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General Art A Dedicated Story


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
The following story is dedicated to Harry Myers. A loved son, brother and friend. Rest in peace, my dear.

The girl perched on the moss covered rock. She was at her sanctuary, watching the simple waters flow around and around in the same circular pattern. Every now and again the water’s surface would be pierced and ripples would reach out to the bank. This was the perfect place to think. No one else ever ventured there. Only her. She sat and pondered. Should she have qualms about this? She refused to do anything about it for the time being, but she knew it couldn’t be put off for long.

But beyond a veil of hidden silence there was more to be discovered. She remained not uttering a single word of mouth, though her thoughts rang clear. Obviously some made the wrong assumption about the truth and took the wrong chance that paid off in a negative way. This girl was alone with her thoughts, yet surrounded by many people. Those people seemed clouded in a thick mist, trying to form a path to her mind. But that path, despite the struggle it faced, never reached its true destination. Their minds never thought as one, or even understood each other just a tiny bit.

The true intention to communicate, however farfetched it may seem, had found its way partly to some people. But this struggle still occurred every waking moment and when trialled, reached the empty ends of despair. She hoped that one day - one awaited day- that her message would reach them. That some spark in their brains would suddenly ignite and they would finally realise. But at this moment that seemed the furthest of broken promises. There was a thoughtless blockage; it trapped the river from flowing. The river of true, agreed ideas. When they come together something massive could happen. Then perhaps, we could be on the way to beginning to form an ideal world. When the greatest minds think alike. What could happen then?

The girl didn’t understand why she was thinking about this. But she was. Maybe it was because he had passed, ever since then her life had only gotten worse. He was the one person she could communicate her message to. He listened and understood her. They wondered these lonely woods together as children. The girl clenched her fist in anger. “Why do bad things always happen to good people?!” She thought, shouting but silently. She collapsed on the grass in tears, tears that could almost be heard hitting the floor. She was alone for now. But those spiteful people before…she could kill them. That is how strongly she felt about this. She ran, as far away from them as possible, to this place. It was quiet and she was alone. She felt free and happier than before. Words hurt people. She supposed they knew that. They didn’t realise that those words reached her, they did. Those words penetrated that layer of mist like daggers. Rather ironic really, that all this time she was waiting to hear good things through the mist. And after all this time, only bad things came.

We are such fragile, broken things. A life worth living is only truly discovered by the ones who cherish happiness. Or those with damaged souls. This girl had many thoughts and theories, that was one of them. She believed that there is a parallel world to ours, perhaps many worlds. And she was planning to communicate with the boy whom she loved. The one that had passed on, to another life. That small window of opportunity stretches over these vast lands, but for each person who comes face to face with it, gets their spirit engulfed by the flame. She knew what she had to do. But first, she carried on thinking. Holding on to meaningless ordeals is often an instinctive reaction to what looks a person in the eye with shattering truth. She let glass tears slip down her trembling cheeks once again; this time they penetrated the still surface, bringing movement into the dark waters. Her aura glowed intensely with passion. “Everybody wants to change the world, but no one wants to die.” She whispered. The questions in her mind at this point went on like a never ending abyss. But they were prevented from entering the minds that could realise their purpose. What has been said can be re-thought, but it cannot be erased.

She had a feeling inside her heart that she could do it. She could reach him in the world where he was dwelling. But she also felt that something with a huge significance had got the better of her memory. She struggled to recall exactly what it was she had forgotten, but her memory seemed full of fog that remained thick. The only thing she could remember was him. Her mind was alive, shouting messages out, but no one could ever receive them. From the outside, all that could be seen was a blank canvas. If only a fine artist were to come along and recognise the amazing, undiscovered world that laid beyond just an opportunity.

The girl was preparing herself. She knew what she had to do, if she had a chance to reach him in his world, she had to take it. She swiftly climbed right to the top of the highest tree. She was thinking about exactly what she would do next. She would send messages past her world, to his. She moved her arm to grasp the next branch and pull herself up. But her sweaty hand slipped and a dreaded feeling slithered around her body. She fell. The girl desperately tried to stop herself but she hurtled downwards towards the river. A scream echoed through the valley as she landed…she had taken a chance. For the one whom she loved…

That is the story of the girl who took a chance. She was alone, she felt that nobody loved her. The one person who did had passed on, to another life. The girl was trying to reach him. She fell and was knocked unconscious as she slipped under the water. Nobody was around to hear her scream, but she didn’t suffer too much. Her death was quick. But now, finally she has something more. She has now passed on to the same life as her loved one. They are finally together again, living in an alternate universe. She took a chance with devastating results, but now she is finally happy again.

We are broken.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I will say I am somewhat saddened that the experience was somewhat cheapened in the beginning. You missed a few comma cues that dropped me down. Also, for when you want to interrupt a story, while two commas work, they don't give a proper sign of interruption, two dashes are for that usually. Some of your wording is also superfluous and hurt the story a little bit. However, this story was an overall amazing tragedy.

The concept is definitely heart breaking and really calls out on the deeper sense of human emotion building up into the finale of horrifying and deep proportions. This story leads the readers on, egging for a retribution, as the inevitable clock, ticks, tocks, and dongs on the final hour. Deep rooted in our toils, that is where this story is.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I will say I am somewhat saddened that the experience was somewhat cheapened in the beginning. You missed a few comma cues that dropped me down. Also, for when you want to interrupt a story, while two commas work, they don't give a proper sign of interruption, two dashes are for that usually. Some of your wording is also superfluous and hurt the story a little bit. However, this story was an overall amazing tragedy.

The concept is definitely heart breaking and really calls out on the deeper sense of human emotion building up into the finale of horrifying and deep proportions. This story leads the readers on, egging for a retribution, as the inevitable clock, ticks, tocks, and dongs on the final hour. Deep rooted in our toils, that is where this story is.

I do find it hard to put my thoughts into words and I am still learning at school. And also, I was using parathentic commas which are used for slight breaks or brief interuption. That's just how I learned to do it at school. Sorry if the beginning wasn't very good, but I did work hard on this so I am happy to hear the overall result turned out well.


Sep 20, 2008
It's a very saddening story, Meego. It really does tap into the inner workings of human emotions. I don't care about commas...etc. It's the story that counts.

The ending was particularly striking, especially the very last line- "We are broken".

Wonderful work! Bravo!


Nov 12, 2010
Wow... That was an amazing story. By the end of the story, I was already wanting more. I hope you continue to write, because this is some of the best writing I have ever seen; better than some professionals, even.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Wow... That was an amazing story. By the end of the story, I was already wanting more. I hope you continue to write, because this is some of the best writing I have ever seen; better than some professionals, even.
Wow, thankyou! I will continue to write some more short stories because I do better with those. I have an on-going long story but my writing quality drops during that. I'll get to work on another short story today, then. ^^

It's a very saddening story, Meego. It really does tap into the inner workings of human emotions. I don't care about commas...etc. It's the story that counts.

The ending was particularly striking, especially the very last line- "We are broken".

Wonderful work! Bravo!

Thankyou. Thanks so much.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Wow... *cue "My Immortal" by Evanescense* This is lovely. You're an amazing writer, Meego.

Thankyou! And actually I had a song in mind whilst writing this, even though My Immortal is perfect I had We are Broken by Paramore in my head, give it a listen. Oh and that's where the last line came from.

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