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Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity DLC Thread


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Next pack is coming soon so I've been thinking more about what I'm expecting to see. I'm predicting four new characters; Robbie, Purah, Sooga, and Astor (basically all the datamined ones in here), and that they will each have their own vignette, which will be the recruitment method. I'm gonna guess we're gonna get one new map for each of these four, as well. I could see Sooga's vignette taking place in the Gerudo Highlands, Robbie's taking place in Tumela Heights + Skull Lake, Purah's taking place in Kakariko Village + Lanayru Promenade + Mount Hylia, and... Astor's I'm not sure. We don't know enough about him. I wanna see them attempt a backstory on him.

I can imagine maps for Deya Village + Bridge of Hylia, Faron Woods + Lake Floria, Mount Hebra, or a Lomei Labyrinth (if they could make the Yiga Hideout work, they can make a labyrinth work). I can't really say which of those I'm actually expecting to see.

As far as the new abilities for the characters, I'm expecting it to be something we can actively use in battle rather than a passive skill, like maybe a secondary character action. That'd be cool.

I am not expecting any new costumes for characters, which makes me sad. I really want alt colors. I would absolutely kill for a BotW 2 save data bonus in the future with Link and Zelda's new looks as costumes, but I won't hold my breath.

I could very well be completely wrong about all of this, but if anything, I really want it to be just as creative and exciting as the Master Cycle and the Flail were. Hoping for some really neat stuff.
In the gallery, it says Astor is originally from Kakariko village. Maybe that's where his map will be?


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
I don't remember it saying that. As I recall, it only said he is from "a certain settlement in Hyrule" but it was never named.
My bad, I guess took that to mean Kakariko given the Shekiah markings and whatnot. I guess it could be any settlement though.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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I'm really excited for this next DLC pack. From what I saw, I'm expecting
(A) Playable Purah (finally!!!) and Robbie tag teaming it
(:cool: Playable Sooga, maybe? I really hope so, he's one of my favorite zelda characters and I would love to see him kick butt
(C) New story stuff including young Sidon, which means it must be good. I'm expecting some new lore stuff and levels. I'm very intrigued by whatever was attacking the egg guy, also why we see 2 Astors at one point
I wasn't terribly interested in buying the dlc after pack 1, but this is a lot cooler. I'm really excited to get it (mostly because purah but other stuff too, I guess)

Azure Sage

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Next pack is coming soon so I've been thinking more about what I'm expecting to see. I'm predicting four new characters; Robbie, Purah, Sooga, and Astor (basically all the datamined ones in here), and that they will each have their own vignette, which will be the recruitment method. I'm gonna guess we're gonna get one new map for each of these four, as well. I could see Sooga's vignette taking place in the Gerudo Highlands, Robbie's taking place in Tumela Heights + Skull Lake, Purah's taking place in Kakariko Village + Lanayru Promenade + Mount Hylia, and... Astor's I'm not sure. We don't know enough about him. I wanna see them attempt a backstory on him.

I can imagine maps for Deya Village + Bridge of Hylia, Faron Woods + Lake Floria, Mount Hebra, or a Lomei Labyrinth (if they could make the Yiga Hideout work, they can make a labyrinth work). I can't really say which of those I'm actually expecting to see.

As far as the new abilities for the characters, I'm expecting it to be something we can actively use in battle rather than a passive skill, like maybe a secondary character action. That'd be cool.

I am not expecting any new costumes for characters, which makes me sad. I really want alt colors. I would absolutely kill for a BotW 2 save data bonus in the future with Link and Zelda's new looks as costumes, but I won't hold my breath.

I could very well be completely wrong about all of this, but if anything, I really want it to be just as creative and exciting as the Master Cycle and the Flail were. Hoping for some really neat stuff.
Well, I was... roughly half-ish right? I'm super excited for all the story beats we saw, and of course the new gameplay stuff to mess with like a Robbie & Purah duo and more. Maybe I'll have more to say when it's not a work night and I'm not riding a high of hype.



Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
Slightly disappointed that we won't get one of Sooga/Astor (or in the worst case scenario we get neither of them), but it does look quite cool, and Purah and Robbie look like a fun character


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
So if they destroy the little cutie does this mean they undo the alternate version? Oh well it's not too far away for us to find out. I really hope Purah and Robbie aren't the only playable characters. I really hope for Sooga to become playable and Astor too but Sooga the most
Mar 23, 2013
So if they destroy the little cutie does this mean they undo the alternate version? Oh well it's not too far away for us to find out. I really hope Purah and Robbie aren't the only playable characters. I really hope for Sooga to become playable and Astor too but Sooga the most

I doubt it. Eggbot's involvement already altered the timeline. Destroying it wouldn't undo the events of the game.


Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
So if they destroy the little cutie does this mean they undo the alternate version? Oh well it's not too far away for us to find out. I really hope Purah and Robbie aren't the only playable characters. I really hope for Sooga to become playable and Astor too but Sooga the most
they aren't the only playable characters, there is one more other than them, most likely i bet it will be Sooga

Azure Sage

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So that's at least three maps; Kakariko, Goponga, and the Coliseum, and I feel like there's another that hasn't been touched on yet. I think my hunch about there being four maps was right on the money. I get the feeling there's gonna be 4. 4 maps, 4 stories. It seems like they're gonna mainly expand on side characters like baby Sidon, Robbie and Purah, Astor, and Sooga. Wasn't expecting baby Sidon to be involved at all. Still wanna see Link's family, but I sadly really doubt it. But who knows.

I feel like the stories will be sparsed throughout the main story like the first wave was. There might be one postgame one, but I expect most of them to take place periodically throughout the main story. I mainly think that because of the scene with Link helping Zelda learn how to use the Master Cycle (which was adorable), and the first wave has her getting that during their campaign against the Calamity's forces.

Purah and Robbie are pretty hype, but I have many questions about how a duo will work. Can you switch between them with the character action or something? Looking forward to seeing how they work very much.

"Added actions" does make me think of new battle moves and not passive skills, so cool. Hope I'm right.

I still want more alternate costumes for more characters, but there's nothing to suggest that's happening. sad.

Who could the last character be.... linkle


Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
Another trailer was released, and we can see some interesting stuff, for example Terrako had a clash with Harbinger before the first level, which was how it ended up damaged after time traveling to the past (sorry about the video, no dedicated separate trailer is up yet)

Azure Sage

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Another trailer was released, and we can see some interesting stuff, for example Terrako had a clash with Harbinger before the first level, which was how it ended up damaged after time traveling to the past (sorry about the video, no dedicated separate trailer is up yet)

Here's one. I haven't watched the whole thing cuz they showed an uncomfortable amount of one of the new cutscenes and I kinda regret watching as much as I did now. :err: The Purah & Robbie gameplay in the beginning was neat, though.

I should warn... that spoiler cutscene comes up awfully fast after the gameplay. spoiler caution is advised in both videos above.

Azure Sage

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Thinking more about it after watching the trailer again... I get the feeling the last character could be baby Sidon. That would honestly be such a meme lol. I'm not sure how I would feel about that being a thing. As it stands, it doesn't look like we're getting any more characters we haven't already seen somewhere in the game already...


Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
i know that could happen, but i really hope it doesn't, not because i prefer other characters over Baby Sidon (which well i do), but it would most likely end up being the 3rd single spear moveset, please no

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