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Spoiler Achidna and Bheithir


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Anyone else notice they have the exact same models as Tiamat and Silitha from Darksiders 1? Only change is Bheithir is on fire and Achidna is pitch black with skull like eyes.


Lord of the Flies
Site Staff
Oct 14, 2007
West Dundee, IL
I noticed the Tiamat and Bheithir comparison. Actually, I think it was mentioned in one of those pre-release videos that the foreign website covered.

I didn't notice the Achidna battle, but that's pretty cool.

They seemed different enough where it didn't really matter. I don't think it was something where I felt... oh look, they are cutting corners just to get more enemies/bosses in there. So as long as it doesn't do that, I'm cool with it.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Oh yea i can totally agree i would of loved it if they had used achidna's model in DS instead of DSII achidna seems more apocolyptic to me, Bheithir i will never fight again damn thing slaughtered me too many times to count.


Trophy Guide Writer
Aug 7, 2012
Is it me or is everything in DS2 easier compared to DS1.

I remember how certain bosses in DS1 were very difficult but for DS2 they seem to need half the effort to defeat.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Are you kidding that bat was a nightmare in both games ugh, though most bosses are easier i haven't had any major issues, cept for jeremy (Gnashor) and that was beacuase i didn't know to rip his head off.


Lord of the Flies
Site Staff
Oct 14, 2007
West Dundee, IL
I thought Tiamat was the most difficult of the bosses from the original Darksiders. After defeating him, I had virtually no trouble with any of the other bosses.

I didn't have much trouble with the huge bosses, but some of the... side-bosses gave me trouble and some of the larger enemies. Gorewood in particular caused me to reach my Death several times. While many of the enemies/bosses didn't kill me, many caused me to use 2-3 potions just to get passed them.


Trophy Guide Writer
Aug 7, 2012

Gorewood is difficult if you are fighting him when you are a low level. If you reach like level 15 and above it gets much easier. The 4 bosses (Gorewood, Deposed King, Bhelhetir(?) and Achidna) are super easy if you fight them when you are like level 20 and above. To make it even easier what you can do is play only the main quest and complete the game then when it asks you to choose NG+ select NO and continue with all the side quests. Lower the difficulty to Easy and they practically become a cake walk.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Out of the four sidequest bosses, Gorewood is the weakest being level 10, Bheithir is level 15, Achidna is level 17 and the Deposed King is level 20, i had to laugh is you have Achidna's fangs Argul becomes so easy, all it becomes is a dodge and jab run. Bheithir gave me the most hell out of the four the others i didn't even blink a proverbial eye, i just dived in and murdered them but Bheithir i had to actually think it through and the only reason i won was because of luck and a crap ton of dodging. Helpful hint if you dodge at just the right moment you can avoid any damage especially in close range.
Nov 26, 2008
They seemed different enough where it didn't really matter. I don't think it was something where I felt... oh look, they are cutting corners just to get more enemies/bosses in there. So as long as it doesn't do that, I'm cool with it.
I can't comment on how different the fights are yet, but I would say that if they are literally the same models, there is a degree of corner-cutting done there. It's fine to consider it acceptable (hell, I do), but I don't see how you can say they weren't clearly doing that. Especially with Bheithir, being a completely optional boss.

I thought Tiamat was the most difficult of the bosses from the original Darksiders. After defeating him, I had virtually no trouble with any of the other bosses.
Tiamat's a chick, dude. You can tell she has breasts. :P I do agree that she was pretty hard, though I can't comment on the other bosses in Darksiders yet.

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