Working my way to summoning gate now. Just got great fairy today so i have no clue how she handles. Are you forced to use her?
For Fairy Lv3 where you have to use the fairy, you use combos to take the keeps super fast and kill the hordes fast. You have to take them quick quick. The reason is, the Fairy is just garbage at killing anything with a health bar. And the last enemy hero you have to fight takes ages to kill with the fairy.
I also tried Lana's Lv3 portal weapon stage. That stage is so hard. I only just did it in time, but that was with racing to kill what I needed to kill and the going for the win, I think I had like 500KOs. Why so long? Killing anything with this weapon takes ages. Much too long. My Lana is Lv70 and my kill speed with the portal in this level is just not good enough. I could level Lana up to 99 but I don't know, I'll have to seriously think how to do this stage,
For the Lv2 portal stage I just used the Lv 3 book.
Haven't played Master Quest a lot yet
Have fun there. I have not done much of the 2nd quest map, but one of the stages I did was the usual, capture 4 keeps then kill the enemy hero and win but the scenario was "don't take damage". So Having to take 4-5 keeps, kill 3 enemy heroes while taking no damage at all (and your attacks only do normal damage), sure you can use heart pieces to stay alive it you take that first hit. One hit though and no A rank for you. I just did it for the costume and got a B rank on it.
You don't need 1200KOs there but hot damn that stage was a royal pain in the ***.
Some of these Adventure Mode stages (on both 1st and 2nd quest) are designed to be a little too hard. And a good hard either, it's just frustrating.