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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Ronan had effectively stunned Ravenna with his own spell, she looked frozen on her stead.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    As Game Master, “your wish is my will.”
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    The Robed figure pulled down his hood to reveal ginger orange locks, ashen green skin and red eyes. Turning to them he said, “I am Ronan.” Raveena was stunned, a Gerudo male did not come but after a century. The last one was Ganondorf.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    The Figure dropped to the ground, its spurs jingling as its robed form rose tall and approached Raveena. “Cease hostilities sorceress.. or you will know the wrath of the Gerudo.”
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Riding on a stead, a black cloaked figure charged at Raveena and released a current of emerald green lightning. The Twister suddenly changed to a light brown and became dust. The Mysterious Rider then drew a curved blade and slashed at her wand, breaking the head piece of stone. Raveena was...
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    The light beam knocked Raveena off her horse, her head smoking, when she rose up with burning orange eyes. Taking her wand she caused a great twister of fire to appear and head towards them.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena shouted, “West Eldin belongs to me! Do not interfer!”
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena turned as a contingent of her Boko were blow away. She whirled her wand and called forth skeleton soldiers from where they had been.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    The Fall of the Mines of Goron was swift, the poor rocky beings despite wielding bombs were not prone to fighting. Raveena had each cursed by her spellcraft and out to work building arms, armor, and materials for another fortress in the West Eldin.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena ordered her blue faced goblins to pour into the mines, to seize the Gorons. She waves her wand over the Gorons bound before her, and caste a spell, their eyes swirling with orange circles like ripples in a pool.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    The Bokolins began to storm the mountain side. The knocked the short and stock Gorons to the ground. Bombs exploded, and Raveena rode her horse into the smoke of this scene. Her eyes fixating on Gorons who were pinned to the ground.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena crossed into West Eldin with her Boko, there the great mountains shook as Gorons rolled bombs down to create new mines. The strong but gentle looking souls were hard at work when Raveena raising a wand sent a bomb back at them, exploding at the peak.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena reached her homeland, it was hot though not mountainous like The West. There she rode to a fortress made of Goron Stone, within its confines stirred many spears. As the draw bridge fell, before her was Bokoblins dresses in bronze armor with capes of fine orange. Their blue faces...
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena watched them battle these ‘guardians’ which she found amusing. Now that the barrier was gone she turned to Morgoron, “We must away to West Eldin.. I shall summon my forces to come lend aid.” She turned on her white stead and smirked, [ooc: I gotta go for a bit, I’ll have Raveena...
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    They would doing the work she needed, the barrier being broken would endure a clear path for Raveena.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena had guardian appear near her and she with he fan blade extended the blades and slashed one across the neckline.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    A fairy from the Gerudo lands.. that was unusual.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena giggled, not something she tended to do. This Teleporter had a way of making her laugh.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena, “Ceif, tell me.. what brought you here?”
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena paused, “I met her just as you did, in the cave.”
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena turned as she took her weapon and fanned herself. “The cave.. we were meeting with delegation of Gorons. They blew the place.. and now it is war!”
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Ravenna took the fan of burgundy with knives from Cief.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena simply observes, keeping pace on her stead, Mogron running behind.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Morgoron helped his Mistress sit on a white stead.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena removed a blood orange ocarina from her dress and began to play a tune. Some horses came galloping.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    The Princess of West Eldin followed this spunky soul. Her power to teleport showed promise. “Get up Morgoron.” The Goron obeyed and followed.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena dusted her shoulders from cave dust, Mogoron fell on his face. Raveena nodded.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena took the arm of the Maiden, Mogoron followed his Mistress and did the same.
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena turned to see a Maiden with magenta locks. She did not recognize her, though perhaps she could be of assistsnce in her aims. “Mogron! Arise my servant!” The Goron rose like a rock, and came stumbling to her side. “Yes Mistress!”
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    Game Thread The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Dragons

    Raveena’s white irises with a soft paint of fire opal orange appeared as her lids opened and she looked at the fairy, she then moved in her tangerine dress and saw Mogron was out cold. “The Easterners.. those Gorons attacked us. Only my magic saved us from the bombs.”
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