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  1. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 168!

    I will watch with delight, as I do with all their series! It's always one of the highlights of my day when a new episode comes out!
  2. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 168!

    If you do get the time you should really watch them, they're hilarious! :) Every episode is only about 10 minutes, but sometimes it can be slightly longer
  3. VikzeLink

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 168!

    Last week's winners: Last week's Question: Throughout the games, there have been many ways to traverse water, which was your favorite? Third Place: Draw between "Dimitri" and "Water Dragon Scale" (8.3% each) Second Place: Draw between "The King of Red Lions" and "Zora Armor" (16.7% each) First...
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