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  1. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a cornflake and an avatar of what I'm assuming is Ringo Starr.
  2. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is apparently not on this planet right now.
  3. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a really cool sig and has had the same avatar for quite some time. EDIT: Ninja'd. :P
  4. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is a fan of Linkin Park and Halo.
  5. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has been Ninja'd by me, because I don't eat purple people, or their hearts.XD
  6. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has made several Epic Pokemon siggies. ^^
  7. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has noticed my absence (I should have been on more...:P) and is now the queen of Revenge. Oh No! XD
  8. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    XD Has just sent me a friend request and has an animated avatar.
  9. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has annihilated quite a few games. Weapon of choice: Epic Gamer Power.
  10. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has proven that two out of every three heroes use robotic suits.
  11. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is almighty and has predicted that the fallen would rise again.
  12. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is also very active in the forum games section. Welcome to the club! :xd:
  13. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a green signature that was also made by Dragon(who I hope is feeling better).
  14. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is incredible active in the forums itself, and is on alot.
  15. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Operates on people and has Zorua in their sig.
  16. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is the person who made my avatar.
  17. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has almost 8000 points, and joined a year ago.
  18. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has no more snow on the ground and won't have to listen to the snowblower all day...
  19. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is also awesome, and is working on a story. Thanks!
  20. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has some Mario cart in their sig, along with the triforce.
  21. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Seems to share Shad with DragOn!
  22. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has lots of yellow on their posts.
  23. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has 3 dragons in their sig and is king of the bathroom. XD
  24. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    The only one I can remember the tune to would be the Serenade of the Water. I forgot all the others...XD You speak the truth! It's not art like a painting, but art in a new class of it's own. Fact: likes the flyers!
  25. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Yes I do! Im going to look up Prelude of Light tomorrow. Even though they are short, like all songs, they are a work of art. A fact? Uses alot of smilies!
  26. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Good! I haven't heard the prelude of light yet. Out of all of the teleportation songs, that's the one that I always forget. I don't know why...:P
  27. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Yes, I really like the song of storms. I really don't know why! Aw, thanks! I'm really not that cool...:) Ok, so...(goes on in lots of scientific and magical terms)...and that's how I avoid the ninja problems. Did you get all that?:P
  28. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is also a fun person to talk to! And yes, I will! That is when I can find a way to explain it clearly...:P
  29. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is right on that part...XD Let's just say... I can just manage to get out unharmed.
  30. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    She found out..!(melts into shadows) Knows who avoids the ninjas and who don't.
  31. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a good sense of humor! Must also be able to tell the future if they know that I'll be ninja'd...
  32. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has special powers of ninjaing and posting.
  33. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has said that I spoke words of wisdom. Thanks! I think I'm safe...
  34. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is now officially a ninja! Training does pay off, even if it's only five minutes of it.
  35. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    States a fact about the fact that many people have been ninja'd.
  36. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has been ninja'd again! And again!
  37. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has an ID for their cat and the best line ever in their sig. EDIT: I have failed. Yay! XD
  38. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has been Ninja'd multiple times in the last 10 minutes.
  39. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Avoided being ninja'd for the time being. EDIT: I was too slow. XD
  40. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has had many Lols in their post. (burns rest of 30 characters)
  41. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has posted here multiple times. So how many people are posting at the same time? XD
  42. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has a cat named dog. Very unique!
  43. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has an awesome sig with...different kinds of... Stuff.
  44. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has over 1000 posts. Good job!
  45. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has lots of fire in their sig.
  46. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Is a wind Mage who shaded their title green.
  47. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has lots of colorful words in their signature!
  48. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has three hearts under their name.
  49. Frigidblade

    The Member Fact Game

    Has something in another language under their name.
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