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zelda theory

  1. RuMbLePaKk

    Write a 4th/alternative timeline branch after OoT w/ me

    Write a 4th/alternative timeline branch after OoT w/ me Ocarina of Time introduces a pivotal moment in the lore where the timeline splits into 3 branches. These timelines are the result of the final battle with Ganon at the end of OoT. As we all know, the established timelines—Child, Adult...
  2. H

    Spoiler Gloom vs. Malice???(and related topics discussion)

    Hey guys, it's me again. I know it's been a while, but I've been thinking about some stuff, and I want to discuss this with the wider community. Before going to report me for this being on the wrong forum, I would like to mention that yes, this will include my theories and questions on what I...
  3. H

    Spoiler My thoughts on the LoZ timeline and lore

    The Legend of Zelda has existed as a video game franchise with extensive lore for many, many, many years. And we've figured out most of the timeline and lore. But there are some(correction, so many) things that we still don't understand. Like, sure, many are already in denial that Skyward Sword...
  4. NOMED2111996

    Deku Scrubs in BoTW 2

    Do you guys think Nintendo should bring back Deku Scrubs? If so would you like them to be enemies or more of a civilized race like in Majora's Mask?
  5. A

    Zelda Timeline Theory (Ocarina of Time)

    It's been many years since Nintendo released the ever debatable Zelda timeline. Of course the most confusing aspect of this is the inclusion of a third timeline. So we have the Child Link Timeline, Adult Link Timeline, and Fallen Hero Timeline. All three timelines come from Ocarina of Time. We...
  6. D

    Is Link in "Twilight Princess" related to the Twili

    The reason I ask or even purpose this therory is because in every game before "Twilight Princess" Link always had a reason to have the Triforce of Courage, in "Ocarina of Time" it is because Ganondorf indirectly gave said piece of the relic to Link by just touching it. The Hero of Twilight never...
  7. Castle

    Forest Temple and the Happy Mask Salesman

    Who - or what - is the Happy Mask Salesman? It is one of the Zelda series' most prolific mysteries. First appearing as just another run of the mill shopkeeper in Hyrule's Castle Town Market, the Happy Mask Salesman is revealed in Majora's Mask to be a world traveling purveyor of ancient...
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