborating with law enforcement agencies to track down the perpetrators and decipher their motives. Mayor Emily Parker condemned the attack, emphasizing the importance of preserving the city's sense of security and normalcy.

According to a tip-by-wire report, the identity of the culprit is none other than Storm whose identity is allegedly Maxwell Dillon. This information has not yet been verified by the staff of the Daily Bugle.

As the investigation unfolds, New Yorkers stand united against the forces attempting to disrupt their way of life. With the Daily Bugle's fearless spirit undiminished by the darkness cast upon its newsroom, the city remains determined to overcome this challenge and shed light on the truth behind the attack.


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JJJ's Rants
By J. Jonah Jameson

A man is dead. DEAD! And do you know what all these masked vigilantes did about it? NOTHING! Not a single one has stepped forward with any information to help. Not a single one has stepped forward to take responsibility for escalating the crimes in this city. Do you think SuperVillians are just born? No. They are created by the very people who say they’re here to stop them. It used to be that if gangs had a beef they would settle it with a nice quiet hit. Somebody might wake up with a horse head. Or maybe they’d stay sleeping with the fishes in the Hudson. These days it’s Goblin Formula energy drinks and techno gizmo doodas designed to blow up half the city just to steal $200 from the Shawarma stand down on E53rd. The Bugle won’t stand for it. We’ll take on the heroes, the villains, the power company, ALL the criminals. If you think a little power outage is going to stop us, think again. If you think we’ll fold shop because we lost Mac, think doubly hard. That would be spitting in the face of Mac’s memory. Mark my words. J. Jonah Jameson will not rest until all of you are rotting behind bars like you should be.


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What the Duck is Going On?!? - Gang War
By Donald Duck




The streets have erupted with crime! Sources have confirmed multiple syndications are wrestling for control of the underbelly of New York City, the Lucky Lobo Gang is being named specifically as a top contender for the title of "Kingpin of Crime". But the first victim of this gang on gang violence isn’t even a member of the gangs vying for control.

MacDonald “Mac” Gargan also known as Stability has senselessly lost his life to this violence. While the specifics of how Mac has passed are as of yet to be determined conclusively, the loss is still felt none the less. Mac shared a professional relationship with the Bugle, often digging into stories on behalf of the paper when needed.

An unnamed witness spoke up on the issue with a promise that their identity would be kept secret, "It's my fault. I knowingly sent him into danger and he paid the price. He got mixed up witnessing a failed attempt on DaRkStAr's life. I may not have pulled the trigger, but I put him in front of it. I should have known. I should have known. I should have known..."

The witness had no further comment.


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Chess with a Criminal



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Are you in a spot of legal trouble and don't know where to turn?

We can help.

Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys at Law might be a new firm, but don't let that fool you,

Our team is unquestionably the best you can get in Hell's Kitchen and the greater isle of Manhattan.

Trust us when we say you don't want to wait until you're already in jail before reaching out.

The best defense is one that keeps you out of jail in the first place!

And we can make sure that never happens to you.

Our retainer is affordable compared to the national average; only $1500 per Day.

So give us a call through your local Mod--ask for Nelson and Murdock.

Don't wait; the number of clients we can take on is limited.

Let us fight to keep you out of jail, where you belong.


Would you like to see your own classified ads here? Now, you can! Send a message to the Mod with what you'd like to include, make sure you identify it as a classified ad, and attach your cheque for $500.


– Page 11 –

Daily Rumors

According to the old rumor mill, the co-founders of Bestman & Toomes Electronics had a big falling out! Toomes was forced to resign by Bestman after Bestman tricked Toomes out of his rightful share in the business. Toomes assaulted Bestman and left disgraced, but vowed revenge before he left...
This is allegedly tied to a character's Motivation, but who knows?
Sounds like there could be a Vulture in wait!
The Fantastic Four are probably in the game and how can our boss JJJ call them untrustworthy when they don't even wear masks?
The Lucky Lobo gang is part of the gang war and if Lobo becomes the Kingpin all costs will go up 25% and he'll pocket the extra cash. The rumor also included that Minish was part of his crew. [This doesn't match what I believe her character name is, but I'm Including it anyways].
A rumor was gathered by someone with the character name, job title, and arrest threshold of someone at the Daily Bugle. [We did not press for further information.]
“The Active, the Arrested, and the Dead player pools contain players in New York City. Players located outside of New York City are part of the Exiled pool while out of town. The Unknown pool contains players that don’t have a location.
[Secondhand, not officially a rumor but didn't have a better place to put it]
- 9 players began the game origin-aligned (100%).
- Ragnarokio is probably Felicia Hardy (80%)
- Vroendal is probably Otto Octavius (80%)


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(Watch for further details on how you can compete in the NEXT VOTE COUNT!)


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King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
What its says about Robbie Robertson, is that you are pro spiderman, while JJJ hates spiderman.
About the front page, so your saying Zinger helps write it? Does he pick the story?
Robbie Robertson is not a super-hero/villain, he isn't a criminal, he is a journalist with morals whose level headedness offers a balance to JJJ and keeps his wacky thoughts in the opinion section where they belong.

Also, I think today's newspaper speaks to its own value.
Jun 3, 2023
A fascinating edition!! o.o The Daily Bugle team is clearly hard at work. <33
As to what percentage of their efforts have been rewarded with truths as opposed to lies, I'm sure we'll find out eventually!! :pp

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
The rumor about me being with Lobo is false. Rubik knows my character name (though he just has to take my word on that). Afaik any changes in my role would probably put me on a superhero type aligned path.
Jun 3, 2023
Hmm. I see that there are not one, but two separate accusations leveled against me regarding my character profile. :pp I denounce both of them!! o.o
Jun 3, 2023
Dear Anonymous,
That’s an interesting rumor, we’ll do our best to look into it.
On this note btw, personally, I would advise against most of you all (the playerbase) targeting me from this point onwards if that is your intention. o.o I'm not telling you not to if you really want to, but I don't think most plans will proceed smoothly. >.> I think that theatog and the Human Torch, to name a couple, have already discovered that for themselves. :pp I say this for the benefit of all. If you want to know more, or even better, help me out, then you might have to wait for a more opportune time, or learn something on your own. o.o

Shout-out to SMS's lineart btw, looks super good!! ^ ^


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
interesting stuff in here, im assuming the bolded stuff is the mod confirmed part?
The bolded stuff is largely stuff that was mechanically investigated by our staff that I bolded for clarity and some of those things were retyped to say the opposite once they had been declared false by the fact check.

I thought it would make it easier to read for someone quickly looking for the facts in the article. The original article was quite boring by comparison and showed KoD as a likely town or self aligned lawyer who worked under Fisk—but when the fact check came back covered in red marks, I had to hastily change the whole front page article at 5:20 am before it went out to the printers.

Exciting stuff, the news industry.


aka amber
Jun 25, 2020
The bolded stuff is largely stuff that was mechanically investigated by our staff that I bolded for clarity and some of those things were retyped to say the opposite once they had been declared false by the fact check.

I thought it would make it easier to read for someone quickly looking for the facts in the article. The original article was quite boring by comparison and showed KoD as a likely town or self aligned lawyer who worked under Fisk—but when the fact check came back covered in red marks, I had to hastily change the whole front page article at 5:20 am before it went out to the printers.

Exciting stuff, the news industry.
makes sense, thank you for your hard work


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
We've got someone who could maybe become Big Man and we've got someone who could maybe be brainwashed into being the Hobgoblin on staff, yes.

Neither of them have really spoken on if those are included in their roles, but they might have posting restrictions.

I don't think we have a potential Venom in the staff, actually.

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