Next pack is coming soon so I've been thinking more about what I'm expecting to see. I'm predicting four new characters; Robbie, Purah, Sooga, and Astor (basically all the datamined ones in here), and that they will each have their own vignette, which will be the recruitment method. I'm gonna guess we're gonna get one new map for each of these four, as well. I could see Sooga's vignette taking place in the Gerudo Highlands, Robbie's taking place in Tumela Heights + Skull Lake, Purah's taking place in Kakariko Village + Lanayru Promenade + Mount Hylia, and... Astor's I'm not sure. We don't know enough about him. I wanna see them attempt a backstory on him.
I can imagine maps for Deya Village + Bridge of Hylia, Faron Woods + Lake Floria, Mount Hebra, or a Lomei Labyrinth (if they could make the Yiga Hideout work, they can make a labyrinth work). I can't really say which of those I'm actually expecting to see.
As far as the new abilities for the characters, I'm expecting it to be something we can actively use in battle rather than a passive skill, like maybe a secondary character action. That'd be cool.
I am not expecting any new costumes for characters, which makes me sad. I really want alt colors. I would absolutely kill for a BotW 2 save data bonus in the future with Link and Zelda's new looks as costumes, but I won't hold my breath.
I could very well be completely wrong about all of this, but if anything, I really want it to be just as creative and exciting as the Master Cycle and the Flail were. Hoping for some really neat stuff.